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Automatically detecting unique information in tickets (EAP)

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Hi, nice feature! 
Can we have synonym names for the same product/dropdown field value? For example, the product name is called TerraExplorer Pro, but some clients call it TEP or TerraExplorerPro. 
Or per your example, Camera Model A or CMA should point to the same Product Line dropdown field value.


Hi, nice feature! 
Can we have synonym names for the same product/dropdown field value? For example, the product name is called TerraExplorer Pro, but some clients call it TEP or TerraExplorerPro. 
Or per your example, Camera Model A or CMA should point to the same Product Line dropdown field value.


The Dropdown field should be Multiple Selection for multiple products.
Some requests can be relevant to multiple products, for example, Camera Model A and Camera Model B. However, the drop-down field allows only one product.


Two questions about taxonomy:

  1. Is taxonomy case sensitive?
  2. Is the detection smart enough to detect variations of the same word or should each option be entered? For example, invoice/invoices or reconcile/reconciliation


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Anton Maslov

Zendesk Luminary

Erin O'Callaghan any plans to add the same functionality for the Regex field type? It would be nice to automatically add like order ID or license number.


As Anton writes, yes, please, to Regex field type!


It'd be very valuable for us to capture e.g. what order no or invoice no the inquiry is about in tickets via email. It seems that it's not possible at the moment. So the regex extractor would highlight the recognized order id and there'd be an optional rule to add it to an order id custom field?

I also wonder how e.g. multiple order references in one ticket would be handled. Unsupported? In the same field with preferred separators? 


For the time being, we are happy to test the existing capabilities of this functionality. Just need to identify some use cases… My initial testing suggests that the entity recognition works straight away.


+1 to Yaniv, looking for the entity detection to be able to catch on synonyms or slight misspellings.



- entity: Nikon D7500

- variation that should still classify with the same entity: nikoond7500, d7500, nd7500, etc.



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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Anton Maslov and Tatiana Christensen, regarding plans to add this functionality for the Regex field type, that enhancement is something the team is investigating for future implementation!


Erin O'Callaghan Any idea on when Regex fields or dates fields will be available to complete? Also, are you planning to include the possibility to create a definition of the information to extract from the ticket. (Exemple : Extract the date of the event the customer wants to attend / Result : Complete a date field on the form). Thanks





I am setting this up in our account but it doesn´t seem to work properly.  The AI is simply reading whether the customer is saying the “magic” word indicated in the custom field, but not really paying attention to the context or anything. 


Can anyone review this with me? thank you! 



Any update on the release on pattern detection yet?
Ability to identify the order number and populate a custom field would be a brilliant functionality for us. 

It may seem trivial but shaving AHT by a few seconds on thousands of tickets and increasing accuracy would be great!



Firstly, I appreciate the new entity prediction feature.

I do have some feedback and questions about it. I've been trialling this, just for reporting purposes so far and with more frontline automation purposes later on.


My example is the prediction field I set up named “Product Line Prediction”, with a taxonomy of products which my company produces. 



  • False Positives. Some of those products in house here have a rather generic name such as  ‘Inspections’  so it's getting detected or predicted in normal unrelated sentences. More specifically, I needed those product names to be treated as nouns rather than generic verbs being detected. Any recommendations on that? Any plans for an exclusions, ‘exact match’ or noun/verb type of setting?
  • Multi-value There are situations where a multi value would be useful i.e. both product a and product b detected , and can feed into VOC reporting or into automated procedures involving 2 products- is this available or considered as a future feature?

Also a reporting recipe document would be useful. A tip I'll share with the community here regarding validating the AI, is : 

using the Support tickets data set in explore reporting,  add a row for Brand, ticket ID, Intent, [Your automatic  Entity name}, [your manual categorisation field that staff use]. I've been comparing the prediction fields to the fields that staff use currently to categorise the ticket. This comparison helps isolate any unusual Intent or Entity predictions






Hi team,


Can I have a quick check with you on whether Entity Detection has the capability to update automatically the other existing ticket fields already in place beside the newly created Entity field?


Is it something possible automatically or can only be achieved for now using conventional setup like triggers and automations?



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