Views are a way to group tickets based on certain criteria. You can access your views list and open any view to see the tickets associated with that view. The views list includes up to 100 active standard and shared team views and up to 10 personal views.
Admins and agents with permission can categorize shared views to create a folder structure that reflects your organization and allows you to better monitor work across your teams. Admins and agents with permission can also categorize their personal views to quickly navigate their expanded views list.
Understanding views categorization
Create views categories and subcategories from the Views page in Admin Center. When you create categories and subcategories for your views, you’re creating a folder structure in the Views panel in the Zendesk Agent Workspace. These folders are expandable and collapsible and can help you better navigate your views.
Views can be categorized in a hierarchy of up to three levels under your Shared and Personal Views folders in the Agent Workspace.
About categories
You can create a category by entering a double colon (::) in a view’s title field. For example:
Tier 2::Returns
In the example above, the text preceding the double colon is a category; the text after the double colon is the view. In the Agent Workspace, the view (in this case, Returns) is nested under the category folder (Tier 2).
- Tier 2::Refunds
- Tier 2::Sales
- Tier 2::Recently solved
In the Agent Workspace, the views Recently solved, Refunds, Returns, and Sales are all nested under the Tier 2 category folder. The total number of tickets in the category is shown to the right of the category name.
About subcategories
Similar to categories, you can create view subcategories by using the double colon (::) syntax in a view’s title. A subcategory is the third level in a view folder hierarchy so you’ll enter the double colon twice in the view’s title. For example:
Tier 2::Tier 2 - Escalated::Urgent
In this example, the text after the first double colon (Tier 2 - Escalated) is the subcategory; the text after the second double colon (Urgent) is the view. In the Agent Workspace, the view is nested under the subcategory folder which is nested under the category folder (Tier 2).
- Tier 2::Tier 2 - Escalated::Pending
- Tier 2::Tier 2 - Escalated::Hold
In the Agent Workspace, the Tier 2 - Escalated subcategory is nested under the Tier 2 category folder. The Tier 2 - Escalated subcategory views - Urgent, Pending, and Hold - are nested under the subcategory folder. The total number of tickets in the subcategory is shown to the right of its name.
Creating view categories and subcategories
Admins and agents with permission can create categories and subcategories for shared and personal views.
To categorize views
- In Admin Center, click
Workspaces in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Views.
Create a new view or edit an existing view.
Alternatively, you can clone a view.
- In the view’s title field, do one of the following:
- To create a category, enter the category name, followed by a double colon (::) and view name. For example, Tier 2::Returns.
- To create a subcategory, enter the category name, followed by a double colon (::), subcategory name, another double colon (::), and the view name. For example, Tier 2::Tier 2 - Escalated::Urgent.
- To create a category, enter the category name, followed by a double colon (::) and view name. For example, Tier 2::Returns.
- Set the view's access, conditions, and grouping as needed (see Creating views).
- Click Save.
You can continue to add views to the categories and subcategories you create. Note that the category and subcategory text (that is, the text before a double colon) must match exactly. See Understanding views categorization.
Tiffany King
This isn't working for our instance. Can you check on the status of this? Thanks.
Tiffany King
Hi this is not showing up for our instance yet. Can I get the status of this? Thanks.
Colleen Hall
Hi Tiffany King , this feature is in the process of rolling out. The roll out will complete on October 4, 2024, so you should see it soon! Please refer to our Announcements section for more information.
Vinicius Henrique da Silva
Não funciona ainda.
EuroPark app lietotnes atbalsts
Hello, any updates when this will be live?
Why limit personal views to 10?
With this new functionality, it would be interesting to be able to create more.
Thks in advance
Ryan Jamieson
Love that this is coming. That said, the rollout was supposed to be completed yesterday (October 4) and this functionality is not working in our instance. Was there a delay?
Bruno Gabriel
Not working here also.
Tommi Lankinen
Still not working?
Agnieszka Pyzik
Hi Arnaud,
Thank you for your valuable feedback! Could you please create a separate post regarding the idea of extending the limit for personal views? This will allow us to gauge how many customers share this need, and we can then consider whether to adjust the limit further.
Agnieszka Pyzik
Hi everyone!
The feature is being rolled out gradually, so if it’s not working for you yet, it may not have been released to your pod. Below, you can find more details about our rollout strategy for this feature.
The feature has been rolled out to the following pods: 13, 15, 19, 25, 26, 30, 31 and 50% of pods 18, 20, and 29.
Tomorrow, October 8th, we will release it to 100% of pods 18, 20, and 29.
On October 9th and 10th, we will release the feature to pods 17, 23, 27, and 28.
The full rollout is expected to be completed by October 11th.
Vinicius Henrique da Silva
I sometimes wonder if Zendesk developers think we are ignorant when it comes to improvements.
What's the point of categorizing if there are limited views?
For example, with personal views, you have the freedom to create several personal views and with categorization, it would be even easier to organize yourself, but they simply don't appear if you go over 10.
Forcing you to keep opening the main views page, which doesn't even have filters.
Many of our Views are assigned to different groups. Does the “Who has access” option affect the nesting functionality i.e. “Who has access” MUST be “Any Agent”?
Agnieszka Pyzik
Hi Vinicius Henrique da Silva,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the categorisation and views in Zendesk.
I want to highlight that we increased the limit for shared views from 12 to 100 last year, which was a response to customer feedback like yours. The last increase from 30 to 100 shared views was introduces jointly with the categorisation feature.
We are always looking to improve our platform, and your input is invaluable in guiding those changes. If there's enough demand for adjustments regarding personal views limit, we will certainly consider them.
We appreciate your engagement!
Best regards,
Agnieszka Pyzik
Hi Betty,
I wanted to clarify that the "Who has access" feature does not impact the categorization functionality. You can categorize any view you wish.
For agents, we will display only the views they have access to, along with categories that contain at least one view accessible to them. If you create categories for group views, they will be visible only to that group and admins.
I hope it helps. If you have more question, let me know.
Best regards,
Hi Agnieszka Pyzik you mentioned that “On October 9th and 10th, we will release the feature to pods 17, 23, 27, and 28.”
I'm on POD 17 and haven't received this update yet.
Rich Lorenzo
Still only 10 personal views. Why? I've been waiting for nested views for over a decade and what we finally get is a disappointment.
I (finally) got this feature today and I was confused as to why I could only see some of my personal views which I had prepared ahead of time with categorization. I guess I hadn't read this article very carefully.
There probably isn't any explanation that could ease my disappointment, but I’d still appreciate understanding the product rationale behind this decision from an intellectual standpoint. At this point, I’m completely dumbfounded.
The only way I can make sense of this is that deep-seated technical limitations make what seems like an obvious enhancement more challenging to implement than it appears. To me as the average Zendesk user, it doesn’t make sense that increasing shared views to 100 is possible, yet personal views are limited to 10. Without a better understanding of the underlying architecture, this limitation feels arbitrary and unclear why it wouldn't have been addressed as part of this enhancement.
Aaron Miller
We desperately need a way to roll this back. I appreciate that this could be helpful for certain companies, but we just got this rolled out to us this morning and it has undone all of the view organization we had in place.
Jarod Stanton
I am new to Zendesk and still learning the tool. Is there a limit to the number of categories and sub-categories I can create?
Agnieszka Pyzik
Hello everyone,
Dear Aaron Miller I sent you en email directly, please check.
Dear karankuwarbidxb please create a ticket for our support. The feature has been released to your pod already, so it is difficult to diagnose the issue here.
Dear Rich Lorenzo, thank you for your feedback. I understand the importance of this feature for you. Views are a core component of our system, and we want to ensure that any changes we make do not compromise performance. Our priority is to avoid any potential issues that could hinder our customers from performing their daily tasks effectively. This is the main reason why we are approaching the increase in limits gradually. I recognize how important it is for you to have a higher limit for personal views. We will analyze the feasibility of such an improvement, but we cannot implement it immediately.
Thank you for your understanding.
This is impacting severely our day by day. Our agents can´t be clicking all day long so this is totally inefficient. We need please to roll this back.
How can we do it? thank you.
Agnieszka Pyzik
Dear Enrique I sent you en email directly, please check.
Ian Morgan
I understand that the value written next to the shared or personal views is a total of all tickets in that category of views. Why is that useful? In our use case we have tickets which will appear in 2 or 3 different views depending on how they are categorised. I am sure there is a use case where this is useful but I just can't see it.
Apeksha Shah
Hi Team,
I wanted to check if the views categorization is only limited to personal views? We are actually looking to categorize the “Shared Views” and we aren't able to do so.
Please suggest!
Trent Whalan
Could the category total count be updated to represent a distinct count of tickets?
We have some views within a category that contain the same ticket(s).
- These tickets are currently counted in each view within the category which provides an incorrect total of tickets within the category.
In the example below, Esclated and Expiring tickets are also included in the Open & Pending tickets so the correct total should be 10 but has counted these tickets for each view provided an incorrect total of 15.
Mackenzie Ribbink
I would agree with Trent in that we'd like the total to show distinct tickets rather than the total of all subcategories. Our reasons are pretty much the same but I can still share our use case. We have a Tier 1 category and views within that category that show a view with all Tier 1 tickets, tickets for just product A, tickets for just product B, and an introductory view for each of our products. This over doubles the amount of tickets actually in Tier 1, misleading the user looking at it.