Why can't I BCC users on tickets in Zendesk?
In Zendesk BCC's are not recognized and are not supported in tickets outside of side conversations. When a user is added as a BCC on an inbound email, the user will not be added or acknowledged anywhere in the ticket or events. Additionally, BCC's are not notified of any ticket updates from the agent interface.
When the BCC'd user responds to the original email it may be captured through the system's inbound email threading processes causing the message to be appended to the existing ticket in the form of a private note.
As an alternative, if your account has access to side conversations you can open a new side conversation and add a BCC to the side conversation within the ticket. For more information, see the article: Using CCs, followers, and @mentions.
Zendesk Sell includes BCC functionality, why not Support?
Dave Dyson
Can you add your use case to this thread in our product feedback topics? Support Needs BCC Option
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
Hello :)
Is there a way to know if a ticket is created because someone BCC'd in a Support address? Other than viewing the original email in the ticket - which doesn't show the BCC information anyway...but I guess this could be used...except it's cumbersome. Doing it on every ticket would be a pain.
As an agent, I'd like to know that the ticket was created due to us (the Support team) being BCC'd, so I don't inadvertently reply with sensitive information.
See this video for an example.
Many thanks
We don't have a way to detect incoming email if the support address has just been added as a BCC. I'd recommend creating a Community post separately for that with your use case to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature. For the meantime, I'll also mark this as a feedback. Thank you for understanding.
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
Many thanks Dane. I think it's an edge case anyway so all good.
If Zendesk doesn't see value in this as a feature (even if it's possible) then that's completely fine with me ;)
Lee Linton
I mean I don’t think youd really want any of the regarding the official answer I don’t think anyone would be expecting any of that function or features you mention if someone is added as a BCC, actually it would be one reason I would BCC someone. If I wanted that person to reply or be involved in the ticket more than just being bcc’d on a reply then just bring em out of the shadows from the BCC FIELD and add them using one of the methods described. So yeah the hole purpose is to not be seen or heard if they replied then my covert action of bcc’ing is exposed
Lee Linton
Makes sense Zendesk sell has bcc function. ZD doesnt want you BCCIng other CRMs and be able to log that information… that my friend is one aspect they can take away from u but if you need it, then ther is a way your just gonna have to pay money. Same with the once useful Zopim live chat interface, notice how the ability to use it went away followed by all functions that could possibly be useful for a sales team?. Starting with the live chat interface itself which is one major component that acclereated the growth and was Key in taking Zendesk to its peak (unfortunately when you peak there is only one direction to possibly go unless you stick to what got you there) but Zendesk did the very predictable thing removed zopim any other feature that would possibly be useful for sales (I.E. chat history, site visitors and more). You can still get all of those functions but to do so Zendesk now requires you to pay them more money and use more of their services). Sad to see companies steer away from what got them to where they once were especially when it’s due to greed. This was when the peak plateaued and as contracts come up for renewal combined with inflation and ecomony causing compsines to rethink what services are expendable, etc, Zendesk made there’s an easy choice to put in the exoendable list when they removed the value of a live chat actually worked like traditional live chat and could be used by a sales team. This was too much to bear and so they took what made them unique and told people it was not compatible or whatever it was and rhey became more competitive with their own competitors by becoming less attractive competitors, that once had no chance of competing are now able to and fairing well