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Configuring data sync from Salesforce to Zendesk

Edited Oct 17, 2024




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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Jason Wong

If a contact in SFDC belongs to a given account and you're syncing accounts from SFDC into Zendesk organizations, that relationship should be created in Zendesk when the contact syncs after the account sync has taken place. 

There is some good documentation about account relationship syncing within 

Please contact support if there are questions not covered by those articles or if you're seeing behavior that disagrees with what we've documented.


Can I set a matching criteria from Salesforce based on the domain name of the organization in Zendesk? The interface allows me to map this field, but I'm not seeing it as an option in the matching criteria?


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Daniel Clymore-Greene

It's not currently possible to match based on the domain name field, as it's not something that's indexed for the search (on which that matching relies). It should be possible to sync a single SFDC field into multiple fields within Zendesk. As such, it should be possible to push it into a custom Organization field and then use that field for matching instead. 


Thanks Dwight Bussman. Is it possible to push the "Domains" name field that get's automatically added to orgs, into a custom Org field, and then use that custom field to match to Salesforce? I know I can have Salesforce push the field to Zendesk once matched, but the specific ask here is to find a way to utilize the domain name that comes in via email address and is automatically added to the ticket and respective org. In this way, ZD orgs would automatically be created and updated with the SF data sync without us having to manually create the ZD org every time a new customer inquires to ZD Support.


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

heyO Daniel Clymore-Greene

The issue here is that there are contradictory goals that cannot both be fulfilled by the same field:

  1. Default system Domains field
    - Is responsible for users being automatically added to an org when their users are created in zendesk (when they reach out to Zendesk for the first time) 
    - Cannot be used for matching as it is not indexed for search

  2. Custom Org Field
    - does nothing in terms of users being added to orgs
    - Can be used for sync-matching for the integration since custom org-fields are indexed for search

You should be able to set both fields (the system field as well as a custom field) from a single SFDC field as shown here: 

Please feel free to contact our support team if you're having difficulties syncing into multiple fields as shown above.


Dwight Bussman Understood, but what I'm wondering is if I can set the "2.Custom Org Field" from the "1.Default System Domains" field. Is that possible? 


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Daniel - sorry I misunderstood the question. It is not currently possible to set a custom organization field directly based on the default system domains field. 



I can't seem to get the integration to update the user's Zendesk organization when their related contact account is changed in Salesforce. Is this because the integration can't use lookup fields? Is there a workaround for this as having a Zendesk user under a different org than their related Salesforce account will become a major issue for us.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi John, I have updated you via a ticket with us regarding this matter. I look forward to solve this for you!


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David Gillespie

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone!

We appreciate your feedback on this topic and would love to hear more directly from you live. Please join us on September 12th at 5PM CDT for our PM Roundtable on our Salesforce integration.

It’ll be an open discussion on what is and isn’t working for you on with the Salesforce integration built by Zendesk. We're collecting feedback at the moment to help inform a new roadmap of improvements across the integration. So please bring those questions, concerns and use cases because we want to hear from you!

The link to register can be found here, we’d love to see you all there.




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David Gillespie

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Everyone,

Following up on this thread after our PM Roundtable on the Salesforce Integration. Just wanted to stay another big thank you for providing feedback in this area.

In case you missed the PM Roundtable session, please find the deckrecording, and follow up article. Thank you again for your feedback!





Is there a way to force a sync for all organisation data from Salesforce to ZD?

We have had the integration in place for a few years now and I have added a new field to sync but of course this will only sync new or updated org's, I would like to refresh the info in ZD with the info in SFDC?




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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Paul Spencer - We've got this article on how to push a large volume of records :

If that isn't quite what you're after, I would encourage reaching out to our support folks to discuss further.


Thanks for that Dwight Bussman, it's not quite what I'm after, as I'm not an admin of SFDC I don't think I would have permissions. I was hoping that maybe you guys had developed something in the background.

I'll try reaching out to support and see if they have any ideas.

Thanks again,



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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Ah - If by "reaching out to support" you mean Zendesk's support folks, I suspect our support team will give a similar answer: there isn't currently a way for our integration to "pull" a large volume of records from SFDC - they'd need to be "pushed" via an update to one of their mapped fields as documented in that article. I'm not aware of a good method for batch-update of records within SFDC without leveraging the API, but perhaps some SFDC admins know additional tricks for that kind of action.


Is there any alternate/workaround to sync a Lookup field from SFDC Account Object to a Zendesk Organization field?  


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Ankush Khurana - I recommend reviewing the steps outlined in this article: 

While it's not possible to directly map a lookup field, it recommends making a Formula Field to output the relevant value from the record referenced in the lookup field (often name, but use case may dictate some other piece of information). 

Note: if you're mapping a formula field for syncing, changes to that formula field will not trigger the sync unless you follow a workflow similar as the one described here: 


I am wondering if I can get clarification on this statement from the guide notes above.

Once a successful match of existing records has been made, or a new record has been created in Support, the Salesforce and Support records are linked. This means that subsequent updates to the record in Salesforce don't use matching criteria but instead update the linked record in Support.

How is the organization in Zendesk linked to Salesforce, is it the Synced organization mapping section of the configuration?  I'm noticing that I am getting failures in the logs for id exists already, I wonder if it's because there is no link between the two systems that identifies that this record is already there and only needs an update not a creation.



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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

heyO Jason Wong

We elaborate on that linkage a bit more within 

If you contact our support team, we can look into your specific errors more closely to discuss with specific examples the links that exist, how they came to be, as well as some possible options for fixing them.


I am receiving this type of error message.

"message": "Fail State with Cause: Contact ID 0033400001rCgXDAA0 failed to sync :: Record validation errors :: Failed to create/update Zendesk record :: details: map[external_id:[map[description:External 0033400001rCgXDAA0 has already been taken error:DuplicateValue]]]."

I would expect that it would only attempt an update and not a create.  Part of this is if the Account Name changes but there is already an external id that is mapped to the SFDC record where this causes confusion I believe.



Hi there,

I'm having issues with 2 way sync, SalesForce is back-syncing to Zendesk.

How do I make this one way sync only Zendesk feeds the data?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi there,
I think by disabling the option in system permission as shown in this article.


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Halomi Sukhbaatar - The data sync in this article has been designed so that Salesforce pushes to Zendesk when an account/contact/lead is updated in SFDC. Changing an Organization/User in Zendesk will not update the corresponding record in SFDC. The only portion of this sync which changes the Salesforce record is the setting for Synced organization mapping

in the case of the Account Sync

(or Synced User Mapping in the case of Contact/Lead Sync)

If a field is designated here, the first successful sync of a record will set that field to the record ID of the Zendesk Organization (or User). 



We have the integration set up to sync SalesForce accounts to ZenDesk organizations based on the name.

I noticed in testing things out that the name for one customer was a bit different in SalesForce than ZenDesk, so I changed the ZenDesk name because SalesForce account names are already integrated to a different application for contracting and cannot be changed.

My question is - will a sync occur again automatically to find a match between the names? If so, how often does that happen? If not, how can I force one to happen?

We might find naming inconsistencies here and there and based on what I read above, the sync is one way so a change in ZenDesk will not update SalesForce. However, I also ready that the sync looks for matches - it seemed like, though not explicitly stated - that happens periodically.

Please help!


Oh hey Dwight Bussman!!

Your comment above actually answers my question partially. So my question as to how to force a sync remains. You mentioned that an account record being updated in SF will push a sync to ZenDesk. So, for example, could I just update some field in an account record in salesforce, change it back, and then a sync will happen? What do I need to do to force an account match with the integration after updating the name of an organization in ZD - so that a match happens and corresponding tickets show up via the integration in SF?


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

heyO Colin Hutzan

In order to trigger the sync a few things must be true:

  1. the updated field must be one of the mapped fields
  2. it must be updated in a way that generates a streaming pushtopic event (i.e. NOT via bulk API) 
  3. the account must meet the sync filter conditions (if present)

In terms of how the account matches for that sync, that depends on whether an account has successfully synced before.

Here's a general description of the two paths:

If an account has never successfully synced, the integration uses the matching criteria to try to find a single matching organization in Zendesk. If no match is found, the integration attempts to create a new organization. If one match is found, the integration syncs the account to update that organization. If multiple matches are found, the integration logs an error to the integration logs because it's unable to resolve this conflict.

If an account has successfully synced previously (and the related organization still exists), the integration will update that same organization (regardless of whether it still matches based on the matching criteria) because it has a record of that "sync relationship". This means that if you're matching based on name and an account called Company A syncs over, linking it to an organization called Company A. If that account's name later changes to Spiffy Company A, the pre-existing "sync relationship" means that the Company A organization would be updated to have that name (assuming there is not already a different organization with that name)

I'd be happy to discuss this in a ticket/on a call if I'm failing to describe the above sufficiently well.


Hey Dwight Bussman, thank you.

Our integration is set up to match organization name with account record name.

Since that is a mapped field, I just went and edited the SalesForce organization name, then changed it back (so it matches the ZenDesk organization name again, the one that I had changed earlier).

We have no sync filtering.

This situation is where there was never a successful sync with this account because the account name was slightly different from the organization name in ZenDesk. I've now trued that up by changing the ZenDesk organization name to match the account name in SalesForce. We cannot edit SalesForce account names as they are integrated to other systems already.

How do I now make sure the account match happens and tickets populate properly?

We can certainly have a call! We have another item to follow up on anyway :)

Book time with Colin Hutzan  


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Colin, 
Now that account name matches the organization name, you should be able to trigger the sync by changing any other mapped field. I recommend having a checkbox field or something similarly innocuous so that you can trigger the sync at will (either individually, or in large batches as documented in this article). 
Please feel free to reach out if there's something else on which we need to follow up from our previous conversation. I'll try to keep an eye out for your ticket, but if you reference our earlier conversation / this thread, whoever grabs it will route it appropriately.


Accounts to Organisation Sync Question - 

When testing the sync, did you make updates to the Salesforce fields that are mapped to Zendesk? Sync is only triggered when a mapped field is updated.

Is there a limit to how many records can be updated at the same time? I ran into an issue when updating 217 account records at the same time gave an error and it updated only a few. Is there a count limit when making these updates?


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Soumitra Joshi

Our integration should be able to "throttle" those updates so they all attempt to sync into Zendesk. 

I'd recommend reviewing the integration logs to see if there sync failures therein. 

I've seen customers update tens of thousands of accounts using the "batch update" method documented here: 


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