Suite | Enterprise or Enterprise Plus
Support with | Guide Enterprise
Content Cues uses machine learning technology and article usage data to help you discover opportunities and tasks that will improve your knowledge base health.
There are two types of content cues:
- Support topics: AI-powered support topic identification automatically reviews incoming Support tickets and identifies common questions and keywords. As part of this process, Content Cues tags related tickets with a corresponding Support topic ID. It's good practice to go through the underlying support tickets to understand how to better help your customers by updating or creating relevant help center articles.
- Articles to review: Identifies both your top performing and underperforming help center articles. Top performing articles are comprised of the top 30 articles with at least 10 views each. Underperforming articles are articles with 0 views each that were updated in the last 14 days. Identifying the top performing content over the last 30 days helps you ensure the top performing content is relevant and up to date. Identifying underperforming content gives you the opportunity to either improve or archive content that is no longer relevant.
This article covers the following topics:
Account requirements
Support topics | Articles to review | |
Plan type | Guide Enterprise | Guide Enterprise |
User settings / View permissions | Guide agent or admin with full ticket access in Support | Guide agent or admin |
Other requirements |
At least 100 support tickets with 1-7 replies from the past 60 days from email, API, or webform in one or more of the following languages:
Note: Tickets over 20 MB are not included.
At least five help center articles. |
Content Cues viewing permissions
Your role and support privileges influence what you can see in Content Cues. If you are a Guide agent or admin, you can see the Articles to review tab, because it does not rely on support permissions. However, because Support tickets might contain sensitive customer information, you must be a Guide agent or admin with full ticket access in Support to view the Support topics tab.
These are the roles and viewing permissions for each of the Content Cues tabs:
- Support topics tab: Guide agents or admins with full ticket access in Support. A Guide agent requires non-restricted agent rights in Support to view the Support topics tab.
- Articles to review tab: Guide agents or admins
Accessing the Content Cues admin page
The Content Cues admin page is where you can view, address, dismiss, or resolve content suggestions.
To access the Content Cues admin page
- In Knowledge admin, click Manage articles
) in the sidebar.
- Under the Lists tab in the left menu, click Content
- Click the tabs to review your content signals and take action.
- Support topics: Includes topics that have been commonly mentioned in Support tickets (see Reviewing suggested Support topics in Content Cues).
- Articles to review: Lists articles in your help center that require updating or reviewing (see Reviewing articles to update in Content Cues.)
Hi, Is it possible to exclude tickets from Content Cue recommendations? (via tag?)
We have a group that sends around a lot reference material on agent created outbound tickets. This ends up creating a lot of false positives in the content cues.
Thank you!
Clifford James Lacson
Thanks for reaching out to us! My name is Clifford from the Advocacy department and I'll be the one assisting you with your concern.
Unfortunately, there isn't a way to exclude any kinds of content at this time for the Content Cues feature. It aggregates information from all of your tickets together. I apologize for this limitation, as your workflow will produce the results you are seeing and there isn't a way around this.
That said, I encourage you to create a new post in the Guide Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are helpful for our product teams to understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions. You may also want to review the Product feedback guidelines and how to write an effective feedback post.
Please let me know if you have further questions!
Hi, I'm trying to identify what the content cue tags mean so I can understand whether they're useful. However, of the 22 cues I've found in the tag list, only 11 of them are visible in the Help Center. Is there a way to find out what the rest of them are?
Is there a way of excluding particular terms from machine learning? For example, some companies include their registration numbers in their email signature and these get included in the cues, which is extremely unhelpful. Is there a way to remove them from existing cues?
Guide admins should be able to access all information in the Content Cues. However, I'm not fully aware on what tags are you pertaining to. Can you share a screenshot of it?
As it turns out, there's no option yet to exclude particular terms in the Content Cues Machine Learning. I'd recommend creating a Community post separately for that with your use case to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature.
Renée Meloche
Hi, is there any way to mark a content cue "resolved" or indicate that it has been addressed, rather than just dismissing it? It would be helpful to have an archive of content cues to see if there are recurring issues and also to keep track of them.
As it turns out, content cue archives is not yet an available future. Content cues is just providing recommendation on what article needs attention. Once it has been removed from the list it will be re-evaluated after 90 days.
Are there any plans to make it possible to customise - or better, turn off - content cues in any way? I have also posted in the Community about this but nothing about this feature is useful to us.
Gwyn Mabo
I would also like to be able to customise content cues, such as by excluding certain ticket types. For example, our Help Centre only documents expected functionality (not bugs) so we would like to be able to exclude bug tickets from contributing to our cues.
Jake Warren
There is a negative side effect to this feature where the content cue tag automatically being added to a ticket modifies the last update time for the ticket. Our views leverage the "updated" column so we can quickly see what tickets haven't been touched in awhile and need attention. So these content cues are preventing that visibility by updating tickets.
Clint Huffman
Is there a way to define the threshold in which a support topic is recommended? We take a large volume of cases every month - for a recommendation to be meaningful, we'd like to be able to set and tune the threshold.
Jupete Manitas
Can you share more about the threshold? Generally, there is no option yet to set/define/drill when viewing Support topics but it is per brand of your help center. You can revisit this guide as well for reference: Reviewing suggested support topics in Content Cues. Thank you!
It is quite irritating that the content cue is also applied to tickets with the status "closed". This has just caused us some problems. As we understand it, closed tickets should not and must not change.