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Giving agents access to Talk

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




Hey Zendeskteam, 

iam not sure if this is the right way to ask

we are facing the issue for some User that permissions to Talk (Agent) get lost in the Admincenter for unclear reason. 

That means the Talkfunktion is not given for the Agent anymore and have to setup again manually in the Admincenter. It happen just to 4 Users out off ~40 in not regulary intvals. 

iam pretty sure we are not running out off licences but may there is a Overview showing me available/in use licences.

thanks for your Help



I don't see "Save" button after I make changes.


I just submitted a support ticket for this. My agents and I no longer have the Talk icons in the Support suite and this is not the first time this has happened. Previously we just reconfigured everything, logged out, cleared cache & cookies, and it showed up eventually. This time I'm not going through that effort, the agents all have either Team Lead or Agent roles and noone has Talk options available in Support. Not sure if something changed recently.


Is there a way to enable talk as an Admin? I need to be able to take or make calls while also having the Admin access on our Zendesk account. 


In the Suite professional, Talk agents can also access the dashboard. Can we somehow disable this?


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Anton Verhelst

You should be able to toggle this access from your user roles section.
The last toggle box under Analytics offers the ability to view the Talk dashboard.

Hope this helps!



Brandon Tidd There are no User roles in Suite professional. Any idea where we can remove acces there?


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Ahh yes, apologies as it does appear that is an enterprise only feature.

My suggestion would be to post this as a suggestion as product feedback outlining your need to restrict agents from viewing the Talk dashboard.


It doesn't look like anyone answered Nichole Harrop. Can you explain why a Talk admin can't make or receive calls? I am an admin who does occasionally call customers. I guess for now I'll just toggle permissions but this just seems a bit odd. Thanks for your consideration on this!


Hi Nichole Harrop & Jeremy Watkin!

If you want to have Talk admin access while also being able to make or receive calls, set yourself as Team Leader – as the above article says:

  • Team lead: A team lead is a Talk admin who can also make or receive calls.


Thank you for the clarity, @...! I think my natural inclination when managing my permissions was to just make myself an admin on everything. Glad you've taken the time to define what each of the levels means.


Glad I could help, Jeremy!


Hello! I can active using API endpoint?


Olá Lennon, tudo bem?
Edivar aqui do time Premier.
Vejo que possui duvidas referente a configuraçao do Talk. Se possivel, poderia me enviar maiores detalhes sobre o que está buscando para que possa tentar ajuda-lo, por favor?
Com os melhores cumprimentos.


Olá Edivar Santos, tudo bem?

Gostaria de entender se consigo ativar/desativar o talk (e o chat também) via API, para automatizar a função com a integração do Support existente para o AD.

Hoje para que nossos agentes possam receber ligações e chats, é necessária essa configuração manual.



Olá Lennon, tudo bem?

Edivar aqui do time de Suporte Premier.

Estou passando para saber se ainda necessita de assistência quanto a configuração do Talk. 
Por favor entre em contato com maiores detalhes e então poderemos prosseguir com o caso.

Fico no seu aguardo. Com os melhores cumprimentos.


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