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Managing end users

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




"One email address is set as the primary, which means that notifications are sent to that address"

The issue is that if an end-user emails in with their non-primary email address, all Agent replies will go to their primary address. What if their primary is a typo? Inaccessible? Belongs to an unrelated party or an estranged spouse? Even if you add the secondary email as a CC, no email is sent to the secondary email. Only the primary address. This is a huge security concern and needs to be addressed.

There are 3 feedback posts with no activity from Project Managers in years (4+):

Please can we have eyes on this?

Thank you



Hi Sydney,

As it happens, I am trying to get a response on those very threads, although I don't believe there's anything on our roadmap at present – but stay tuned, and thanks for your patience!


Can i use user final data into Explore?

the data set end user is posible useit into explore?



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Leonardo,
If you are pertaining to user data that can be used in Explore you can refer to Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support. All end-user related information that can be used as an attribute is included there. 

Just in case this is not the information you need. Just reply back and I'll gladly help out.



thanks but not

these dataset refer to ticket and the end user ticket its not working for my

i want to know... the table USER (totally) is possible use it into Explore?



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Leonardo,
I have created a ticket for you to investigate further. Please wait for my update via email.


Is there no way to add custom fields to an end user record type? We want to track other data about our customers. For example, since we sell pet supplements, we'd like to have a field for their pet's name, age, etc. We need this information on the end user level and not just on the ticket so that it is available all the time. 

Please advise. Thank you. 


Hi Kellen,
Yes, there most certainly is! Here's how: Adding custom fields to users


Thank you @...! That was most helpful. Is there a way for a user field to be utilized on a ticket form? It would be really nice, for example, if we were to update pet details on the user level, but then it automatically populates on the ticket form if it has those same fields because it pulls from the user. This would prevent double-work and potential typo/data entry issues. 


This would be incredibly helpful for us as well.  We are a graduate school program and import student information to our end user profiles but there is no way to automatically add that information into macros or tickets.


Is there anything on the road map to allow the agents to select which email address to send proactive emails too for an end-user account? We have some users with multiple emails and that would be helpful to be able to choose the email address. 

Also, we'd like the ability to send proactive facebook messenger messages from within Zendesk?

I do like that if a customer writes into us from their secondary email, then our responses do go back to the secondary email. 



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Jen,
I did some digging and it doesn't look like we have anything in the works right now to address this need. I would recommend creating a feedback post in our Feedback - Ticketing System (Support) topic using the following template.
Let me know if you have any other questions and thanks for sharing this with us!


Hi, is there a way to restrict agents from changing a costumer email? We want to make this modifications only via API when a user changes its email on our App. 

If an agent changes it in QB, it will break the relationships between our App and Zendesk. 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Daniel, thank you for your question!

I'm afraid to say that it is currently not possible to edit the Agent's role permissions, unless you are no the Enterprise level of Support or Zendesk Suite. On this subscription level, you can create custom roles, where you can decide very specifically which permissions each role has. So you could create a copy of the "Agent" role, and remove the permissions of editing end-user profiles.

But without this, the Agent role will have the default permissions, which include editing end-user's data, as you can see here: Understanding Zendesk Support user roles.

I hope this was helpful!


Is there a way to manage via API which end users get access to their organizations tickets as opposed to just their own tickets? 


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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jenn,
You can use this API endpoint and then sideload with role=end-user, so it would like something like this And then look for attribute "ticket_restriction", if the value is organization, it means that the user have access to organization tickets. 


Can you tell me why this is happening? Only for those end users that have been saved 


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Kalimba Coates

Zendesk Luminary

I'd like to confirm that changing the Primary Email Address will also change the login email address for end users? 


In this instance, would their current password transfer over or would it need to be reset? 


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