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Talk network requirements

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Ferran Barneda

Zendesk Employee

Edited Mar 05, 2025




  1. How can we ensure that we are updated as you add more domains that are required to be allowed?
  2. How can we tell how recently updated the recently updated is? Will that always match the article's updated date?
  3. Must we subscribe to this article and watch for any updates, or will updates be communicated to clients?

The callout in the article above does not inspire confidence that future updates will be communicated beyond this resource.


I suggest you add to this list. I had problems with transfers / conferencing until I added that to my exceptions.


Was the list of twilio domains recently updated? We would need advanced notice when this happens to prevent disruption to our phone channel. 


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Zendesk Customer Care

The list of Twilio domains was not recently updated. For any major changes involving networking, we would try to communicate that to folks in advance. 


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Ferran Barneda and Sabra, I know for a fact that this is a must for everyone who are using Talk Feature of Zendesk but is this applicable if we are operating across the globe and not using particularly one network? 


Our agents all work remote and so they are all on different networks with their personal internet providers. Do they need to each configure this to their home internet networks? Or is this something we do from within Zendesk? Thanks!


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jen,

This needs to be done on the user's network. This article will show what are the necessary things that need to be allowed on their network. Though most regular home internet networks do not have restrictions, it is still better to verify that they are allowing all the things discussed in this article to avoid any issues with the service.

Hope this helps.


We are trying to verify users won't have issues with the switch by testing on the recommended site:

Is the Video Test Group Room important to TALK or can that fail?

Everything else appears to be working correctly. 


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Carl McDowell

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Carla Siegert,

No the video test is not important. You can read more on how to interpret the results from the twilio test here: How do I use the Twilio network test to troubleshoot Talk agent calls?


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Carl McDowell

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Vaughan,
As I mentioned the video test results are not required for Zendesk Talk.
The article also states at the end:

You can ignore the error: Group Room failed: No stats were able to be recorded.

But let me talk to our documentation team to have this moved to the top, and in a highlighted note


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