Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
By default, community discussion topics are visible to all users. You can prevent some users from viewing the content of certain topics.
You can configure a topic to restrict access to signed-in users or to agents and managers. You can also apply custom user segments you've created to further restrict access based on tags, organizations, or groups (see Creating user segments to restrict access).
You must be a Guide Manager to set access restrictions for community topics. Viewing restrictions do not apply to Guide Managers. Managers can access all topics in the community, regardless of the restrictions.
To restrict access to a community topic
- Navigate to the topic in the community that you want to restrict.
- Click Edit topic in the top menu bar.
- Select a User segment to determine who can access this section.You can choose to:
- Restrict access to signed-in users
- Restrict access to agents and managers to create internal-only access
- Restrict access based on tags, organizations, or groups by applying a custom user segment (see Creating user segments to restrict access)
- Click Update.
To set access restrictions in the knowledge base, see Setting view permissions on articles with user segments.
Audrey Moore
Is it possible to add multiple user groups to a community forum?
Dave Dyson
Hi Audrey –
Only one user segment can be applied to a community topic (or an article in the help center, for that matter). As a workaround, you could create an overarching user segment that includes the criteria of individual user segments you'd like to include. I hope that helps!
Shahrooz Kamali
We have a few articles that are currently restricted to agents and admins, and I am looking for a way to provide read-only access to these topics to our internal users (employees). Is there a way to do that without adding everyone to the agents and admins user group?
Arianne Batiles
Hi Shahrooz,
Yes, you can either add a tag to their user profile or assign an organization for this group of users. Then, when creating a user segment, you can filter by tag or organization.
johnson henry
Is this possible to create multiple forms as someone mentioned in the below post:
Nacho Santana
It is possible to create multiple ticket forms. For more information, please review this article.
Please be aware that his functionality is only included in subscriptions of Zendesk Suite: Growth and above, or Zendesk Support Enterprise.
If you face any issue when creating this forms or have any question, please don't hesitate to contact Zendesk support.
I hope this help!
Hi there!
Is there a way to make a private community topic but share the direct link to a post within the topic? The thought process here is that the link would live in a training module and direct users to make a post in the community, but ideally we would want it to be visible to just users with the direct link.
Thank you,
Nicole Saunders
Hi Francisco -
If you limit the topic to a segment and then share a direct link to a post, anyone in that segment will be able to see it. Anyone not in that segment would receive an error page. All content in a segment-limited topic is visible only to users in that segment.
Amy Ferguson
Hello - I was trying to restrict Community access by organization and when adding the orgs, I am limited to 12 ... is that expected behavior?
Anne Ronalter
it should be possible to add more than 12 Organizations when creating a User segment in Guide.
I have just tested it from my side and was able to add 16 Organizations without any issues.
Therefore, I would recommend you to
- Clear the Cache and Cookies of your Browser
- try it out of a different Browser/incognito window
- Make sure that there are no outstanding updates of the Browser or PC itself
Should it still not work after, please feel free to open a ticket with our Support, so that we can investigate further.
Jane M Langschied
hi, I am trying to hide a topic from agents, but to allow them to submit the post. How do I make this happen?