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Guide managers can create moderator groups for the community so that designated end users can manage community activity. Community moderators can be any users you choose to administer community content.
To create a moderator group
- In Guide, click the User permissions (
) icon in the sidebar, then select Community moderators.
You can see any moderator groups that you have already created.
- Click Add moderator group.
- Enter a moderator group name.
For example, approve_only_moderators might be the name of the moderator group that has permission to approve posts and comments only.
- Set the permissions by selecting the actions you want to enable for moderators in this group.
- Mark as answered indicates that a comment has been added to the post that answers the subject of a post.
- Pin to top moves to the top of the posts list within its topic and has a star beside it.
- Feature post labels the post as "featured" and displays it in the featured posts component, if it's in your theme.
- Move post changes the location of the post to another discussion topic.
- Hide for moderation removes a live post from the community and sends it to the content moderation queue for review. If you want to enable this action for the moderator group, ensure that you have content moderation enabled. Otherwise, this action will not be available to moderators, even if you have selected it here.
- Approve pending content makes the content visible in the community and removes it from the content moderation queue. This action is not available for content that is pending approval in the spam queue.
- Under Add moderators, select a user segment for the moderator group.
You can only choose user segments for signed-in users, not staff user segments. If you need to create a new user segment, select Add new user segment.
Matching users appear below.Note: If your user segment includes agents, they will not appear in the matching list, even though they have the correct permissions. See Creating user segments for Guide user permissions. - Click Create group.
The moderator group is created.
When a user that has been added to the moderator group next signs in to the community, they will have additional user permissions that enable them to moderate content.
Mirek Kokes
Hi @...,
How can I create these labels?
Brett Bowser
Hey Mirek,
If you have Gather on your account then you can enable badges as mentioned here: Enabling Gather badges
I hope this helps!
Mirek Kokes
Hi @...,
Thanks for the info, I thought this is part of a different feature. All set, thanks.
Mirek Kokes
Hi @...,
I have another obstacle I am facing.
Community moderators (signed-in end-users, not agents) seem to lack some features when compared to agents.
Thank you.
Brett Bowser
Hey Mirek,
This is expected behavior as moderators will not be able to access all the post statuses that would normally be available to regular agents on the account.
Moderators won't be able to delete posts completely, however, they should see an option to hide a post for moderation. I'm not seeing the options icon that normally shows up for moderators. Can you confirm there were no Guide theme changes made on your end that would remove this option next to the comments?
Let me know!
Mirek Kokes
Hi @...,
Thanks for getting back to me.
1. Understood.
2. We use custom theme for our Help Center.
Mirek Kokes
Hi @...,
Would you be able to point me in the right direction regarding point no 2 please? How can I restore this in the custom theme? Thank you.
Brett Bowser
Hey Mirek,
This article goes through how a user can hide a comment/post for moderation: Managing Community Posts
If this option is not showing up in your custom theme, then you may want to get your developers involved to troubleshoot further. I'm afraid I'm rather limited on what I can assist with from my end regarding custom themes.
Hope this at least points you in the right direction!
Brianne Reinhardt
"Guide managers can create moderator groups for the community so that designated agents and end-users can manage community activity." I'm assuming Guide managers means the Guide Admin privilege? Unless it was just a glitch with our account - our account admin had to upgrade my privileges from Support Agent to Support Admin to see Moderation activity and create Moderator groups, even though I could access everything else in Guide. I don't even serve as a support agent, so giving me full Support Admin access to Zendesk was not necessarily desirable. Not sure if this is expected behavior, but seemed strange that as a Guide Admin I didn't have full admin access to everything in the guide regardless of Support level privileges.
If it is expected behavior, and not unique to our account, I think it's important to also mention that a Guide Admin + Support Agent can't access this specific feature, they instead have to be a Guide Admin + Support Admin.
Brianne Reinhardt
Can someone explain to me how the "approve pending content" feature is supposed to work? When moderators in my moderator group have this privilege, then one hides the content for moderation, it goes into the moderation queue (which they cannot see obviously), and then they cannot approve it. I see the note that this doesn't work for the spam content, but obviously it should work for moderated content. How are they supposed to approve pending content if it disappears from view?
Roxelle Miayo
I've already responded to our existing conversation through messaging — let's continue working from there.
Brianne Reinhardt
As an update to anyone else interested in how "approve pending content" works for moderators: Currently only comments display in the post list with a "pending approval" badge for moderators to take action on. Posts will disappear from view, making approving posts by moderators only possible if provided the direct link to the post. I've made a feature request here if anyone else would like to upvote:
Do posts and comments have to be approved by a moderator to be visible? I would like it set up so that our users can interact without someone moderating constantly.
Brett Bowser
You can navigate to Guide>Guide Admin>Settings>Guide Settings and make sure that the Moderate all content checkbox is unchecked. That should allow users to post without having to go through a moderation queue.
Hope this helps!
Josselyn Rivera
Hello, is there a way to trigger email notifications for the comments that are pending approval?
Dave Dyson