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Ticket trigger conditions and actions reference

Edited Feb 27, 2025




Is there a way to get the trigger to look for line breaks? For example, we have a feedback option in our app and it just starts a new email with pre-populated information that we need from them. The email reads something like this:

Please provide us with the following information.

Access Code:


We have a lot of users that hit the feedback button then hit Send without filling anything additional in. I'd love to be able to set a trigger up to catch these "blank" emails and send a reply asking if the user still needs help.

My issue is figuring out how to tell the trigger to look for incomplete emails. If I tell the system that the string must contain "access code: clinic:", will it detect the above example?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Joshua!

Unfortunately trigger conditions can only look for what is present in comment text, not what is missing. So you would only be able to have a trigger find a specific text value in the comment text and you cannot use blank spaces as a value. Using the string "access code: clinic:" will not work because of the line breaks. There isn't a native way to automate finding these gaps.




Thanks, @.... I figured that was the case, but wanted to see if there was any magic I wasn't aware of. As a solution I've requested that we move to using a fillable form with required fields instead of just an email.


I'd like to have a trigger run when a ticket is changed to Solved, and then 3 days later an automation runs to change the status to Closed, at which point I'd like another trigger to run.

What is the difference between do "Status IS Solved" versus "Status CHANGED TO Solved"?

Same question would apply to Closed. Why would I use "changed to" instead of "is", or vice versa?



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Steve!

"Changed to" is useful when you want your Trigger to fire only when the status has changed on that specific update. "Status is" can be used even if the status has not changed. For example a comment may be added to the ticket, but nothing else changed. You could test the value of the status using "is" to ensure that the status is still solved.

For your specific case, the Triggers might benefit from using the "changed to" condition but the automation can only use the "is" condition (or "is not" and the "less/greater than").

I hope that helps!



We have a trigger set to notify an end-user when a public reply has been made on their open ticket. This trigger is obnoxious for Social Media responses since it's far more conversational than our email team.

I was hoping to use the "Update via" condition to prevent the trigger from activating for our Social Media channels but when I test out the functionality it doesn't seem to work as expected. In contrast, when I use the "Channel" condition it will prevent the trigger from activating. That being said, "Channel" does not work in this case since we may have Specialists who will be responding via email in the same Social Media ticket, and we would want those emails to activate the trigger.

I put "Update via is not Twitter DM" but the trigger still activated. When I put "Channel is not Twitter DM" the trigger did not activate and prevented the trigger from activating when an email was sent from the same ticket. From the above definition it seemed like "Update via" should have functioned like "Channel" but only for the individual responses, not for the creation of the ticket.

Am I barking up the wrong tree?



I'd like to create a trigger that emails a user when a ticket has aged 30 days from create date without being closed.

I do not see any way to get the desired Aging condition evaluated in the trigger.

Is there a way to do that?


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Jonathan March

Community Moderator

Hi Jorgen,

For this use-case, you would use an automation rather than than a trigger: 

Automations are similar to triggers because both define conditions and actions that modify ticket properties and optionally send email notifications to customers and agents. Where they differ is that automations execute when a time event occurs after a ticket property was set or updated, rather than immediately after a ticket is created or updated.


Hello @...,

We need to investigate this further.

I will take this into a ticket and you will hear from me shortly.


Hi All, 

how would i create a trigger that reacts on when a drop down field has changed its value?
I'd like to email people when the dropdown changes from A to B, or B to C etc... Thank you


Hi Viktor –

Currently there's no built-in way to do this. It may be possible to use tags to keep track of the former field value and then use a trigger for each value to check to see if it's changed by comparing the current/new value with the tag, but that could be difficult to maintain if you have a large number of field values.

Can you add your use case to this Product Feedback thread? Feature Request: Add "Changed", etc, trigger test for custom Drop-down ticket fields


There is one thing that I'm not able to find.

I can't find a Condition that would understand if the last reply in the ticket is from an agent or from a customer. 

I'm trying to set up an alert that would fire if the customer replies and the agent doesn't reply back for longer than x hours. However, not all Open tickets have the last reply from a customer as our workflow also allows tickets to stay in the Open status after the agent replies.

I'm trying to use Automations for that, but can't find a way to compare agent replies vs customer replies.



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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Tomica,

I hear you! I wonder if one of these option in the automations would help? "Hours since requester update" or "Hours since assignee update".


If not, I'm thinking you can get this working more precisely if you add 2 triggers that add/remove tags that you can use in the automation.

  • Create Trigger 1 for when an end user was last updater. Add a tag using the below, something like lastupdater_enduser
  • Create Trigger 2 for when an agent was the last updater. Add something like lastupdater_agent.
  • NOW MAKE SURE you also add "remove tags" and remove the opposite tag in each of the above triggers.

You'll now be able to better use the automation "Hours since assignee update" + tag lastupdater_enduser.


Definitely test this out a bit and let us know if it helps!




The "Current user" condition was a missing part.

Thank you so much.



Hello everyone,

I'm having some trouble to set-up some conditions for a trigger to send notifications to Slack when a specific agent is mentioned on Zendesk. The agent's Zendesk alias is Ana, so I created some conditions to find private comments with comment text containing Ana. However, this trigger is also firing when words like manager or Canada are used in the comments.

I tried to change the field comment text to "Ana", but then the trigger is not firing when agents mention her (using @Ana). Is there any workaround for this situation?


Hi! Is there a way to write condition statements that run IF FALSE? 

E.g. I have a custom user field that is <listing_publish_date> and I want to add a tag to a ticket if that user field is older than 5 days. I am today able to write an automation if that parameter "is within previous" number of days, but not the opposite. Any workaround? 


Buenos dias, 

Una consulta, que diferencia hay entre la siguiente condicion y sus caracteristicas:

(Contiene la siguiente cadena) 
(contiene una de las siguientes palabras) 

La primera que indica cadena me podrían poner un ejemplo porfavor, estoy creando un disparador y tengo que usar esa condicion, gracias.


How would I use triggers for time? Would this be something else? 

For example, I want agents to take an action 2 weeks after the last contact. How would I do time based triggers? 


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care


You need to use Automation for time-based business rules. More information can be found here: About automation and how they work



I would like to create a trigger that prevents a ticket from being updated if a string of text is not omitted. I want to set this up to ensure that the agent does the necessary checks in a specific macro before sending the email to the customer.


If I set a Meet ANY/ALL conditions with Comment Text contains the following strings: %$#*

And if the macro used by the agent contains the string %$#*

Is there a way to prevent the ticket status from being updated/email not being sent out?

I can't seem to figure this out!



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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Hey Tinesh,


You can't prevent the update but you can reset the status back to open to give the illusion of that behaviour.

Using the conditions above, add the action Status-> Open and whenever the comment with that string is made, the ticket will be set back to Open. If you do this, it's good practice to alert the agent in someway as to why the ticket remained open, since it would be contrary to normal expected behaviour. We've done that through a Slack alert, but you can do it via email or other alternatives as well.

I would also consider adding a condition to your trigger that manages your outbound email notifications. I would think of adding

Comment does not contain the following string %$#*

in addition to your other conditions. 

That way you can be sure that even if the string is present, no notification will be sent on that ticket update and the status can't be set to solved or any other state than Open.


Hope that helps!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for jumping in here, @...!


Is there a way to create a trigger that opens up a new ticket form for the user to fill out?  We have a registration form and one of the options is to request a token.  The token process is totally separate and needs its own ticket for the process to work correctly. So when the user submits the registration request, if they have indicated that they want to order a token, we would like them to be presented with the Token Request form to fill in.


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Margaret Boisvert

You can approach this a few ways. If there's nothing the main ticket can't see, you can actually use conditional fields so that when the customer selects "request a token" you surface the fields on the form for them to fill out along the other fields.

Then on your Agent side after the main ticket is created, you can use an app like Split N Close (disabling the close feature) to create the 2nd ticket. OR you can put in a macro to create a side conversation  ticket (Collaboration Add On needed) and prefill the description with the values in the fields for the request a token fields you've collected. More on that here.

I'm sure a developer could help you with an API ticket creation also if you have the resource.


Thanks Heather!  I actually ended up going that route :)


Hi! Is there any way to fire a trigger depending on the presence of the user's phone? 


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Jason Schaeffer

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Joana,
Unfortunately not as Triggers are ties to ticket updates. Unless the users phone number was present somewhere is the subject or body of the message then you could use a String condition but it would not be able to identify it directly from their profile. You may also be able add a custom field and use Macro's if the field is present but it would not be an automated process. 
Thank you!


Hi Jason, thank you for your response :). It would be a nice thing to have this feature in the future.



I set up a trigger for our customers to automatically get if a proper tag is applied to the ticket. Unfortunately when the trigger fires there is no history of the trigger in the ticket history. Is there a condition I missed in 'Actions' to ensure the trigger history is shown to our agents when they open the ticket? 




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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Dylan,

You'll want to toggle this from Conversation to Events and you should see it there :D


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