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Creating custom objects to integrate with custom data

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Are the custom object record limitations, per object, or overall? 

So if I had two custom objects (transactions and orders) - would I be able to have 100.000 records for transactions and 100.000 records for orders, or only 100.000 records overall?

Are there plans to extend these limits after the EAP? 


This is a breath of fresh air for me! As an Internet Service Provider, we are now able to associate service objects in a one-to-many arrangement to provide staff with immediate access to customer services. I have already begun defining several test objects and look forward to ongoing development.

I would love to be able to re-order fields in the custom object design page to set their order at data entry time by users and also define what fields are visible, and their order in the object list view as well.

Great work team!


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Shishir Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Triggers on custom objects EAP is now live and allows the ability to build trigger conditions based on custom object field values. Additionally, you can create trigger actions to set or update the value of fields on the same custom object.


The instructions state that "Adding related objects doesn't automatically create an association between two specific records." Is there a process to upload existing associations in bulk? 


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Ashwin Raju

Zendesk Product Manager

Let's say I want to associate an Order to a customer. On the Order object, I will go to the Order object (which is a custom object) and create a lookup field called "Customer" and link it to the User object. From a database standpoint, what this does is to create an additional column in the Order table(custom object) that can have values that point to Users. 
What we intended from that statement is that - you still need to update Order1234 to assign that order to Daniel. 
I presume your question is - I have Order1234 as an Order record and have Daniel as a User in Zendesk. Can I build this relationship with CSV bulk importer? 
At this point, no - but we are soon releasing the feature to update records through the bulk importer. Carl Joseph and his team are working hard at making this happen. Until then, you have 2 choices - 
1) Update it manually through UI
2) Update it through APIs. 
However, if you do not have Order1234 in the system, you can use CSV bulk importer and pass the record ID Daniel to build that relationship


Are there plans to allow Custom Objects to be available as datasets in Explore? Or extending the relationships so we can pull data from the object via the linked ticket.

Ex. Event custom object has date fields. These date fields do not show on the linked ticket, so they are not available in the Support data sets.


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Ahmed Zaid

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderCommunity Moderator

Hi Ashwin Raju 

I love the latest update, but I feel that it blurred the line between name and external ID fields. All my use cases are now possible, but I feel that my setup is less clean and more like a workaround.

I would love to keep the name and ID functions separate (e.g. external ID is a serial number, and name is the actual name of the asset) yet be able to search my records in a lookup field by external ID.


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Ashwin Raju

Zendesk Product Manager

hi Ahmed..The release that we had enables to you configure if the name of the record should be unique. This enables you to identify the record based on the name.


This update does not change how external ids work.. External IDs are always unique and can still be used to identify the record. 

Uniqueness of the record is especially useful in cases like Products, Orders, Contracts etc where the name is a unique identifier in the source record and you dont want to store the same field as an external id as well in Zendesk so as to achieve data synchronization.


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