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Searching for help center content relevant to tickets from Agent Workspace

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Nova Dawn

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 06, 2025




Really excited for this and signed up for EAP. And especially one feature being - Enable you to insert a quote from the article - how will that show in the report? Will this come up as the article linked/used?


How does this differ from the Knowledge Capture app? Is there a comparison between the two? 


Yes, same question as Kirsten. I'm not fully understanding the main differences, besides the ability to filter by label or placement (like we can do in Zendesk Guide). Seems like the majority of the benefits are what is currently offered in the KC app?

We definitely enjoy the KC app, but I'd like to understand how the Knowledge app is even better! Thank you!


It looks great. But I’ve noticed that it’s not possible to search until you apply filters. You should fix it :) 


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Kasper Sørensen

Zendesk Product Manager

Thank you all for the great comments here :-) Lemme try and respond:

@... - We are working on adding a new type of event in the report so that you can see the amount of quotes. It will be a separate number from the amount of links.

@... and @... - There's definitely some overlap and eventually the new Knowledge app will fully replace KC App. For now the main differences are that the Knowledge app has quoting, it supports community content in addition to articles, and it has more search options, and a more convenient UI placement. KC App includes article flagging and creation which we are planning to add to the Knowledge app later.

@... - Sounds like a bug, and I know we've just been working on fixing a related thing, so this will definitely be fixed.


Thanks @... that's great to hear. Until then, will it count as linked or we won't be able to see at all until then? Thanks


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Kasper Sørensen

Zendesk Product Manager

We don't have those events in the Knowledge Capture reporting just yet, but will add them shortly.


Thanks @... I don't have the filters in bold:

  • Help center (specific brand/s)
  • Article placement (such as category/section)
  • Community topic
  • Content type (for example, an article or community post)
  • Language
  • Labels

For the second point I am not using community though so this is fine, however community post is available for point 3, so I assume should still be an option.

Can you help?


I have a few questions and requests. :)

  1. Do links inserted via the Knowledge App trigger the same functionality that links inserted via the Knowledge Capture app such as when the link is followed it presents a dialog for the end-user to self-solve their ticket?
  2. What does "quoting" look like when it appears in the ticket? Normal text or some type of styling?
  3. Can all of this functionality be used on the Internal Note as well?

Also, some configuration/feature requests

  • When inserting "links" we'd like to configure them to be a combination of plain text article title followed on the next line by the linked URL. Historically, many end-users have problems with "linked" titles not working and this gives them an alternate way of using the URL included to copy./paste and visit and the title to use as reference in case they need to search.
  • Having a way for agents to open the article in large-format mode is helpful for complex and large-scale content articles.
  • A means for inserting the language version that matches the ticket's requester language automatically (if the translation version of the article is published and available), but can be overridden with the default language when desired as well.
  • Ability to customize the styling of quoted text from an article. For instance, we like to actually wrap any quoted text in quotation marks to make it clear that it's information available to them in said article. Encouraging article use in the future.


Please integrate this feature into the zendesk support app (ios/android)



Do you have a rough estimate of when the classical Knowledge Capture app will be removed from Zendesk? We're planning the transition to Knowledge in the context panel and some guidance and expectations on the timeframe would be helpful.



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Kasper Sørensen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...

We are not planning on removing the KC app completely for a good while, since we have various customers who are not able to transition into the new experience right now. But we will stop auto-installing the KC App, and if you already have it you can uninstall it just like other apps.


Thanks Kasper. My team has begun piloting the knowledge section. Here's the feedback thus far:

1. Reneé Lasswell wrote:

Ability to customize the styling of quoted text from an article. For instance, we like to actually wrap any quoted text in quotation marks to make it clear that it's information available to them in said article.

Likewise for my team, we'd like quoted content to be inserted with the quote style and with a "source:Link2Article" insert beneath it.

2. Reneé Lasswell wrote:

Having a way for agents to open the article in large-format mode is helpful for complex and large-scale content articles.

The ability to resize the width of the article body element was reiterated by a member of my team during testing. 

3. The ability for agents to configure which section opens by default in the context panel.


Do links inserted via the Knowledge App trigger the same functionality that links inserted via the Knowledge Capture app such as when the link is followed it presents a dialog for the end-user to self-solve their ticket?

Hi @...,

We had the same question. This functionality is not offered through the Knowledge in the context panel app. Zendesk's support team confirmed this earlier today in a request we opened.


Hi @... We have multiple brands and a help centre that is on it's own brand. Is it possible to change the default help centre that is searched without having to go to filter > Help Centre everytime?


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Tetiana Gron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

Unfortunately, it is not possible right now but the customizable filter experience is on our roadmap. 


Thanks for the reply @.... Any idea how long that would be?


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Tetiana Gron

Zendesk Product Manager

I cannot provide a particular date. We are planning to work on this one next year. 


Is it possible to configure more than 10 search results from the Knowledge panel or do users just have to search again?


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Tetiana Gron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Janine Deegan,

The search returns only 10 results. It is not configurable. 


We have been using the linking of the tickets to the tickets to give users links to our articles, however D_COUNT(Linked article tickets) only shows a single ticket for the last month where I can see many more than this in our actual ticket. Does this function measure something different to tickets linked through the method shown above?


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Tetiana Gron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Finn Bazard Ferns,

Could you please describe what you are trying to count? 


Hi Tetiana,

I am trying to count the number of tickets that have linked to guide or article, so that I can see how effective this is at reducing the overall ticket flow.




As the knowledge capture will be discontinued soon, can you please confirm if the context panel uses the same algorithm to search for articles within the help centre? We would like to see how we can increase the functionality of the context panel search (e.g. by adding labels to the article/amending the article titles etc- will it be linked with tickets?). It would be good to know what elements have the greatest weight in the search. 

TIA for looking into it


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

Magda Wierzbicka you mentioned KCapp is to be discontinued soon - is there an announcement on this? Or did Zendesk tell you it was going to be?


Sydney Neubauer we've been sent an email that the following apps will be discontinued in Jan 2024  


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

Magda Wierzbicka Discontinued for Knowledge Base Search which is not the Knowledge Capture App - as far as I know, the KCapp is not being discontinued


Sydney Neubauer thank you for the heads up message! In case someone else is as confused as I was - it relates to a Chat App as per 

It would be very helpful and clear if there were links to ZD Marketplace added to avoid confusion.  


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Tetiana Gron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, 

We plan to discontinue Knowledge Capture app (KC app). The announcement with the timeline will be published later. 

We are actively working on making Knowledge better so you can seamlessly migrate to Knowledge and use additional features that KC app doesn't have. 


Is there a way to filter content in the knowledge app so the filter uses the requesters organization? We have articles specific to a customer and the knowledge app shows all articles relevant across all customers. we do place articles in sections, so I can use the filter to drill down, but it would be nice if by default the app only looked in the section relevant to the customer?


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