Views are a way to organize your tickets by grouping them into lists based on certain criteria. For example, you can create a view for unsolved tickets that are assigned to you, a view for new tickets that need to be triaged, or a view for pending tickets that are awaiting response. Using views can help you determine what tickets need attention from you or your team and plan accordingly.
Many support teams use views to guide the workflow by requiring agents to address tickets in one view first and then others in a specific order. Views can also mirror the support structure you've created. For example, if you provide different levels of service for different customers or manage escalation using a tiered support group structure (Level 1, Level 2), you can create views for each of these scenarios.
This article covers the following topics:
About view types
Zendesk Support includes the following types of views:
- Standard views: There are a number of standard views created when you open a Zendesk Support account. You can deactivate or edit most of these views; however, the Suspended tickets and Deleted tickets views cannot be edited or removed from your list of views. Note that your suspended and deleted ticket views appear at the bottom of the views list and don't count towards the number of views displayed in the shared views lists.
Shared views: Admins can create views that are available to all agents or to all agents in a specific group. The first 100 shared views are accessible in the Views list (
) .
Personal views: Agents can create views that are available to themselves only. Their first 10 personal views are accessible in the Views list (
Adding views
Views are a way to organize tickets by grouping them into lists based on certain criteria.
Agents can create views for their own personal use only. Admins and agents in custom roles with permission can create personal views, as well as shared views for use by multiple agents.
The following video gives you an overview of how to add views.
Adding views to filter tickets [1:23]
- In Admin Center, click
Workspaces in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Views.
- Click Add view.
Alternatively, you can clone an existing view (see Cloning a view).
- Enter a Title for the view.
You can categorize your view (that is, create a folder structure in the Agent Workspace) by entering the double colon (::) syntax in this field. See Categorizing your views for more information.
- Enter a Description for the view.
- Select an option to determine Who has access:
- Any agent, available to all agents.
- Agents in specific groups, available to agents in specified groups. Select groups from the menu, then click away when finished.
- Only you, available to you as a personal view.
- Click Add condition to set up the view to meet All or Any conditions.
The conditions define this collection of tickets.
- Select a Condition, Field operator, and Value for each condition you add.
- Click Preview to test the conditions.
- Set the formatting options:
- Drag the Columns into the order you want and click Add column to add up to 10 columns.
Status is always shown as colored icons to the left of your view's columns; you don't have to add it. Multi-select fields are not supported.
- Under Group by, select the ticket field you want to use to group tickets, then select Ascending or Descending.
Keep in mind the following when grouping views:
- If you select Request date from the Group by drop-down list, any settings you change in the Order by drop-down list will not be applied.
- If you select a custom field value from the Group by drop-down list, the tickets in the view are ordered alphabetically by the field's tag, not its name. See Understanding custom ticket fields and views.
- Under Order by, select a ticket field to use as the default data to order tickets, then select Ascending or Descending.
- Drag the Columns into the order you want and click Add column to add up to 10 columns.
- Click Save.
The view is created. Views do not include archived tickets.
You can manage your view (edit, deactivate, and so on) on the view's page (see Managing your views).
Building view condition statements
As with the other business rules, you select collections of tickets using conditions, operators, and values.
Displaying a view involves searching all unarchived tickets to find matches for the conditions defined in your views. It’s always best to define views that look for what’s there, rather than what’s not there. With that in mind, when building view condition statements, avoid the following:
- Checking several text fields
- Checking for a null value. For example, "Assignee is ( - )"
Using broadly exclusionary conditions. For example, "NOT" statements.
Instead, use inclusive conditions that are as specific as possible
- Checking for tags
Checking for a ticket description with a condition that "does not contain the following string"
Checking for a string or word introduces greater complexity than checking for a tag. Conditions that check for tags are preferred over those checking for a word or string, but neither is ideal.
Your view condition statements must have at least one of the following ticket properties in the Meet all of the following conditions section:
- Status
- Status category
- Type
- Group
- Assignee
- Requester
Some conditions may not be available, depending on your plan.
Condition | Description |
Ticket: Status |
Note: If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, existing standard ticket statuses become status categories. If you have existing conditions that use Status, they’re updated to the corresponding Status category.
The standard ticket status values are: New is the initial status of a newly created ticket (not assigned to an agent). Open means that the ticket has been assigned to an agent. Pending is used to indicate that the requester has been asked for information and the ticket is therefore on hold until that information has been received. On-hold means that the support request is awaiting a resolution from a third party—someone who is not a member of your support staff and does not have an agent account in your Zendesk account. This status is optional and must be added (see Adding the On-hold ticket status). Solved indicates that the customer’s issue has been resolved. Tickets remain solved until they are closed. Closed means that the ticket has been locked and cannot be reopened or updated. When selecting a status, you can use the field operators Less Than and Greater Than to specify a range of tickets based on their status. New is the lowest value, with values increasing until you get to Closed status. For example, a condition statement that returns only New, Open, and Pending tickets looks like this: Status is less than Solved. |
Ticket: Status category |
Note: If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, standard ticket statuses and custom ticket statuses are grouped into status categories. Each status category has a default ticket status. See Managing ticket statuses.
The status category values are:
Ticket: Ticket status | If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, you can select standard ticket statuses and custom ticket statuses as conditions. |
Ticket: Brand | Include (is) or exclude (is not) a brand using the drop-down menu. |
Ticket: Form | Select the required ticket form.
For more information on ticket forms, see Creating ticket forms to support multiple request types. |
Ticket: Type |
The ticket type values are: Question Incident is used to indicate that there is more than one occurrence of the same problem. When this occurs, one ticket is set to Problem and the other tickets that are reporting the same problem are set to Incident and linked to the problem ticket. Problem is a support issue that needs to be resolved. Task is used by the support agents to track various tasks. |
Ticket: Priority |
There are four values for priority: Low, Normal, High, and Urgent. As with status, you can use the field operators to select tickets that span different priority settings. For example, this statement returns all tickets that are not urgent: Priority is less than Urgent |
Ticket: Group | The ticket group values are:
Group name is the actual name of the group that is assigned to the ticket. |
Ticket: Assignee |
The assignee values are:
Additional value for views:
Ticket: Requester |
The requester values are:
Additional value for views:
Ticket: Organization |
The organization values are:
Ticket: Tags |
Determine whether tickets contain a specific tag or tags. You can include or exclude tags in the condition statement by using the operators Contains at least one of the following or Contains none of the following. More than one tag can be added. Press Enter between each tag you add. |
Ticket: Description | The description is the first comment in the ticket. It does not include the text from the subject line of the ticket.
If you are using the Contains at least one of the following or Contains none of the following operators, the results will consider words containing part of the entered search terms. For example, using "none" for this condition will return (or exclude) ticket descriptions containing "nonetheless". The description condition also pulls data contained within the HTML and the original source of a ticket. |
Ticket: Channel |
The ticket channel is where and how the ticket was created. The contents of this list will differ depending on the channels you have active, and any integrations you are using. For more information about the channels you can configure, see About Zendesk Support channels and Understanding ticket channels in Explore. |
Ticket: Integration Account | Include (is) or exclude (is not) an installed Support or messaging integration using the drop-down menu. |
Ticket: Received at |
This condition checks the email address from which the ticket was received and the email address from which the ticket was originally received. These values are often, but not always, the same. The ticket can be received from a Zendesk email domain such as, or from an external email domain such as The external email domain must be set up as described in Forwarding incoming email to Zendesk Support or the condition won't work. Note that this condition doesn't check the channel from which the ticket originated and can be true for tickets that weren't received through email. For example, when using the Select an Address app you can specify a recipient email address and therefore meet this condition even though the ticket was created in the agent interface. |
Ticket: Satisfaction | Supports the following customer satisfaction rating values:
Ticket: Satisfaction Reason | Include (is) or exclude (is not) the selected satisfaction reason, if activated, using the drop-down menu. |
Ticket: Hours since... | These conditions allow you to select tickets based on the hours that have passed since the ticket was updated in the following ways:
You can specify only whole hours, not days or fractional hours. The hours value must be at least zero.
Note: These conditions are not available when you use the option Tickets can meet any of these conditions to appear in the view.
Note: If you have multiple schedules, views based on business hours use your default schedule (that is, the first schedule in your schedules list).
Ticket: Custom fields | Custom fields that set tags (drop-down list and checkbox) are available as conditions. You can select the drop-down list values and Yes or No for checkboxes. You can also use date conditions to specify if the date value is before, after, or on a certain date. For example, you could look for all tickets created in the last hour by using the condition Hours since created > Is > 1.
The following field types aren't available as view conditions: Text, Multi-line, Numeric, Decimal, Credit Card, Regex.
Note: Each custom checkbox field must have an associated tag. Otherwise, when you create or edit a view, it won't appear as an available condition.
Ticket: Privacy | Checks the privacy settings on ticket comments. See Adding comments to tickets for information on public vs. private comments. |
Ticket: Skills | See Creating skills-based views. |
Ticket: CC'd | Checks whether a ticket has any of the specified users as CCs. |
Ticket: Followers | Checks whether a ticket has any of the specified users as followers. |
Ticket sharing: Sent to | Checks whether a ticket was shared to another Zendesk Support account via a specific ticket sharing agreement |
Ticket sharing: Received from | Checks whether a ticket was shared from another Zendesk Support account via a specific ticket sharing agreement |
Requester: Language | Checks the language used by the end user. Include (is) or exclude (is not) languages using the drop-down list of supported languages. |
Cloning a view
You can clone an existing view to create a copy that you can modify and use for some other purpose. You can clone a view from the Views admin page or from the views list.
If you're on an Enterprise plan and using custom roles, agents need permission to add and edit personal, group, and global views (see Creating custom agent roles). Agents will receive an error message if not given the permission.
To clone a view from the Views admin page
- In Admin Center, click
Workspaces in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Views.
- Hover your mouse over the view you want to clone, then click the options menu (
) and select Clone view.
- Modify the title, conditions, formatting, and availability as needed.
- Click Save.
Aaron S. Nakamura-Weiser
We had someone alter one of our list views and we are now trying to restore it to its previous there any type of versioning or restore option for Views?
James Harris
Hi there,
I don't think there's necessarily an answer to this with the current functionality within views but here's my issue.
I have traditionally split out the 'Pending - All Tickets' view into two 'work' reports. The first of those is filtered by:
Status is Pending
Hours since update is greater than 168
This means any tickets that have been sat in pending for a week pop into this report for my team to follow up and nudge the requester, or move the ticket towards closure if the user does not engage.
That's all well and good but we've now introduced an additional element of complexity by 'switching on' the priority field. I now want to add conditions to the view which will show low priority tickets after 168 hours but high priority tickets after just 24 hours. In other words, I want to achieve:
IF Status is Pending
((Priority = High
Hours Since Update > 24)
(Priority = Low
Hours Since Update > 168))
Add the ticket the view
Is there anyway I can achieve this easily? I can set up separate views but I'm keen to keep the number of views we ask the team to monitor daily to a minimum.
Julie Vargo
I don't have a "More" button in order to see additional views that are available. All views are set for all agents, no matter the group. I know there are extra views that should be available, but all I have at the bottom of the list are "suspended", "deleted," and a link to manage the views.
Erik Cerbulis
I am looking for a way to build a view that shows tickets where I am the cc on (versus the assignee of). Is there any way to do this or has anyone come up with a workaround for this?
You can try to add those users to an organization. Once done, you can then use the condition for organization in your views.
Unfortunately, Zendesk does not have an option to restore any data that has been deleted.
You will really need to create different views for this use case for there are multiple conditions that needs to be met that can't be added on the same view.
Please refer to Can I create a view of tickets I'm CC'd on?. Short answer is "no". I also can't think of a method to leverage the use of web-hooks and API for this use case.
Stacy Win
I'm trying to confirm an assumption I have on restricted ticket access accounts (agents can only see tickets in groups they are assigned to). If an agent has access to a View but does not have access to all the tickets that meet the view conditions, the agent would only see the tickets they have access to that meet the conditions. Is this correct?
The Zendesk account is setup to restrict ticket access, agents can only see tickets in groups they are assigned to. A view is set up to show unsolved tickets is Group X and Group Y. An agent assigned to Group X has access to the view. If they go to the view, they WILL only see the tickets in Group X; they WILL NOT see tickets with Group Y.
Dave Dyson
Ahmed Esmat
"In a upcoming release, this will change so that views will use the schedule that is applied to the ticket."
What is the ETA?
We need more than 12 views in the sidebar. We are in 2022, the digital era, which should be at least double that, if not more. Please forward this to your business development.
Instead of focusing on changing the admin area, which is not really necessary, please tell them to change things that actually matter and are used by agents on a daily basis. Admin settings are changed probably twice a year. Sort the priority using common sense, please.
Dave Dyson
Maik Künnemann
Hi @... there is a bug if a ticket has no skills:
- the view column "skill match" said "match"
- the view condition "skills" said "no match"
It must be equal - either a ticket without skills is interpreted as "no match" or "match" - but not once like this and once like that!
For more detailed information, see Creating skills-based views and Understanding the limitations of skills-based views.
Maik Künnemann
The problem is the wrong check mark, not the visible ticket. The ticket can be in the view, but not with a check mark for "skill match", when the other view said "no skill match"
Support Admin
The view condition "Ticket: Requester" seems illogical. If I set this condition, I cannot select any requester who is a user, or what is 99.5% of the situation. I can only select an agent, but I already have the condition assignee for that. Does NOT seem useful at all? What am I missing?
My use case is I want to filter out test cases from user TEST. But cannot do that with the condition which seems like it should.
As you can see there isn't a proper condition that actually provides the option to select the end-user or their email address. However, there are a few workarounds you can apply in that matter. You can use the condition "Organisation" and refer to the org that the user is part of. You can also apply User tags to your customers and use these tags as a condition on the views. To hear more about user tags, please check "Adding tags to users and organizations".
I hope this helps!
Jacquelyn Redington
We have a lot of light agents that we use to help us solve a ticket. We are using our system for employee related questions and issues.
We put the light agents on as a follower and I was wondering if there is a way to set up a view for current user who is following a ticket.
The light agents are not informed that they have been placed as a follower unless we add them, add a comment and then submit the ticket. It would be nice for the light agents who are followers to see what tickets they are following all in one area, as opposed to going to their profile and viewing that way.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I hope all is well! At this moment, it is not possible to set up views based on followers. We have acknowledged your feedback!
Our support team sends out documentation links in resolution tickets. Is it possible to identify such tickets and create an agent view for our documentation team ?
Arianne Batiles
Hi sunil.jadhav,
We do not currently have a condition in Views that can identify and list tickets where an article link is shared. Our Knowledge Capture app has the ability to track linked articles. See this article for more information.
Jonathan Lunt
As part of the ticketing process we add story points once a ticket is ready to be worked on.. These are a numeric values that help us to plan tickets and sort out schedules.
I would like the team to be able to see a view that has all of the quick jobs so ones that have a value of up to 5 lets say.
Is there any way to do this?
Shannon Kertis
Sadly, numeric fields cannot be added as conditions in views, or view columns. You can, however, create a custom drop-down ticket field with the numeric values. The drop-down field values can then be used as conditions or added to a column in the view's formatting. Hope that helps!
Lucky Phiri
Good day,
I'm unable to view Tickets assigned to my Agents and i'm the admin
To see the tickets assigned to your agents, you will need to create a View.
Did you create a particular View that is supposed to show the tickets assigned to your agents? If so - would you be able to take a screenshot of the conditions set for that View?
If you are referring to the fact that you can't view this customised View in your list on the left, you can order the list and add it among the 12 Views allowed. Here is an article dedicated for it.
Let me know!
Gamee Support
Hello, when you have an incident ticket, it would be great to see the ticket id of the problem ticket or at least if the incident ticket is connected to a problem ticket in a column. Is there a way to add a column that will show the ticket id of the problem ticket?
Gabriel Manlapig
As of the moment, there is no option to show / add a column that will show the ticket id of the problem ticket in your views.
I can imagine, it would be incredibly helpful to be able to view the list of Incident tickets along with the Problem ID in your ticket views, so that you can see how many tickets/customers are affected by a specific problem.
I would recommend you to leave Feedback in our Community. Our Teams are frequently looking through the posts in order to get ideas on future additions to the Software. The more a votes a post gets, the higher the chance that the feature will be added in the future.
I don't have this "more" button at the end of my Views list, only a "Manage Views". I need to be able to see more than 12 views without going into Edit mode, just see the ticket lists
Cheeny Aban
The Views page is limited to display only the first 12 shared views and the first 8 personal views. If you want to show different views that you use frequently to appear, reorder your views and bring the most relevant views to the top of the list. More information may be found here: Can I increase the number of displayed views?
Andras Guseo
Is it possible to create a rule like this?
Assignee is either me or ticket is not assigned.
I haven't been able to find anything and it would be really useful.
The only workaround I found was creating a line for every user saying
But with 50 users that feels like an overkill.
Nicky Blackwood
Hi Andras Guseo, we have a view like that which is designed to show our agents any tickets that require their attention.
Under 'Tickets can meet any of these conditions to appear in the view', you'll just need to add the criteria:
I hope that helps!
Andras Guseo
Hi Nicky Clark
Unfortunately, that doesn't help at all.
If I set up
Then I will still see tickets that are assigned to other users.
The rule says it: "can meet any", but doesn't have to. :(
There is no way to set up that "it can only meet these two conditions".