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Merging organizations

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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




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Josh Keller

Zendesk Luminary

Pleeeeeease tell us that the API for merging organizations is coming soon. This isn't very useful for large Zendesk customers until we can do this via API.


After an organization is Deleted following its merge, what happens to its Archived and Closed tickets? 

The article here indicates they are not updated to point at the new organization, but it's unclear what state they are in after the merge.  Do they remain under the old (deleted) organization, breaking the "breadcrumb" in the top bar? Or do they become unassigned from all organization entirely and become orphaned?


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Josh Keller,

The API is planned for the GA release. Please see this post in the Organization Merge beta community for more information about planned improvements. You can also share your feedback in the community! I apologize that the link to the community wasn't live yet when I published the article but you should be able access it now.


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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Matt, thanks for your question.

When the organization is deleted after the merge the closed and archived tickets remain connected to the ticket requester (user), but not to the deleted organization – much like if the organization was deleted manually.

The updates to closed and archived tickets are in a testing phase and will hopefully be released to the beta very soon.


Hey team - please let us know when the ability for closed and archived tickets to be carried over is available. This is a primary requirement of this feature and makes this basically unusable.

I ran a smoke production test on a record to observe the behavior after reviewing this guide - I feel the guide is not clear. Although it states that "the merging organization loses all data except for open tickets, users, and domains" I feel the following "Merge results" are not clear:

  • Archived and closed tickets that belong to the merging organization aren't updated - this should be clearer explained to be "Archived and closed tickets that belong to the merging organization aren't updated or transferred to the merged organization".

  • A primary requirement of this feature (especially after waiting for it for +10 years or more seeing others comments on corresponding articles about this announcement) would be to carry over all historical tickets. Why would Zendesk release a beta that does not carry over all historical tickets and ONLY open tickets?

  • Let's say an org has been around for years and has 100s of tickets - it would be useful to transfer all of these tickets, not just recent opens.

Please provide a timeline if available for when Zendesk plans to address this as it makes the feature basically unusable that you cannot merge orgs and maintain historical data.


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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks Santino Scibelli, we're actively working to extend org merge to closed and Archived tickets, and will publish an update as soon as it is integrated into the Beta.

You can see the full list of improvements to the beta in our org merge community topic.


I would like to add here as well that the fact that the Closed and Archived tickets are not updated to the target organization, makes us very hesitant to use this feature. almost unusable. as we cannot lose the data and information that was on those tickets. 

Once this is added that closed/archived get updated to the target org. then we would gladly use this. 


The updates to closed and archived tickets are in a testing phase and will hopefully be released to the beta very soon.
James Hanley any idea when exactly? Is it going to be released still in Dec 2023?


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Mirek Kokes,

The team is aiming for early next year for updates to closed and archived tickets. Please check out the Community topic for the most up-to-date information.


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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

13th Feb: The rollout of updating closed and archived tickets is back underway.

6th Feb: Due to some errors on updating closed and archived tickets, we've paused the rollout. We expect to be back on track in a few days.

Hey Zendesk Community,

I'm pleased to share that we've started rollout of updating closed and archived tickets as part of an org merge. 

At the moment, this is only available in Pod 26 (How to learn which pod I'm on), but we will be rolling this out to all accounts by the end of next week. I will update this post when the rollout has completed.

As a reminder, the beta community is open and available for feedback, including our Planned improvements to the beta.



Hello James Hanley

I hope this message finds you well.
Do you have any news related to the update of the closed and archived tickets as part of an org merge? 
Do you know when is it going to be available for other Pods?

Thank you.


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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Rodrigo Feltrin

Thanks for reaching out, I've actually just updated my post; we've started rolling out the updates to closed and archived tickets once again and should be completed by the end of the week. I will post an update when it's completed.

By the end of the today it will be on pods 15, 26, and 29.




Hello team, it is stated that All of the merging organization’s tickets, including archived and closed tickets, are merged into the receiving organization, however, this was not our experience. We don't see the tickets from the old organization in the new organization. Is there something we are missing?

Also, what will happen to the tickets? Will there be a fix eventually when the feature is not in beta anymore? 





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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Moises Morales, I'm sorry about the confusion.

The feature to update closed and archived tickets is still in rollout and not yet available in all pods, it's currently live in pods 15, 26, and 29. I will post here when the rollout is complete.

You can check which pod you are on within Admin Center, if your account is on one of the pods list above, and you still found closed or archived tickets were not updated, please let me know and we'll immediately start to investigate.



We're on pod 19. Does it mean the tickets will never show, what exactly happened to them and will the rollout fix them? 




We are testing out the Hubspot integration has with Zendesk (not Zendesks). 

Not sure if this is a Zendesk or Hubspot issue, but it appears that the merged Organization may be marked as deleted, but may still exist via the API?

The Hubspot integration picked up a duplicate Organization. If we delete a duplicated Organisation, all is fine. However, if we merge an orgnaization, the Hubspot integration still complains that there is a duplicate object.

Hubspot has some specific support for re-syncing Zendesk delete objects, but its greyed out and saying there of no deleted records detected.

Can Zendesk advise?

Thanks,  Graham





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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Moises Morales, the closed and archived tickets still exist in your account, and they are still connected to the ticket requester, just not the merged org. The Org Merge beta is the first phase to allowing updates to closed and archived tickets which is a long term feature request. It's an incredibly complicated feature, but when it's available you'll be able to reattach the old tickets.

If you require something more urgent than that, please create a support request with our team and reference this comment to have it forwarded myself and the team.



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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Graham Robson, is this the Hubspot integration you're referring to? If that's the case, this question might be best directed to the Hubspot support team or Hubspot community. 

I will say the following however, the Org Merge Beta does not yet have a public API, which means that merges are not going to be kept in sync across both apps regardless of where they happen – you will have to manually complete the merge in both locations to keep them in sync. 

In Zendesk, the very final step of an org merge is deleting the merging organization (aka the "loser"). Once done, this org would no longer be retrievable via API, and whatever record on Hubspot's end that is connected to the now deleted org, will no longer find it's counterpart on the Zendesk side. I am unsure how Hubspot is finding a duplicate org, or what is leading to that situation, but deleting an org and merging an org into another has the same end result; the record is deleted in Zendesk. 

I'm hoping this helps put you on the right path, but until we have a public API which will be part of the general availability release of Org Merge, there may be sync issues.



I'm in Pod 20 - just need to know if we need to manually move those tickets and if so, if I can be notified via mention when all pods are completed.  Thanks!


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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Josh Brewington, I'm hopeful that we'll be live in Pod 20 in a couple days. After that point, you won't need to manually move anything.



James Hanley

Do you have an ETA on Pod28 please? I am eager to test it.


Thanks James - Thanks for confirming it is a full delete on merge. I'll pursue with Hubspot.


Hello James Hanley! I'm very excited about to test this once it's released on Pod 23. 

My question though, is the API available in this beta? If so, is there documentation somewhere for this endpoint? 


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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello again folks, a quick status update on the rollout of closed and archived ticket changes in an org merge, it is currently live in pods;

15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, and 29

Assuming we have no issues over the next 24 hours, we will complete the rollout to all remain pods tomorrow. 



Thanks James

I'm very happy to confirm that we are seeing the glory of a full merge on POD29 :-)

One behaviour I spotted was that the UI was lagging and possibly needed some poking with refreshes. After the merge, no transferred tickets or users appeared to be listed As per the count's indicator, but after a short while, it all caught up. I mention for the super keen to see it working audience here :-)

Many Thanks to the Zendesk Team - this truly opens up a lot here; we'll be able to start cleaning up data duplicates and syncing data across systems.

Thanks,  Graham






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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello folks, I'm pleased to say updates to Closed and Archived tickets has now been fully rolled out to all pods.

Graham Robson you are correct about the counts lagging. For performance reasons, we don't do counts on the core database rows. Instead we use a different system that is updated intermittently - anywhere from 1 minute to 5 minutes. On most occasions, the lag is not noticeable - but when we're copying users and tickets across orgs it becomes extremely noticeable. We've investigated options to make the counts update as the job is happening, but the effort is significant and instead we've decided to invest our time in ensure we have a confirmation message when the org merge completes. Apart from this, I'm very glad you've been able to use this and that it's going to be really helpful for you and your team.




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Jimmy Rufo

Zendesk Luminary

Hi James Hanley ,

Looks like this disruption is going on 3 weeks with no further updates.  Can your team update this thread over whats going on, and why the delay in getting this resolved?


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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Apologies Jimmy Rufo, I had been updating the Org Merge Beta Community, but not this article.

I can confirm the outage has been resolved and Org Merge has been re-activated in all accounts. I'm also pleased to tease that we'll have a public API for Org Merge very soon.

Please let me know if you need anything else.



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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey everyone, 

I'm pleased to provide a small but exciting product update that we have just released our public API's for organization merge.

I have created a post in our Organization Merge Beta community which details the changes, and provides a place for asking related questions.

I hope this change is helpful.



We have our company as organization, but also we have tickets from users created via chat or different way where they misspelled their email.

for instance is our company email, but they entered

If I put all users from in a separate organization, and then merge it with our company organization, will that automatically merge the duplicate users? with ?



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