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Configuring your help center to support multiple languages

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 25, 2025





If I delete a language, will all the help center articles in that language be archived? Thanks 



I have 5 languages on my help center. If an article is not translated in one language, is there a way to hide this language in the dropdown menu ?


Is there a configuration setting or method to serve off articles in all available language when the end-users language has not yet had the article translated?

EG: Bob is a native Esperanto speaker and reader, he search for "Rajdu mulon" in Guide/Help Center.  There is no Esperanto article for this, but there are english and german versions. 

English: How to Ride a Mule

German:  Reite ein Maultier

How can one provide always provide results for a KB search that lists ALL the languages a article is available in? 



Thanks for reaching out! You must enable all of the languages that you want to support in your help center in order to serve off articles in all available languages that you want. You can choose from any of the Guide supported languages and most of the languages that are available by request.

If you choose a supported language, text that appears in the help center by default (for example, "search" and "comments"), is displayed in that language.

Kindly check this article here for you to be guided accordingly: Configuring your help center to support multiple languages

Let me know if you need further assistance.

Clifford James Lacson |Associate Customer Advocate|

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When creating a multi-language HC, is there an option to edit the welcome message/search bar placeholder to match the available languages?


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Russell Chee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Karolina,
Thanks for reaching out on the Community post, I hope you are doing well! I would just like to understand which part of the welcome message/search bar placeholder are you referring to exactly? If you wouldn't mind expanding a little bit more or even with screenshots, I would be more than willing to help. If however you are not comfortable with posting information about your Zendesk account on this community post, please do let me know and we can work something out :) Have a great one!

Russell Chee | Senior Customer Advocacy Specialist | Melbourne, Australia


Hi Russell! 

Our current HC welcome message reads Welcome to XYZ however I can't see a distinct option that would change this into French for us when setting up our Canadian Help Centre. 

We also have wording in the search bar which once again, there doesn't seem to be an option to translate. Any ideas?


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Russell Chee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Karolina,
Thanks for your response, it is much appreciated! Sounds like you're looking for a specific workflow with your multi-language Help Center. In this instance, let's turn your post into a ticket and work on it together as I may require a little bit more information about your account specific workflow. Keep an eye out for your emails!

Russell Chee | Senior Customer Advocacy Specialist | Melbourne, Australia


Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me with my use case:

We serve multiple regions and, while we only need English, we need variations in specific words. Much of the content in the help center is the same and requires no translation. Is there a way to allow for users to surface all content in the Zendesk default language, but to view the translated article as per their browser setting? 

It is not feasible for us to duplicate every article. 


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Bry Fitzgerald

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Ryan! I'm not quite understanding the end-goal here. I'll create a ticket and we can discuss this more in-depth.


I believe we are having the same issue that Karolina is having. Our help center is not changing the welcome message to the language that is selected. It just stays in English.


Figured this out, had to use dynamic content and do a big run around to get it to work. Not very scalable and more manual work and updates than preferred. 



I am having a serious issue with the default settings of translations. We currently have 16 categories & 16 sections. 

8 in English and 8 in Spanish.

We are a bilingual team- we manually write the articles with screenshots in each language (our platform exists in Spanish & English).

When I write one in English for example, and select category/section/tags etc then click to create a translation... it auto saves it to the same category/section.

If you try to move the translation to the Spanish category/section -- it warns you and then moves the English version to the spanish category/section as well.. making it an orphan article and it doesn't show in our help page.

This is incredibly frustrating and I need a solve ASAP.

Please help.



Can I make it that when I change the status of an article in the main language (draft > published or published > unpublished) the status changes on all translated versions as well?




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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Carlo,
As it turns out, you'll need to do the steps on each translated article and there's no option to change it simultaneously for all translations.



We are translating all of the content of our Help Center articles into German and French. Do web forms included in the Help center need to be manually translated, or there's a dynamic way to do this? Thanks


Angel Studios would you mind sharing how you solved the issue of translating the placeholder text in the search bar? i'm struggling with that myself.

i've created the dynamic content and added the placeholders to the code, but it's either not showing the translated version or it's making the search bar disappear entirely.

Any help would be very much appreciated!


Hi Matt,

I am happy to help the best I can. Here is how I did it:

I created the dynamic content first.

Then in the knowledge base, under the home_page.hbs I changed up just the line for the hero-title. Here is the whole section if it helps:

<section class="section hero">
  <div class="hero-inner">
    <h1 class="hero-title">{{dc 'how_can_we_help'}}</h1>
    {{search submit=false instant=true class='search search-full' placeholder="Search..."}}


I believe that is all that was needed. I am not 100% sure. Lot has happened in past 3 months 😏

Hopefully this is helpful for you or someone else though.




Thanks for the sharing, but we still got a problem that our FAQ, we used to got two languages(Chinese & English).  We don't know why English version got missed, and show up the word like the photo below. If you know any way to fix it, please let us know!

Thank you! 

Looking forward to your reply!








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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Support,

As this would require some troubleshooting on your account's settings, I went ahead & created a ticket on your behalf. Please keep an eye out for our email!



thank you for your support always. I would like to know more detailed about..."The language set for the user's current active session". 

For example user profile language is set as English, but the user has some open French tickets, then the user's help center will be shown in French? (of course, in the case, the help center supports both languages, English and French)



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Anne Ronalter

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Iyo,

The Help Center language is based on the browser language that the user has currently set up.

The following article will give you more detials on this topic: 

"Every web browser has a language setting that is automatically detected when a user visits the help center."


Hi Anne Ronalter,

thank you for your comment, I'm happy for it!!

I understand your reference. But in this article its written like below. It means, if the user's language is English in user profile, the help center is shown in English even if the web browser language is set as French.

If not, please kindly explain what this article description mean.


The language that a user sees in your help center is based on defaulting to the following, in order of preference:

  • The language specified in the URL of the page the user is currently on (if present)
  • The language set for the user's current active session
  • The language preference set in the user's user profile
  • The preferred language of the user's browser
  • Other compatible languages specified by the user's browser




Hi, we want to implement a multi-language help center form. It seems that only the default field titles show in another language and not the ones we've manually added. Example of German format below. Is there a way to have the entire form translated into the desired language?
Also is there a way to have the knowledge base articles automatically translate for viewing based on users' choice of language? Thanks



Kenny Rohan I believe you are needing to add your ticket form fields into your Dynamic Content and then use those placeholders in the ticket fields: it would look similar to {{dc.jobsite}} instead of Jobsite. Here is an article to help explain this.



Hi there! At some point someone changed our default language to English (NZ) from American English. Now we have 231 Articles that are a mix of both and no easy way to swap them all to one or the other. The homepage of our guide is messy and incomplete in both "languages". Is there an easier way to define their current language as English (NZ) without having to manually edit, copy, and delete the American English translation?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi エクレクト 共有,
It only means that when users access the Help Center the first time, the language will be set based on those following conditions. However, users can still set their language if the Help Center theme has the option for it. Like in the case of our own Help Center.

Hi Max,
Natively, it can only be done manually. Alternatively, you can use Help Center API to manage article translations.


Hello Team

After reviewing this help page. I am trying to setup to translate articles to Vietnamese, however when I edit and article to translate to Vietnamese the article does not translate it is completely plank. I am probably missing a step


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Joe,

If you have configured your help center to support multiple languages, you can add translated versions of each article in your help center, or add articles only in specific languages.
See Localizing help center content, so that end users can choose the language they want in your help center.


Hello! I'm starting to explore this language topic. Where do I upload the translated article, so when the users selects language it will show?


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