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Exporting ticket, user, or organization data from your account

Edited Mar 19, 2025




I have exported tickets data into JSON using UI and set start date 1/1/2019. Now I am looking at the export result and see that the very first record "created_at" is from 2017-something. Can someone clarify how exactly the data range is being used in the UI export?


The satisfaction score is included on the export, but not the rating date, any chance this can be included? Or Am I missing something?

Is it possible to extract a .csv with that information from explorer?

Also, custom fields are exported via .CSV and that's great.




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Eric Gao

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Yevgen,

The JSON export uses the last updated timestamp rather than the ticket creation timestamp. This means that it's pulling all tickets that have been updated since 1/1/2019 and hence it's possible for you to see tickets that were created prior to that date.

This is mentioned in the "Understanding the data export options" section as well:

Warm Regards,

Eric G. Gao | Technical Support Architect | Zendesk



I'll admit I didn't look for my question/answer through all of the comments but I did look through a lot.

Using the JSON user export, is it possible to get all of the users' identities or only the primary? In my case email address. If I want all of the email addresses, do I need to use the Rest APIs? I don't see the non-primary emails anywhere in the export.


- Scott


Is there any way to export Public Replies and Internal Notes from all of our tickets? We want to do a pattern analysis of the content in free-form text to see if there are patterns of specific words or needs that come up frequently in our tickets.


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi @... - 

You should be able to do this through the Ticket Comments API.

Alternatively, there are a few apps in the marketplace that can handle this, such as this one.

Hope this helps!



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Amy Dee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi pstrauss! The Tickets JSON export described in this article also includes ticket comments. Each comment includes its full text and whether it's public or private. It's very similar to the information you'd get from the Ticket Comments API.

Since tickets and comments can get quite large, I usually recommend smaller JSON exports. You can use the date range tools to limit the size for each file. You'll also need to use a text editor to adjust the formatting slightly, so the file as a whole can be viewed as JSON. (Each exported ticket has proper JSON formatting, but they aren't grouped together in the file.)

If the Tickets JSON export doesn't quite meet your needs, then the marketplace apps and API endpoint Brandon provided could give you more options.

I hope this helps!


Thanks @... and @... - this is very helpful. I'll go ahead and request that exports be activated on our account and see if the JSON file works for us before diving into the API or 3rd-party app approach.


I have the pro plan (sell and support) and new to zendesk. I would like to backup the data from both sell and support daily at a min.

From what I have read thus far, the only way to achieve a "backup" is by exporting the data? If this is correct, can the export be automated. If so, please provide guidance and assistance.

On the other hand, if this isn't the only way, please advise on all alternative methods





For Full JSON export, what's the From and To date condition? Is it used to filter by "created_at" or "updated_at" or anything else? I want to export the ticket which are created in the specific period but the result I get from the json is not what I expect.



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Amy Dee

Zendesk Customer Care

@... - The date range filter is based on the "generated" timestamp. It's the most recent update of any kind, which may not match a ticket's "created_at" or "updated_at" timestamp. It follows the same behavior as time-based incremental API calls. We have more information here: Excluding system-updated tickets.


@... - There are export tools in the UI that would allow you to back up your data. The article above describes the options in Support, and this article describes the options for Sell: Exporting data from Zendesk Sell. These are manual options, though. You can't automate the system export tools.

If you want to set up an automated export, you'd need to look into the API. On the Support side, I recommend the Incremental API. That allows you to pull all records that have been updated since the starting point (using the "generated" timestamp I mentioned before). On the Sell side, you could check the Sync or Firehose options in Sell's API documentation.

I hope this helps!


Hi all, 

I'm trying to export the Group name assigned to the Organizations on our support account, but in the JSON export the group is shown as an ID rather than the name. 

Also this information does not appear in Explore, because it shows the current group assigned to a ticket, but not the general group. I'm talking about the field shown in green in the screenshot.

Aybody knows how to export that data for all of our organizations?


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Amy Dee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi @...! You are correct; that property isn't available in Explore at this time. The JSON export is probably the best resource for finding the groups associated with organizations.

Since the JSON export returns an ID rather than a name, you'll need a second resource to connect names with IDs. I recommend the List Groups API. It's a relatively simple GET call to (you can even access it in a browser as long as you're logged into your account).

The List Groups API includes each group's ID and name, so you can use it as a reference. 

I hope this helps!


Thanks @... works great!


Are we able to export articles on guide ,from Zendesk?


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Tito,

You can use the Guide API to export your articles or you can use the kBackup app within our App Marketplace.

I hope this helps!


I don't actually see any way to use the API to export ticket audits with parameters like tags or specific forms. Can this be clarified? How is this achievable? 


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Amy Dee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi CJ! This article covers the native export options for Zendesk data. The Tickets JSON export is the most thorough of the bunch -- it includes the ticket in its current state (including tags, field values, and the form), details about all associated users, metric data, and the full comment history. It's a great resource for ticket data, but it doesn't get into individual ticket audits.

If you're interested in ticket audits, you have a couple broad options.

The Ticket Audits API shows the full audit history for a ticket. It includes every change to the ticket, including metadata for each update, all field changes, all comment text, etc. It's a complete picture, but it only supports one ticket at a time. This option is helpful if you've identified a subset of tickets (through search or some other resource), and you need to pull detailed information for that list of ticket IDs. It's not efficient for large or ongoing exports.

For large or ongoing exports that include ticket audits, I recommend the Incremental Ticket Events API. The incremental endpoints are designed to deliver lots of raw data as efficiently as possible. The ticket events endpoint returns each event on its own, complete with all changes and metadata. (You have to include the comment_events side-load if you want comment text as well.) This allows you to pull all ticket events in bulk, but you need to reassemble them into tickets separately.

I hope this helps!


i dont see the reports in the list

its just not there

Click the Admin icon () in the sidebar, then select Manage > Reports.


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Amy Dee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Chris! This likely means one of two things:

Exports have not been enabled. Exports are disabled by default. If they haven't yet been enabled in your account, the account owner will need to contact the support team.

There are domain restrictions on the export tools. The account owner can always reach the export page (once it's enabled), but they have the option to limit who else can access it. Only account administrators with a matching email domain will see it.

If you're an administrator on your account and you don't see the export options, check in with the account owner and reach out to Customer Support if needed.

I hope this helps!


We have export abilities turned on but I can only see the option to export in CSV or XML, even after limiting dates to one month. Any ideas why I can't see the JSON option?


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Amy Dee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Kat! The CSV and XML exports do not use date filters. They always return the full account history. If you see date filters, you should have the JSON export. Here's what it looks like:

The date filters, type, and Export button are all part of the "Full JSON export" just above. Once you complete some exports, you'll see them listed above the filters as well:

If this is what you see, click the Export button and wait for an email notification. You should get a JSON export. If this isn't what you see, or you get something other than a JSON export, please reach out to our Support team to investigate further.

I hope this helps!


Is it possible to export tickets using specific criteria, for instance, if I want to export tickets with a particular tag.


Hi Sarah, 
It depends on what you mean by exporting tickets. If you don't need every single comment, just the first message and ticket fields, it's possible, but it's trickier than the built in methods. You can do this using the Search API. Now, the good news is, you can do this without being a coder! 

Here's what you want to do, in my example, we're gonna pretend the tag you want is "closed_by_merge". 
1. replace the domain with your zendesk domain, and put this in your browser;[type]=ticket&query=tags:closed_by_merge
2. You should see a JSON output of code. To convert that to CSV, run it through something like .
3. Be sure to get all pages! At the bottom of the page of code displayed, you'll see a link like:"}}

You need to copy and follow that link to get to page 2. Continue until you get a NULL/blank next page. 

If you want to get fancy with this, there's guides out there on how to write Python scripts to run your search, decided what columns to collect, collect all the pages, and format it into a CSV, as well. This can be really helpful if you have thousands of results and don't want to download and convert your results page by page, and want to limit the columns in the CSV to the things you actually want/need. 


Thanks for sharing your solution, CJ!


Thank you, CJ 🙏 Thank you, Dave 🙏 I really appreciate your help.


Here.. it is stated that the JSON exported list is NOT a valid JSON object...

... and I totally agree. In fact, I always need to use an editor to add a prefix `[` and suffix `]` and a comma after each new-line, in order to properly parse the list (eg. in python). Very annoying...

So, the question arises: Why don't you export as a proper formatted JSON array? I think this should be considered a bug more than a limitation or a works-by-design. It does not make sense to provide me with a sequence of json objects without commas and enclosing brackets!


Hello Zendesk Support,


I see we can pull lots of ticket data but is there any way to pull macros via this method?


Hi Pierce,
Welcome to the community! There's not a built-in way to export macros, although it's possible to retrieve macro information via our API: Macros
There are some (paid) third-party apps that can be used to export Macro data (among other things): Apps Marketplace


Is this article still accurate? I don't see anything like this in my instance. Yes I can go to Account and Reports, but I have to create a Report first with limited settings, and then I can export, but only to CSV and XML, no JSON.

We are on Suite Growth, BTW


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