Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Live chat and messaging Professional or Enterprise |
Use this article to discover the metrics and attributes you can use to build Explore reports based on your usage of Zendesk Chat. These datasets are also used for the Chat prebuilt dashboards.
For more information about how to create reports with Explore, see Creating reports.
Engagement dataset
The Engagement dataset contains metrics and attributes that relate to your Chat engagement. This section lists all the available elements for the dataset, and contains the following topics:
Engagement dataset schema
Use this diagram to help you understand the elements of the Engagement dataset and their relationships.
Engagement metrics
This section lists and defines all of the Engagement metrics available.
Chat engagement time-based metrics begin measuring specifically when an agent interacts with a chat. Other Chat time-based metrics begin measuring when an end user (or a representative, such as an agent or trigger, beginning a chat on their behalf) interacts with the chat.
Metric | Definition | Calculation |
Chats | The number of Chat sessions. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Served chats | The number of Chat sessions served by agents. A Chat session can have multiple agent engagements, but only one served chat. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat completion]!="Missed") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Completed chats | The number of Chat sessions successfully completed by agents (excludes agent-dropped and missed chats). | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat completion]="Completed") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Non-completed chats | The number of chat sessions dropped or missed by agents. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat completion]!="Completed") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Dropped chats | The number of chats accepted by or assigned to the agent where the end user responds to an agent message, then leaves the chat. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat completion]="Dropped") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Deleted chats | The number of chat sessions which were deleted. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat deleted]="true") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Skills fulfilled chats | The number of chats that were served by the agent with the required set of skills. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat skills fulfilled]="true") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Transferred chats | The number of chats that were transferred to other departments or agents. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Engagement started by]="Transfer") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Trigger fired chats | The number of chats on which the system trigger had fired. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat trigger fired]="true") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Offline messages | The number of offline message left when no agents were online. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Offline Message") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
% Chat completion rate | The percentage of completed chats from the total amount of chats. | D_COUNT(Completed chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
% Chat drop rate | The percentage of chats dropped by agents from the total amount of chats. | D_COUNT(Dropped chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
% Chat skill fulfillment rate | The percentage of chats that were served by the agent with the required set of skills from the total amount of chats. | D_COUNT(Skills fulfilled chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
% Chat transfer rate | The percentage of chats that were transferred to other departments or agents from the total amount of chats. | D_COUNT(Transferred chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
% Chat trigger fired rate | The percentage of chats on which the system trigger had fired (was executed) from the total amount of chats. | D_COUNT(Trigger fired chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
Chats - Daily average | The average number of chats started each day. | D_COUNT(Chats)/DCOUNT_VALUES([Chat started - Date]) |
Inbound chats | The number of inbound chats initiated by end users. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Inbound") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Completed inbound chats | The number of inbound chats successfully completed by agents (excludes the agent dropped and missed chats). The inbound chat sessions are initiated by end users (end users). | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Inbound" AND [Chat completion]="Completed") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Missed inbound chats | The number of inbound chat sessions where the end user ends the chat without an agent response. The inbound chat sessions are initiated by end users. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Inbound" AND [Chat completion]="Missed") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Trigger fired inbound chats | The number of inbound chats on which the system trigger had fired. The inbound chat sessions are initiated by end users. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Inbound" AND [Chat trigger fired]="true") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
% Chat inbound rate | The percentage of chats initiated by end users from the total number of chats. | D_COUNT(Inbound chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
% Chat miss rate | The percentage of chats missed from the total number of chats. | D_COUNT(Missed inbound chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
Inbound chats - Daily average | The average number of inbound chats started each day. | D_COUNT(Inbound chats)/DCOUNT_VALUES([Chat started - Date]) |
Outbound chats | The number of outbound chats initiated by agents. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Outbound") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Completed outbound chats | The number of outbound chats successfully completed by agents (excludes the agent dropped chats). The outbound chats are initiated by agents. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Outbound" AND [Chat completion]="Completed") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Non-engaged outbound chats | The number of outbound chats that were started by an agent but didn't engage the end user to start the chat conversation. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Outbound" AND [Chat completion]="Not Engaged") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Trigger fired outbound chats | The number of outbound chats on which the system trigger fired (was executed). The outbound chats are initiated by agents. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]="Outbound" AND [Chat trigger fired]="true") THEN [Chat ID]ENDIF |
% Chat outbound rate | The percentage of chats initiated by agents from the total number of chats. | D_COUNT(Outbound chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
Outbound chats - Daily average | The average number of outbound chats started each day. | D_COUNT(Outbound chats)/DCOUNT_VALUES([Chat started - Date]) |
Good satisfaction chats | The number of chat sessions rated by the end user as good. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat satisfaction rating]="Good") THEN [Chat ID] THEN [Chat ID] |
Bad satisfaction chats | The number of chat sessions rated by the end user as bad. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat satisfaction rating]="Bad") THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
Rated satisfaction chats | The total number of chat sessions rated by the end user as good or bad. | IF ([Chat type - Unsorted]!="Offline Message" AND [Chat satisfaction rating]!=NULL) THEN [Chat ID] ENDIF |
% Chat satisfaction score | The percentage of chat sessions rated by the end user as good from the total number of rated chats. | D_COUNT(Good satisfaction chats)/D_COUNT(Rated satisfaction chats) |
% Chat satisfaction rated | The percentage of chat sessions rated by the end user as good or bad from the total number of chats. | D_COUNT(Rated satisfaction chats)/D_COUNT(Chats) |
Chat messages | The number of comments submitted during the chat session by the end user or agent. | (Chat messages) |
Chat agent messages | Refers to the number of comments entered by an agent during the Chat session. | (Chat agent messages) |
Chat visitor messages | The number of comments submitted during the chat session by the end user. | (Chat visitor messages) |
Engagements | The number of chat engagements. During a chat session, end users can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | [Engagement ID] |
Assignments | The number of engagements which were assigned to agents. During a chat session, end users can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as different engagement. | IF ([Engagement assignment]!="Self-assigned") THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
Missed assignments | The number of engagements which were assigned to the agent but were missed (no agent reply). During a chat session, end users can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | IF ([Engagement assignment]="Assignment Missed") THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
Accepted assignments | The number of engagements which were assigned to an agent and accepted. During a chat session, end users can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | IF ([Engagement assignment]="Assignment Accepted") THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
Self-assignments | The number of engagements to which an agent assigned themselves. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | IF ([Engagement assignment]="Self-assigned") THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
Skill fulfilments | The number of chat engagements that were served by the agent with the required set of skills. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | IF ([Engagement skills fulfilled]="true") THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
Transfers | The number of chat engagements that were transferred to other departments or agents. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | IF ([Chat started by]="Transfer") THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
% Assignment acceptance rate | The percentage of assignments which were assigned and accepted by an agent to the total number of agent assignments. | D_COUNT(Accepted assignments)/D_COUNT(Assignments) |
Good satisfaction engagements | The number of chat engagements rated by the end user as good. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. |
IF ([Engagement satisfaction rating]="Good") THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
Bad satisfaction engagements | The number of chat engagements rated by the end user as bad. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. |
IF ([Engagement satisfaction rating]="Bad") THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
Rated satisfaction engagements | The total number of chat engagements rated by the end user as good or bad. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. |
IF ([Engagement satisfaction rating]!=NULL) THEN [Engagement ID] ENDIF |
% Engagement satisfaction score | The percentage of chat engagements rated by the end user as good from the total number of rated engagements. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | D_COUNT(Good satisfaction engagements)/D_COUNT(Rated satisfaction engagements) |
% Engagement satisfaction rated | The percentage of chat engagements rated by the end user as good or bad from the total number of engagements. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | D_COUNT(Rated satisfaction engagements)/D_COUNT(Engagements) |
Engagement messages | The number of comments submitted during the chat engagement by the end user or agent. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | (Engagement messages) |
Engagement agent messages | The number of comments submitted during the chat engagement by the agent. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | (Engagement agent messages) |
Engagement visitor messages | The number of comments submitted during the chat engagement by the end user. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | (Engagement visitor messages) |
Chat duration (sec) | The time duration from the first to the last chat message in seconds. The first message can come from an end user or from a proactive chat trigger. | (Chat duration (sec)) |
Chat wait time (sec) | The time the end user waited for the first reply from an agent. If no agent replies, then this returns the total time the end user waited before leaving the chat session. | IF [Chat completion]="Missed" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec)) ELSE VALUE(Chat first reply time (sec)) ENDIF |
Chat first reply time (sec) | The time in seconds between the end user joining the chat and the agent's first response. An end user joins a chat when they send the first chat message or reply to a proactive message. | (Chat first reply time (sec)) |
Chat average reply time (sec) | The average time in seconds it took for agent to reply to end user comments during the chat session. | (Chat average reply time (sec)) |
Chat longest reply time (sec) | The maximum time in seconds it took for agent to reply to end user comments during the chat session. | (Chat longest reply time (sec)) |
Chat no reply time (sec) | The time in seconds from the end user's last unanswered comment to the end user leaving the chat session. | (Chat no reply time (sec)) |
Chat missed no reply time (sec) | The time from the end user's last comment to the end user leaving the chat session without getting an agent reply. | IF [Chat completion]="Missed" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec)) ENDIF |
Chat dropped no reply time (sec) | The time from the end user's last comment to the end user leaving the chat session without getting a reply. | IF [Chat completion]="Dropped" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec)) ENDIF |
Chat duration (min) | The time duration from the first to the last chat message in minutes. The first message can come from an end user or from a proactive chat trigger. | VALUE(Chat duration (sec))/60 |
Chat wait time (min) | The time the end user waited for the first reply from an agent. If no agent replies, then this returns the total time the end user waited before leaving the chat session. | IF [Chat completion]="Missed" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec))/60 ELSE VALUE(Chat first reply time (sec))/60 ENDIF |
Chat first reply time (min) | The time in minutes between the end user joining the chat and the agent's first response. An end user joins a chat when they send the first chat message or reply to a proactive message. | VALUE(Chat first reply time (sec))/60 |
Chat average reply time (min) | The average time in minutes it took for agent to reply to end user comments during the chat session. | VALUE(Chat average reply time (sec))/60 |
Chat longest reply time (min) | The maximum time in minutes it took for agent to reply to end user comments during the chat session. | VALUE(Chat longest reply time (sec))/60 |
Chat no reply time (min) | The time in seconds from the end user's last unanswered comment to the end user leaving the chat session. | VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec))/60 |
Chat missed no reply time (min) | The time from the vistior's last comment to the end user leaving the chat session without getting an agent reply. | IF [Chat completion]="Missed" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec))/60 ENDIF |
Chat dropped no reply time (min) | The time from the end user's last comment to the end user leaving the chat session without getting a reply. | IF [Chat completion]="Dropped" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec))/60 ENDIF |
Chat duration (hrs) | The time duration from the first to the last chat message in minutes. The first message can come from an end user or from a proactive chat trigger. | VALUE(Chat duration (sec))/60/60 |
Chat wait time (hrs) | The time the end user waited for the first reply from an agent. If no agent replies, then this returns the total time the end user waited before leaving the chat session. | IF [Chat completion]="Missed" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec))/60/60 ELSE VALUE(Chat first reply time (sec))/60/60 ENDIF |
Chat first reply time (hrs) | The time in hours between the end user joining the chat and the agent's first response. An end user joins a chat when they send the first chat message or reply to a proactive message. | VALUE(Chat first reply time (sec))/60/60 |
Chat average reply time (hrs) | The average time in minutes it took for agent to reply to end user comments during the chat session. | VALUE(Chat average reply time (sec))/60/60 |
Chat longest reply time (hrs) | The maximum time in minutes it took for agent to reply to end user comments during the chat session. | VALUE(Chat longest reply time (sec))/60/60 |
Chat no reply time (hrs) | The time in seconds from the end user's last unanswered comment to the end user leaving the chat session. | VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec))/60/60 |
Chat missed no reply time (hrs) | The time from the end user's last comment to the end user leaving the chat session without getting an agent reply. | IF [Chat completion]="Missed" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec))/60/60 ENDIF |
Chat dropped no reply time (hrs) | The time from the end user's last comment to the end user leaving the chat session without getting a reply. | IF [Chat completion]="Dropped" THEN VALUE(Chat no reply time (sec))/60/60 ENDIF |
Engagement duration (sec) | The time in seconds from the agent joining the chat to when
the end user or agent leaves the chat, whichever occurs first.
During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple
agents. Each interaction is counted as a different
engagement. When assigned routing is enabled, the timer starts counting when chats are offered to agents. |
Engagement duration (sec) |
Engagement first reply time (sec) | During a chat session, the end user can interact with
multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different
engagement. For assignment routing mode, this is the time in seconds between the agent’s assignment time to the chat and the agent's first response. For broadcast routing mode, this is the time in seconds between the end user's first unanswered message to the agent's first response. |
Engagement first reply time (sec) |
Engagement average reply time (sec) | The average time it took for the agent to reply to each of the end user's messages in the engagement. | Engagement average reply time (sec) |
Engagement longest reply time (sec) | The maximum time it took for an agent to reply to an end user comment during the chat engagement. | Engagement longest reply time (sec) |
Engagement duration (min) | The time in minutes from the agent joining the chat to when the end user or agent leaves the chat, whichever occurs first. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | VALUE(Engagement duration (sec))/60 |
Engagement first reply time (min) | During a chat session, the end user can interact with
multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different
engagement. For assignment routing mode, this is the time in minutes between the agent’s assignment time to the chat and the agent's first response. For broadcast routing mode, this is the time in minutes between the end user's first unanswered message to the agent's first response. |
VALUE(Engagement first reply time (sec))/60 |
Engagement average reply time (min) | The average time it took for the agent to reply to each of the end user's messages in the engagement. | VALUE(Engagement average reply time (sec))/60 |
Engagement longest reply time (min) | The maximum time it took for an agent to reply to an end user's comment during the chat engagement. | VALUE(Engagement longest reply time (sec))/60 |
Engagement duration (hrs) | The time in hours from the agent joining the chat to when the end user or agent leaves the chat, whichever occurs first. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. | VALUE(Engagement duration (sec))/60/60 |
Engagement first reply time (hrs) | During a chat session, the end user can interact with
multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different
engagement. For assignment routing mode, this is the time in hours between the agent’s assignment time to the chat and the agent's first response. For broadcast routing mode, this is the time in hours between the end user's first unanswered message to the agent's first response. |
VALUE(Engagement first reply time (sec))/60/60 |
Engagement average reply time (hrs) | The average time it took for the agent to reply to each of the end user's messages in the engagement. | VALUE(Engagement average reply time (sec))/60/60 |
Engagement longest reply time (hrs) | The maximum time it took for an agent to reply to a end user's comment during the chat engagement. | VALUE(Engagement longest reply time (sec))/60/60 |
Engagement attributes
This section lists and defines all the Engagement attributes available.
Attribute | Definition |
Chat ID | The system ID of the Chat session. |
Chat type | The specific chat type being assigned depending on the way it was initiated. Refers to unsorted values of this attribute. |
Chat started by | The way chat session was started. Who or what started the chat session? Values: Agent, Visitor and Trigger. |
Chat completion | The specific status assigned depending on the way the chat session was completed. Values include Missed, Dropped, Completed, and Not Engaged. |
Chat department | The department to which the Chat session was assigned. |
Chat deleted | States if a Chat message was deleted. Can be True or False. |
Chat satisfaction rating | The satisfaction rating that end user left during or after the chat session. Values: Good, Bad or none. |
Chat skills | Agent abilities necessary to serve the chat session. |
Chat skills fulfilled | Parameter showing whether this chat was served by an agent with the required set of skills. Values: True or False. |
Chat tags | The tags applied to a particular Chat session. For important information about filtering reports using tags, see Reporting on ticket tags using filters. |
Chat trigger fired | Parameter showing whether a system trigger had fired (executed) during the chat session. Values: True or False. |
Chat country | The country of the chat end user. |
Chat region | The province or state of the chat end user. |
Chat city | The city of the chat end user. |
Chat platform | The platform of device used by end user to initiate chat. For example: iOS, Android, Windows. |
Chat browser | The browser used by the end user to initiate a chat session. For example: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer. |
Engagement ID | The system ID of the chat engagement. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. |
Engagement started by | The way chat engagement was started. Who or what initiated
the chat engagement? During a chat session, the end user can
interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a
different engagement. Values: Agent, Visitor and Transfer. |
Engagement assignment | Shows how the engagement was assigned to an agent. During a
chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents.
Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. Values: Self-assigned,* Assignment Accepted, Assignment Missed *The Self-assigned value is applied when the agent accepts a chat in broadcasting mode, when the agent transfers a chat to another agent, or when the agent assigns a chat to themselves. |
Engagement department | The department to which the chat engagement was assigned. Examples include Support, Sales, or Shipping. During a chat session, the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. |
Engagement satisfaction rating | The satisfaction response that end user left during or after
the chat engagement. During a chat session, the end user can
interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a
different engagement. Values: Good, Bad or none |
Engagement skills | The Agent abilities necessary to serve the chat engagement. During a chat session, end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction is counted as a different engagement. |
Engagement skills fulfilled | Parameter showing whether this chat engagement was served by
an agent with the required set of skills. During a chat session,
the end user can interact with multiple agents. Each interaction
is counted as a different engagement. Values: True or False |
Ticket ID | The Ticket ID associated with a chat. |
Ticket status | The status of the ticket associated with the chat. |
Ticket custom status name | The name of a custom ticket status. This attribute appears
only if you've enabled custom ticket
statuses. For tickets that existed before custom
ticket statuses were enabled, this attribute returns
NULL. Data is available only from October 19, 2023 onward. |
Ticket custom status category | The category that a custom ticket status is mapped to. This
attribute appears only if you've enabled custom ticket
statuses. For tickets that existed before custom
ticket statuses were enabled, this attribute returns Ticket
Status. Data is available only from October 19, 2023 onward. |
Ticket custom status state | Returns true if a custom ticket status is active, or
false if a custom ticket status is deactivated. This
attribute appears only if you've enabled custom ticket
statuses. Data is available only from October 19, 2023 onward. |
Ticket group | Name of the group where the ticket was assigned. |
Ticket assignee | The user to whom the ticket is assigned. |
Ticket brand | The brand of the ticket associated with the chat. |
Ticket channel | The channel a ticket was created from. For more information about the ticket channels Explore collects, see Understanding ticket channels in Explore. |
Ticket form | Ticket form used on the ticket. |
Ticket organization | The name of the organization associated with the ticket. |
Ticket priority | The priority of the ticket. |
Ticket problem ID | The IDs of problem tickets linked with an incident. |
Ticket requester | The name of the user who requested the ticket. |
Ticket satisfaction rating | The customer satisfaction rating. |
Ticket subject | The subject name of the ticket. |
Ticket tags | The tags associated with the ticket. For important information about filtering reports using tags, see Reporting on ticket tags using filters. |
Ticket type | The ticket type. |
Sharing agreement inbound | Affiliated instances of Zendesk Support and companies who share tickets with current instance of Zendesk Support. |
Sharing agreement outbound | Affiliated instances of Zendesk Support and companies tickets are shared with. |
Agent name | The name of the agent associated with the chat. Values for this attribute (and for the other Agent attributes below) include users who currently have an agent or admin role, as well as users who previously had an agent or admin role and were assigned to a ticket at least once. |
Agent role | The role of the agent associated with the chat. |
Agent ID | The ID of the agent associated with the chat. |
Agent email | The email address of the agent associated with the chat. |
Agent locale | The locale of the agent associated with the chat. |
Agent status | The status of the agent associated with the chat. Can be Active, Suspended, or Deleted. |
Agent tags | A list of tags associated with the agent for the chat. For important information about filtering reports using tags, see Reporting on ticket tags using filters. |
Agent time zone | The user profile time zone of the agent serving the chat. |
Chat messages brackets | Defined by the number of agent messages. The number of
comments submitted during the chat session by the
agent. Values: 1-5, 5-10,10-20. |
Chat agent messages brackets | The numeric ranges that split metrics into the predefined segments. In this case, the brackets are defined by the number of agent messages. Chat agent messages is the number of comments submitted during the chat session by the agent. Values: 1-5, 5-10,10-20. |
Chat visitor messages brackets | Defined by the number of end user messages. Comments
submitted during the chat session by the end user. Values: 1-5, 5-10,10-20. |
Chat duration brackets | Defined by the Chat duration attribute. The time duration from the first to the last chat message. The first message can come from an end user or from a proactive chat trigger. Calculated in seconds. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Chat wait time brackets | Defined by the Chat wait time. The time that the end user was
awaiting for the first agent's reply. Calculated in
seconds. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Chat first reply time brackets | Defined by the Chat first reply time attribute. The time in
seconds between the end user joining the chat and the agent’s
first response. An end user joins a chat when they send the
first chat message or reply to a proactive message. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min |
Chat average reply time brackets | Defined by the Chat average reply time attribute. The average
time it took for an agent to reply to end user comments during
the chat session. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Chat longest reply time brackets | Defined by the Chat longest reply time attribute. The maximum
time it took for an agent to reply to the end user comments
during the chat session. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Chat no reply time brackets | Defined by the Chat longest reply time attribute. The time from an end users last unanswered comment to the end user leaving the chat session. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Engagement messages brackets | The number of engagement messages. 'Chat Messages' is the
number of comments submitted during the chat engagement. A chat
session can consist of multiple engagements. Values: 1-5, 5-10,10-20. |
Engagement agent messages brackets | The number of agent engagement messages. 'Chat Agent
Messages' are comments submitted during the chat engagement by
the agent. A chat session can consist of multiple
engagements. Values: 1-5, 5-10,10-20. |
Engagement visitor messages brackets | The number of end user engagement messages. 'Chat Visitor
Messages' is the number of comments submitted during the chat
engagement by the end user. A chat session can consist of
multiple engagements. Values: 1-5, 5-10,10-20. |
Engagement duration brackets | The time duration in seconds from the agent joining the chat
to when the end user or agent leaves the chat, whichever occurs
first. A chat session can consist of multiple
engagements. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Engagement first reply time brackets | The time between the first end user comment and the first
comment provided by an agent during the engagement. A chat
session can consist of multiple engagements. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Engagement average reply time brackets | The average time it took for an agent to reply to end user
comments during the chat engagement. A chat session can consist
of multiple engagements. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Engagement longest reply time brackets | The maximum time it took for an agent to reply to the end
user comments during the chat engagement. A chat session can
consist of multiple engagements. Values: 0-3 min, 3-6 min, 6-9 min, 9-12 min, >12 min. |
Intent (Requires intelligent triage) |
A prediction of what the ticket is about. To see the possible values, open the Taxonomy tab of the Intent settings page to see the AI Intents list under the Taxonomy values heading. |
Intent confidence (Requires intelligent triage) |
The likelihood that the intent prediction is correct. Possible values are High, Medium, and Low. |
Language (Requires intelligent triage) |
A prediction of what language the ticket is written in. To see the possible values, open the Taxonomy tab of the settings page. |
Language confidence (Requires intelligent triage) |
The likelihood that the language prediction is correct. Possible values are High, Medium, and Low. |
Sentiment (Requires intelligent triage) |
A prediction of how the customer feels about their request. Possible values are Very Positive, Positive, Neutral, Negative, and Very Negative. |
Sentiment confidence (Requires intelligent triage) |
The likelihood that the sentiment prediction is correct. Possible values are High, Medium, and Low. |
Time - Chat started | A collection of attributes in different units that return when a chat started. |
Time - Chat last updated | A collection of attributes in different units that return
when a chat was last updated. This timestamp is affected by certain read-only actions. See Why are chats being updated after they’re completed? |
Time - Engagement started | A collection of attributes in different units that return when chat engagement started. |
Time - Ticket created | A collection of attributes in different units that return when the ticket associated with the chat was created. |
Time - Ticket solved | A collection of attributes in different units that return when the ticket associated with the chat was solved. |
Time - Ticket last updated | A collection of attributes in different units that return when the ticket associated with the chat was last updated. |
Chat Concurrency dataset
The Chat Concurrency dataset contains metrics and attributes that relate to your agents’ handling of concurrent chat engagements. We only show data for agents who had at least a single chat within the hour. Chat agents who were signed in and available but did not accept any chats will not be reflected.
This section lists all the available elements for the dataset, and contains the following topics:
Chat Concurrency metrics
This section lists and defines all of the Chat Concurrency metrics available.
Metric | Definition | Calculation |
Average chat concurrency | The average number of active chats per agent per hour. | [Average chat concurrency] |
Minimum chat concurrency | The minimum number of active chats per agent per hour. | [Minimum chat concurrency] |
Maximum chat concurrency | The maximum number of active chats per agent per hour. | [Maximum chat concurrency] |
Chat Concurrency attributes
This section lists and defines all the Chat Concurrency attributes available.
Attribute | Definition |
Agent name | The name of the agent associated with the chat. Values for this attribute (and for the other Agent attributes below) include users who currently have an agent or admin role, as well as users who previously had an agent or admin role and were assigned to a ticket at least once. |
Agent role | The role of the agent associated with the chat. |
Agent email | The email address of the agent associated with the chat. |
Agent ID | The ID of the agent associated with the chat. |
Agent status | The status of the agent associated with the chat. Can be Active, Suspended, or Deleted. |
Agent locale | The locale of the agent associated with the chat. |
Agent active | Whether the agent is currently active or not. Can be True or False. |
Time - Agent created | A collection of attributes in different units that return when an agent was created. |
Time - Agent concurrency | A collection of attributes in different units that return when an agent's concurrent chats occurred. |
Time - Agent last login | A collection of attributes in different units that return when an agent last logged in to Chat. |
Alison Cook
Is there an update on when the Agent status will be available i.e. How long were agents in invisible, away and/or ready? We'd like to most specifically know the average # of chats served/time in ready. The Avg daily Chat does not allow this because if an agent only works 4 days/week then their chat numbers look very low. Thank you!
Alison Cook
Mani Berenji
We need "abandoned" chats to be part of the standard reporting metrics.
I'm defining abandoned chats as :
Missed chats won't work because it counts chats that were connected to an agent, where the agent never replied.
The reason missed chats won't work is because it introduces 2 causes for the customer leaving instead of just focusing on if the customer left because they didn't get assigned an agent.
Timothy Humangit
Hi, I'm getting different CSAT results if I look at Chat departments vs. Engagement Departments. Any reason why that's the case?
Elissa Tikalsky
Hi @...
Chats and Engagements are a little different. Sometimes a single chat can be made up of multiple engagements. You can learn a bit more about how that all works in this article: What is an Engagement in Chat?
I hope that helps!
I am a little bit confused about the difference between Assignments and Chats as well as Chat Accepted, Chat Completed, and Chat served. I am trying to generate the data and it gives me different data each.
Thank you!
May I know how do Engagement Assignments work?
I noticed that in just one ticket 1 it has multiple assignments but when I visited the chat itself, it is only one chat. I would like to understand how it was tagged as multiple assignments to a single agent but was only assigned to him once?
Christian Perdikis
Hello, just resurfacing the topic of chat conversions in Explore. Now that GoodData is expired, when can we expect Online conversions from chat to be a metric available to Explore?
Hi @...!
We do not have a firm ETA on when this will happen. However, the team is working to make more reporting options available in the future.
Alternatively, you can check out Google Analytics-Chat integration and see if this fits your reporting needs. Feel free to have a look at this article: Setting up Zendesk Chat with Google Analytics.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
CJ Johnson
There's a major problem with one of the calculations here. For missed chats, Zendesk is computing the time from the LAST chat message sent, to the end of chat, and calling that the "Wait time", in the same formula that uses the time from the FIRST message sent, for not-missed chats. Yikes! The time from the last message being sent to exiting the chat, is *extremely* different from the wait time as defined below.

This was giving me all kinds of calculation errors and impossible situations. You can get closer to the correct answer for "Wait Time" for Missed with
Dave Dyson
Thanks for posting this workaround, CJ – for visibility, would you mind posting this to our User Tips & Tricks so folks can find it via search?
Ramona Arora
Hi @...- how can I find 'chat completion' in the zendesk chat API?
Gab Guinto
Hi Ramona,
I'm afraid Chat completion is not one of the explicit properties available in the Chat API. There is no specific json object or property from the API that corresponds to this attribute.
To check for 'chat completion' as defined in the Explore attribute, you may need to look into and process the data from Incremental Chat Export. The data from Chat API includes the json object "missed" (if the value is true then Chat completion in Explore is Missed), but for the other chat completion values – Dropped, Completed and Not Engaged – they can only be pulled up based on the events from incremental exports. You may check for the property "dropped" to find Dropped chats; Completed chats will have the value of false for "dropped" and "missed"; Not Engaged refers to outbounds chats started proactively where the visitor did not respond, so they'll have the value of agent or trigger for the json object "started_by" and the "count" of messages from the visitor is 0.
Explore is definitely the easiest route to check for 'Chat completion' at this time, but if you really need to pull up the data through API, then you can try the methods above.
Hope this helps. Thanks Ramona!
Mariano Jose Brunetti
Is there a way to get the sum of engagement reply time? I need to calculate the AVG reply time outside Explore platform therefore I need the sum, so then I can divided by the nmbr of messages. I can only see Averages reply time calculations.
CJ Johnson
Just an update, my workaround? Doesn't work properly if the user only sent in one message! Queue the sad trombone noise.
Here's my new improved version, but I'm not 100% confident this works in all cases yet either:
Still, the absolute best thing would be for Zendesk to correct this, since it seems really egregious to have a built in metric for chat wait time that is consistently incorrect.
Dave Dyson
CJ Johnson
Hi Dave,
It should actually be "less than 2", but it turns out something is very broken with less than, so there's no way at the moment to return the correct value at all.
CJ Johnson
I guess I don't understand what chat concurrency is, because it doesn't show me what I'd expect. If I select a date and agents, shouldn't I see every agent who was online and available? That's definitely not what returns, so I'm unclear what this is measuring.
Dave Dyson
Can you create a post in our General Troubleshooting Q&A topic and show us what you're seeing, and what you'd expect to see with respect to concurrent chat metrics?
We are trying to report on agents' first response time, however, we have found out that the Agent's Waiting time (Agent's Engagements first response time) within the Chats transferred from Bot to the Agent are calculated from the visitor's first message after the transfer and the agent's first response to that message. I wonder if there is any way to count the time between the transfer and the Agents' first response after the transfer (to be more specific, Bot's last response and agent's first message).
Leanne Britton
At this time, we do not have the ability to report on the time in between the bot handoff and the agent's first reply. The closest available metric for this would be the Engagements First Reply time metric. As you noted however and as outlined in How is Engagement first reply time calculated when a bot transfers the chat to an agent?, this is calculated from the visitor's first message after the handoff and the agent's first reply, and not from the transfer event itself and the agent's first reply. With that said, our Product Team hopes to expand the reporting capabilities of Messaging within Agent Workspace. You can follow the Announcements page for more information on upcoming releases regarding Messaging reporting capabilities.
Marco Nasuelli
Hello everyone,
we have a 3rd party chatbot that transfers chats to two different departments in case a human operator is needed.
How can i calculate the chats transferred by human operators from one department to another?
I tried to use "Transferred chats" and I got all the chat transferred by the chatbot to a human operator, and then i tried "Transfers" but it always zero.
We would like to understand how often the bot errs in transferring the chat to the correct department
Collin Cunninghame
Is it possible to report on a visitor's email and name if the option to auto-create tickets is disabled? The only similar attributes that I can find in the Engagement dataset are based on the ticket requester. It's odd that I can clearly see user info in the History tab of Chat, but that data is inaccessible in Explore.
User information is not included on chat dataset. I understand your use case and how essential it is for data reporting. I'll treat this as a feedback for the continuous improvement of our Explore reporting. I'd also recommend creating a Community post separately for that with your use case to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature.
Kai Schmitte
is it possible that the Chat first reply time (sec) is part of Chat average reply time (sec)?
When I draw a graph for both (by month), the lines are parallel.
Something I wouldn't expect unless the first reply time is part of the average reply time.
Is there a way to get a realistic average answering time within a chat when Chat average reply time (sec) contains the time until the first answer?
Chat average reply time is calculated as the time it took for agents to reply to visitor comments. Chat first reply time is also included if the a visitor has already sent a message before an agent replied.
Just in case you're assuming that there's a data discrepancy on the query you have created, you can contact support directly and we'll investigate further.
Hope this helps.
Kai Schmitte
Thanks for the explanation. Many of our customers start entering a question before the agent joins, so it is probable that the first reply time is included in most chats - and thus the parallel lines happen - especially since the first reply is usually the longest reply time. We know that we would need more agents to handle incoming chats.
Is there any way to get a "clean" view on average reply times during a chat? Without the first answering time?
So that we can see if the agents are efficiently working - and to see if the amount of chats one agent is assigned is neither too small nor too big?
If you'll closely check how Chat average reply time is extracted, it is the base value for the metric. It only means that we cannot modify the results being given by that metric even we use some calculated metric.
CJ Johnson
Are all concurrency metrics still broken? It's been something like 6 months and there's been no updates or even notes in this article that the entire concurrency dataset is broken.
Unfortunately, as what you have mentioned, the concurrency dataset is still broken and it's not yet planned on when it will be fixed. However, we have a planned new dataset that should work similarly. Please wait for the update as early as Q1 2023.
Kevin Kiser
Hi, I'm seeing a lot of fields here regularly used in internal explore reporting calculations that I'm not seeing in the API docs.
- Ticket brand
- Engagement assignment
- Chat completion
- Chat type
- Chat first reply time (sec)
- Chat no reply time (sec)
To Ramona's point, if these fields aren't in the API then is there equivalent formulas for how to re-create the metrics that depend on them using the fields available to us in the API? For context, we are having issues with Explore not matching our tableau reports. A mapping towards what is available in the API would be especially appreciated!