Using live dashboards in Explore, you can see which agents are online and which open tickets, conversations or chats, and calls they’re assigned to. This real-time capacity reporting helps supervisors balance availability and workloads across teams, as well as monitor individual agent performance, all from a central dashboard.
The instructions in this article work for the prebuilt live dashboard as well as any live dashboards you create that have reports with drill in enabled.
This article includes the following topics:
- Viewing agent status and workload
- Seeing which open work items are assigned to an agent
- Changing agent status
Related articles:
Viewing agent status and workload
You can drill into a live dashboard to see which statuses agents are in and what their workloads are across the Support, Messaging or Chat, and Talk channels.
If you’ve turned on omnichannel routing, you can also see which custom statuses agents are in and what their workload capacity is across channels.
To view agent status and workload
- In Explore, click the Dashboard icon (
- Open a live dashboard.
- (Optional) Filter the dashboard based on the specific groups or brands you want to see. You can choose up to five attribute values per filter.
- Click any agent status metric and select Drill in. Agent status metrics
include Agents online, Agents offline, Agents away,
Agents invisible, and Agents transfer only reports for
Support, Messaging, Chat, and Talk, as well as custom statuses created as part
of omnichannel routing. Note: If you drill into a live agent status metric with more than 100 agents, you won't see the list of agents in that status. Use dashboard filters to lower the number of agents that a live metric reflects. When you do, you'll be able to see the list of agents when you drill into the metric.
- Status: Which default or custom status each agent is currently in. If you use omnichannel routing, this column is called Unified status
- Time in status: How long each agent has been in their current status
- Emails: How many Support tickets each agent is assigned to
- Messages: How many messaging conversations each agent is assigned to
- Chats: How many chats each agent is currently handling
Calls: How many calls each agent is currently
If you use omnichannel routing, hover over the Emails, Messages, Chats, or Calls column to see the number of work items assigned to an agent compared to their set capacity. A dash (-) in the Emails, Messages, Chats, or Calls column means the agent does not have access to that channel (if you're filtering by unified status), or the agent is not in the status for that channel (if you're filtering by a channel-specific status).
If you don't use omnichannel routing, a dash always appears in these columns because capacity information is not available without omnichannel routing.
- (Optional) Click Filter to filter the list by the following options:
- Channel: Includes Email, Messaging or Chat, and Talk.
- Status by channel: Includes the agent statuses that apply to individual channels.
- Group: (Appears only if you filtered the dashboard by group in step 3 above) Includes the groups in your account.
Unified status: (Appears only if you use omnichannel routing)
Includes the default unified agent statuses and
any custom statuses you've created.
You can filter by multiple channels and statuses at the same time. When filtering, note that some channel-specific statuses (like Invisible for Chat) are not reflected by the default unified statuses. Additionally, custom statuses can be mapped to different statuses for each channel. If you don't see the results you expect, check the filters to make sure you're not unintentionally excluding agents based on channel or custom status.
Depending on which live agent status metric you drilled into in step 4, filters might already be applied to the list. For example, if you drilled into the Support - Agents online metric, the results are pre-filtered by the Email channel and the Online status.
Tip: If you’ve turned on omnichannel routing, you have access to unfiltered unified agent status live metrics.When you filter by channel, the list shows only the workload columns that apply to the selected channels. For example, if you filter by Talk, you'll see the Calls column, but not the Emails, Messages, or Chats columns.
Note that the Agent workload vs. capacity window doesn't update in real time when it's open and no actions are being performed. When you take an action (such as updating an agent status or changing your filters) or close and reopen the window, the data is refreshed.
Seeing which open work items are assigned to an agent
After opening the list of agents, you can select a specific agent to see which open work items are assigned to them.
To see which open work items are assigned to an agent
- Open the Agent workload vs. capacity window.
- Search for a specific agent in the search bar at the top. Search results are
limited to 50 results. Make sure your search is as specific as possible so you
can find the agent you want.
Use a caret (^) to specify that the agent's name must start with your exact search term. (For example, ^Alex will return "Alex Jensen," but not "Maria Alexander.")
- Select the agent you want to see work items for.
The Agent work items window appears and shows the agent's overall status and status for each channel, along with details about the tickets, messaging conversations or chats, and calls the agent is working on.
The Time in status shown is the time for the channel you selected when you first drilled in. For example, if you drilled into this screen from a Support metric, the time in status shown is the time active for the Support channel.
If you use omnichannel routing, this window also shows the agent’s capacity underneath their status for each channel. See Creating capacity rules to balance agent workload for more information on setting agent capacity.
- (Optional) Use the Filter drop-down to select a channel and see only work items for that channel (Support, Chat, Talk, or Messaging).
- Select a work item to see more details.
For each ticket, the window shows the following details:
- Requester: The user who is asking for support through a ticket
- Ticket ID: The unique ID number of the ticket
- Status: What status the ticket is currently in (New, Open, Pending, On-hold, Closed)
- Account name: The Zendesk account name (described in Branding the agent interface)
- Date requested: The date the ticket was submitted
- Priority: How urgent the ticket is
- Group: What group the ticket is currently assigned to
- Last updated: The date the ticket was last updated
For each messaging conversation, the window shows the following details:
- Requester: The name of the user the agent is messaging with
- Ticket ID: The unique ID number of the ticket
- Originating channel: The channel that the conversation started on. Possible values include Email and Messaging.
- Duration: How long the agent has been working on the ongoing conversation
For each chat, the window shows the following details:
- Requester: The name of the user the agent is chatting with
- Chat ID: The unique ID number of the chat
- Originating channel: The channel that the message came from. Possible values include Facebook Messenger and Chat.
- Duration: How long the chat has been active
For each call, the window shows the following details:
- Caller: The phone number of the caller
- Call ID: The unique ID number of the ticket associated with the call
- Call type: The type of call (described in Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Talk)
- Duration: How long the call has been going on
Changing agent status
From the list of agents, users with permission can change the status of a single agent or multiple agents. To change agent status, you must be a Support admin (all plans) or have a custom role with the Change agent status setting (Enterprise plans only). See Giving users access to Explore.
For example, you might change an agent's status if they completed their shift but forgot to sign out to mark themselves unavailable.
To change agent status
- Open the Agent workload vs. capacity window.
- Select the checkbox to the left of each agent you want to change the status of.
You may select up to 500 agents at a time.
If you search for an agent, search results are limited to 50 results. Make sure your search is as specific as possible so you can find the agent you want.
- In the bottom bar, click Change status and select the status you want to
set for the agent.
To select a custom status, click Other statuses and then select the appropriate custom status.
When you select a status, the agent’s status is immediately updated. You don’t need to save or confirm.
Rafael Santos
This feature looks quite promising!
However, while trying to test it, I've observed that we have 116% of our total staff members showing up as Online users, or 127% of our used agent seats.
Additionally, no Drill-In option was presented.
Sydney Neubauer
Do you need any specific Zendesk plans to access this data? Or is available across all plans as long as you have live support channels enabled?
Dave Dyson
This feature requires Zendesk Suite Enterprise or above, or Explore Enterprise – the graphic at the top of the article shows the plan level requirements.
Andy Dyer
This is a great update, but I'm seeing the same as Rafael - the support online number is not right, and there is no drill in on any.
John Costello
Hi Andy Dyer and Rafael Santos,
Which online channel is this showing up under ?
Just bear with us Drill-in is being rolled out incrementally over the next new days.
Rafael Santos
@... This was for the Support figures.
Edit: We now have Drill-In for Chat and Talk, and those are showing accurate counts for Chat, while very weird ones for Talk agents.
Jack Wallner
Hey! We are eagerly awaiting the rollout of this feature, as we do still not have the "Drill-in" option. Is there an ETA on when it will be fully rolled out?
Sydney Neubauer
We are also seeing the same thing - there is currently no drill-in option.
John Costello
Hi all,
During the rollout of this new feature on March 16th we encountered an issue with data relating to the Agent Status metrics. The issue was that incorrect Agent States were being reported.
Given this, we immediately rolled back to the previous version of Live Reporting which has the correct Agent Status metrics for Agents in Chat, Messaging and Talk Channels, but without the new drill-in functionality.
We will have an update on the following page very soon outlining when you can expect this feature to be released again.
Thank you all for your patience, we really can't wait for you all to get this new feature.
Best Regards
John Costello
Explore Product
Jason Walker-C
Desperately need this!
Sydney Neubauer
@... is there a timeline as to when this will be live again? We are eager to test it out :D
Dave Dyson
Heather Rommel
Can someone help me understand:
1. What is the definition for Agents online and Agents offline? So many of our agents have been in online status for xxxx hours -- wayyyy too many
2. What is the definition of "Support agent work items" or "working on x tickets"? Is it the tickets they're assigned to AND actively on? Is it just the tickets they're viewing? How delayed is the data please?
Thank you!
Heather Rommel
Hi, I have a 3rd question:
3. Is there a reason the Account name is included but not the Organization?
Can we configure these fields at some point please?
John Costello
Hi Heather,
Thank you for the questions and feedback I will try to deal with them one by one:
1. What is the definition for Agents online and Agents offline? So many of our agents have been in online status for xxxx hours -- wayyyy too many.
If this is Support Agent Status :
Note we have seen issues with Agents closing browser and not logging out therefore still showing up as Online. We are introducing an idle fix later this year to resolve this behaviour.
2. What is the definition of "Support agent work items" or "working on x tickets"? Is it the tickets they're assigned to AND actively on? Is it just the tickets they're viewing? How delayed is the data please?
The way it is defined is Support tickets that are assigned to an Agent and are in Open status.
3. Is there a reason the Account name is included but not the Organization?
No this was our MVP to get our Work item data to Market. We will be working on further iterations later this year. I like your idea of making them configurable I will take it back to the team.
Hope this helped to clarify your questions Heather.
Best Regards
John Costello
Explore Product
Heather Rommel
Thank you for the reply! I'm replying to your replies :D
1. Thank you for introducing the Agent idling feature at some point soon-- I don't know anyone who actually logs out anymore.... Looking forward to that!
2. You said the definition of "Support agent work items" or "working on x tickets" = Support tickets that are assigned to an Agent and are in Open status.
I would push a little on this one-- when we talk about a real time dashboard, "working on" should mean they are on the ticket and editing it. I can see tickets they are assigned to and are in Open status in a view or report, but that's not technically "real time" that I would expect from a live dashboard.
3. Thank you for thinking about making the fields configurable so we can surface what's important to us! Organization Name would be a no-brainer for most of my instances but I have accounts where custom fields would be more desirable.
John Costello
Hi Heather,
I take your point on the current definition we have for "working-on" for Support work items you are not the only one to have said this to me recently. I am going to challenge this internally and see where I get to.
Does anyone else feel strongly on this point from Heather, the more voices we have the better chance we have to change.
John Costello
Explore Product
Fernando Duarte
I agree 100% with Heather Rommel!
The idea of a a real time dashboard is to show what they are actually doing
Dan Ross
Adding to the chorus on this one. Heather Rommel's feedback on the definition of 'working on' a ticket is what we align with as well.
If the goal of the live dashboards is to see what's happening live then just counting the assigned Open tickets is not meeting that goal. That's static data and could be shown on conventional boards.
For a real time dashboard, I would expect to see what is actively and dynamically being worked on by agents.
Pinky Penolio
I would like to know if my assumption is correct.
When I open the Live data (including chat) dashboard, I see that there is Zero online agent under the Chat section. And all agents are online under the Support section.
My assumption is that Agent Workspace makes online agents visible on Support section. But when an agent is serving chat, the agent will show up in "Agents online" on Chat. And when there is an ongoing call, the agent will show up in "Agents online" on Talk. Is this correct?
Thanks in advance,
Lauren Benkov
What is the timeline for getting unified custom status to show on the live dashboard? It would be much more helpful to see that I have X agents on lunch, Y agents in a meeting. I thought this was demoed on a webinar a few months back.
+1 on this feature to have the real time status of an agent and possible could be reportable as well in Explore.
We have 120 seats as of the moment and all of them are showing as online even technically half of them are not really working as of the moment.
There's no other way to report the online hours of an agent specially in support.
Максим Насон
Hi community!
And what about the historical reporting on the status of agents, as I understand it will be implemented as part of the functionality described above?
Christine Diego
Our product team is going to launch an EAP for Historical agent activity reporting likely in Q2. You can check this link Zendesk Explore EAP - Agent status historical reporting for details and we will be making an announcement on this so customers can register.
John Costello
Hi Pinky Penolio your assumption is correct
Having a view of this recently, it would be if the live view of an Agent's capacity displayed a couple of additional details:
This would be far more useful than Account Name.
It would help indicate more quickly if there are Agent's who are over capacity.
Lauren Benkov
I'm excited about the update that custom statuses are now added but I'd like to see a few improvements.
Anastasia Kachanova
Any updates on historical reporting? when we can expect it in GA?
Atanas Tomov
+1 on Anastasia's comment. Looking forward to GA as soon as possible.
Yes Lauren Benkov makes a really good point. We shouldn't have to drill in to see statuses. It's fiddly and wastes time.