Announced on | Rollout starts | Rollout ends |
May 2 | May 2, 2024 | May 16, 2024 |
We're happy to announce the new design of the article header bar!
In our latest improvement, we simplified access to frequently-used article actions by placing them in the article header bar. The features were previously located within article settings and the article sidebar.
This announcement answers the following questions:
What’s changing?
Specifically, the following functionality is moving from its current location within article settings to the redesigned article header:
- Verification status and changes
- Article assignment
- Information icon (ℹ️) that you can click to view information about when the article was created and updated
In addition, the article header includes information about scheduled publishing which was previously located in the article sidebar.
Why is Zendesk making this change?
By moving these frequently-used elements to the article header, we're reducing the number of clicks required to accomplish common functions. The result is a more user-friendly interface that's designed to accommodate and streamline your workflow.
What do I need to do?
No action is necessary. The new header design is available for all customers on all plans. While the new header design is available on all plans, some features displayed in the header are only available for Enterprise plans (for example, assigning, verifying, and scheduling).
If you have feedback or questions related to this announcement, visit our community forum where we collect and manage customer product feedback. For general assistance with your Zendesk products, contact Zendesk Customer Support.