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The help center offers the option for end users to submit requests by default. End users who submit requests can also manage their support requests in the customer portal.
The help center may not offer the option to submit support requests depending on how it's set up. This article describes the default options for submitting and tracking requests in the customer portal without any customization.
- Submitting a support request
- Updating a support request by email
- Updating a support request in Requests with a comment, CC, or organization
- Tracking your support requests
- Tracking your organization's support requests
- Marking a request as solved
- Creating a follow-up to a solved request
- Submitting CSAT for your ticket
Submitting a support request
End users can submit requests using the support request form (or web form) on your help center. Depending on how your help center is set up, users may or may not be required to sign in to submit support requests in your help center.
The support request form may contain more fields than those described in this section. It depends on how the help center is set up. You can't remove any of the default fields on the submit request form; however, you can set up single sign-on (SSO), so users will automatically be signed-in to your help center and will not have to enter their email in the form. See Single sign-on options in Zendesk for more information on SSO.
To submit a support request in the help center
- In the help center, click Submit a request at the top of the page.
- If the CC option is enabled for the help center
and you are signed in, you can add an email address to copy a user on the ticket.
To copy multiple users, use a comma to separate each email address.
- Enter a subject and description of the problem.
As you enter a subject, a list of suggested articles in the knowledge base appears. You can click one of the articles instead of submitting the request. Encouraging end users to look for answers in the knowledge base can deflect tickets.
- If you belong to multiple organizations, select the organization for this support request.
- Add any
The file size limit is 50 MB.
- Click Submit.
Updating a support request by email
End users can update an existing support request ticket with a comment by email.
Your email must reference an existing ticket ID, using the proper syntax, in plain text. You must have permission to update the ticket, either as the ticket requester, a CC on the ticket, or a member of a shared organization for the ticket.
- In your email client, create a new email message or forward an existing email.
The email is sent to the support team. The subject can be anything you want.
- At the top of body of the email, enter the ticket ID for an existing support request
using the following syntax:
#id ticketnumber
For example:
#id 123456
- Leave one blank line after the ticket ID.
- Enter the comment you want to add to the ticket after the blank line.
Your email should look something like this:
- Send the email.
Updating a support request in Requests with a comment, CC, or organization
You can update any existing support request that is not closed with a comment.
You can also add CCs (if enabled in the help center) to an existing support request. If you belong to multiple organizations, you can also change the organization for a support request when you view it in the help center.
To update an existing support request
- Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any help center page and then click
By default, the page displays all requests that you have submitted.Note: If you are using an older version of the Copenhagen theme, this menu may look different. - Click the link for the request you want to update.
- Add a comment to update the request.
- (Optional) If the CC option is enabled for the help center
and you are signed in, you can add an email address to copy a user on the ticket
When you add a CC to an existing ticket, you must also add a comment.
- (Optional) If you belong to multiple organizations, you can change the organization for the support request.
- Click Submit.
Tracking your support requests
You can use the help center to track your support requests.
If you belong to multiple organizations you can also change the organization for a support request when you view it in the help center.
To track your support requests
- Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any help center page and then click
By default, the page displays all requests that you have submitted. - To filter your requests by status, select a request status from the Status
See What are the customer portal ticket statuses? to understand the statuses that appear.
- To search your requests, enter a search term in the Search Requests box.
You can optionally use ticket property keywords in your search.
- To see details about a request, click the request title.
If you belong to multiple organizations, you can change the organization for a support request when you view details for that request.
Tracking your organization's support requests
As an end user, you can be a member of one organization or multiple organizations. If you're a member of a shared organization, you can see tickets for all members of that organization.
To track your organization's support requests
- Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any page and then click Requests.
- Click the Organization Requests link on the page to see all the requests in your
The link appears only if you're a member of a shared organization.
- To see details about a request, click the request title.
You can add comments to a request if an administrator has set it up. See Setting up a shared organization for end users.
- Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any page and then click Requests.
- Click the Organization Requests link on the page to see all the requests in your
The link appears only if you're a member of a shared organization in Zendesk.
- Click
Follow.Note: If the Follow button is not available, you may need to ask your administrator to add it to your help center theme (see Add Follow/Unfollow for users in a shared organization).
You will now receive notifications for new and updated request in your shared organization.
Marking a request as solved
You can withdraw a request by marking it as solved. The request must be assigned to an agent before you can mark it as solved.
To mark a request as solved
- Click your profile icon in the upper-right side of any page and then click
- Click the title of an open request to open it.
- Select the option on the lower side of the request to mark it as solved.
The request must be assigned to an agent. Otherwise, you do not have the option to mark it as solved.
- Enter any comment you want in the reply and click Add Reply.
Creating a follow-up to a solved request
You can reopen a solved request by creating a follow-up ticket.
To create a follow-up to a solved request
- Click your profile icon in the upper-right side of any page and then click
- Click All my requests in the sidebar.
- Click the title of a solved request to open it. Tip: If you have a long list of requests, you can filter the view by selecting Solved from the Status menu.
- Click the link on the lower side of the request to create a follow-up request.
- Complete the follow-up request and click Submit.
Submitting CSAT for your ticket
If CSAT is on, you can submit your customer satisfaction rating and feedback for a solved ticket. By default, the CSAT survey is open for 28 days after the ticket is solved, but this might vary depending on how CSAT is configured. Alternatively, you can submit CSAT through the email, if you received one.
- Click your profile icon on the upper-right of any help center page, then click
- Open any solved ticket.
- Click Add feedback to open the CSAT survey, then enter and submit your
feedback. Once submitted, you can click Edit feedback in the ticket if you want
to change your feedback. Depending on how much time has passed, you might not be able to
edit your feedback. In that case, you can click View feedback to review your
feedback for the ticket.
Kok Cheong Khoo
Hi Zendesk team,
For the "Tracking your organization's support requests", I was not able to see the [Request] menu. How do I make this menu appear?
I only can see the [Requests] menu when I clicked on the link from the ticket response (e.g. but only see this ticket. I want to see all my requested tickets when I select [My activities].
I log in with an End-user account. (There is no difference even login with Admin account). Kindly advise if I have to make any setting change?
Hi KC!
It sounds like your Guide plan may not include this feature. The ability for end-users to track support requests with the "My Activities" page is available on Guide Professional and Enterprise, but not Lite.
If you need to update your Guide subscription, your account owner can make this change through the Subscription settings in the Admin Center. If you have a managed account, you can get in touch with your account manager to update your plan.
I hope that helps clear this up!
bill cicchetti
Couple of questions I hope you all can answer:
1) In the Customer ticket list there is a column named "Last Activity". What constitutes an activity?
2) When an end user views the entire orgs ticket list is there a limitation on the number of tickets it will display on the page?
Thanks in advance
Dan Ross
Hey Bill,
1) I believe any update to the ticket would constitute activity. An agent submitting an internal note, or an automation firing on the ticket, for example.
2) 30 tickets are listed before pagination applies
bill cicchetti
Thanks Dan,
What's strange is the lists of tickets for the entire org is much less than the ticket list for the end user whos part of the org. The end user has 3 pages of ticket history but the section for Org has only 22 tickets listed.
Do you know if there are different parameters for the Org tickets vs User Tickets?
Dan Ross
Hey Bill,
It's possible that this user was a member of multiple organizations and not all tickets are being created under the one org - can you check if that's the case?
bill cicchetti
nope ..Just one Org
Dan Ross
Only other thing I can think of is that not all of that user's history is attached to that one org. Maybe they had tickets before joining that org? Or perhaps they were a member of a different org in the past and are no longer a part of it. The history of tickets will follow the requester. I'd compare some of the tickets and see if they are all assigned to the org in question.
Is there any way for the customer to see a pop up to perform a certain action or follow a kb as soon as the ticket is created? In the same view?
DJ Buenavista Jr.
Hi Seoj,
Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk Support.
In regards to your concern, the suggested articles list should be on by default. You may want to check your "Submit a Request" template and CSS.
You can find more information here:
Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead!
Kind regards,
DJ Buenavista Jr. |
Customer Advocacy Specialist |
Andrew Chu
Hi team,
A quick check - do requesters have the ability to know the name of the agent whom the ticket is assigned to at the moment? Please clarify thanks!
Requesters can view the name of the agent, but agents can set an Alias:
This will change what clients view of Agents name.
Please let me know if you have other questions.
Bridie Easton (from Roubler)
Can the information displayed for end user in a submitted request be modified, as it shows in the screenshot above:
Where is this data pulled from?
I.e if we create a form for a user to submit a request, and the form has a field for the user to add a priority, is that field then displayed on the request in the "My Activity" section when you open the request
Andrew Chu
Thanks Joe that's helpful!
Yazdi Talati
Are you able to filter on Subject and ID?
Dave Dyson
You can use Host Mapping to map your Zendesk help center to a subdomain of your company's domain (e.g. "" instead of ""). For more information, see Host mapping - Changing the URL of your help center
For the most seamless user experience, you'd probably also want to style your help center (via HTML, CSS, and possibly Javascript) to match your company's web page – here's a resource to get you started: Customizing your help center theme
If your user log in to your main website, you could also set up single sign-on so that they don't need a separate login for your help center. For that, see Single sign-on (SSO) options in Zendesk. Hope that helps!
Kathleen Herbert
Is there any way to enable Agents to submit tickets via the help center? Currently when our agents click on the SUBMIT A REQUEST button it automatically redirects them to the Agent Dashboard view. We have Agents who are also our customer who we want to be able to enter tickets on the help center. Please advise!
Dave Dyson
Adding to Bridie Easton (from Roubler)'s comment, are we able to add custom fields such as the one on the screenshot where it says "What is your camera model?" ?
Dave Dyson
It's not possible to allow the user to modify a custom field in the way shown in the article's screenshot that Bridie referenced -- that only allows the customer to modify the Organization the ticket is connected to, if the customer belongs to multiple organizations. Also, although it's possible to add certain additional fields to the My Activities page, it's not possible to add custom fields. But we are looking for feedback on this, so please add your use case as a comment to this thread: Enable custom ticket field columns to be added to the request table in Help Center my activities page
Dave Tonks
Hi, This is becoming an increasing problem with our customers where one customer will manage the requests for multiple organisations, although they only have one email address. Currently, as I understand we can grant a single user/email access to be able to raise tickets on behalf of multiple orgs, or to view all tickets raised by a single (default) org, but we can't grant permission for a single user to be able to view all tickets for multiple schools. Is there any way to do this please?
Arianne Batiles
Yes you may use or add a dynamic content block to adjust the language of the submit a request text and show appropriately depending on the language selected in your Guide page. You may refer to our guide here:
Feride Aydemir
Hello team,
Why does a ticket have to be assigned to an agent so that the end user can close it? The end user should be able to solve their ticket in all status options with or without agent assignment. Is there any way to set this?
Tatiana Christensen
We have a customer demand for a column showing Requester under the Organizational requests view.