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About the Customers (end users) page

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Are there any plans to include filtering on this page also users listed are not in alphabetical order which would be a nice option to have.


Have been asking for this functionality (filtering on the users page) for 4 years now, would be nice it if was finally implemented!


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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @..., @...,

Yes, we do have plans to include filtering for this page in the future. I'm keen to understand what attributes/data you would like to filter on. 

Thank you


Can visibility of this be restricted by agent group? This is sorely needed, especially for multi-brand set ups. 


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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @... - thanks for your feedback, we're keen to understand more about this need, I'll reach out to you via email.


Hi Pratishtha, The ability to sort the list in alphabetical order, a-z and z-a, by first or last name, or email would be nice, but once you have more than x number of pages, it's kind of a wash. I'm thinking there might be more value in last contact date and # of tickets in the UI for each user without tapping on edit.


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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks so much for your feedback @... - that's good to hear, we're currently exploring how we might be able to surface those data points for customers via this list in the future. I'm also interested to hear if there are any other attributes you'd like to see/filter by on this list.


With the current features, the customers page does not have much value for our agents. We would require filters and sorting features as well. We have 100'000+ customers, and growing

Therefore I would join in to have the possibility to deactivate until more features are available.


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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for your feedback @..., we're exploring list viewing permissions - but don't have this on our roadmap yet. I'm pleased to say however, that we're currently working on building filtering & sorting capabilities for large volumes of data for customers & organizations, which will hopefully make this more useful for you & your team.


+1 for filtering and sorting! If this is still in the works, I'd like to be able to sort by first/last name and to do both by company, tags, and suspended/active. (Why do we have to go to the bulk user delete for suspended users? Not at all intuitive, and even there, you can only sort, not filter.) All of this information is already available on the Customers page, so it'd be nice to be able to organize it in a manner that works for us. I'd also like the ability to sort by time added to Zendesk.

At a minimum, though, the Customers page should have actual pagination. As it is right now, both this and the legacy Admin > People page are completely unusable. Why do they look like this:

while the Organization pages look like this?:

I should not have to click through hundreds of pages of users to get to the most recent.


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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Kyrsten Fitzgerald - thank you so much for sharing the detailed feedback! I completely agree with you, and am pleased to say that a lot of these features are currently under development. We're looking to get in touch with people to test the concepts & designs for these features. Please let me know if you'd be interested, and I can reach out to you via email to set some time up. 


  • In Support, click the Customers icon () in the sidebar.

Where, exactly, is "Customers"?  This is what I see:

When I expand "People", I see how to get to the licensed users ("team members") but not the end users.  The only option I see for "End users" is to configure them globally, not to find them individually.


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Jason Schaeffer

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jim,
Thank you for contacting the Zendesk Support Advocacy team. My name is
Jason​ and I'll be assisting you today.

You can locate your End Users by following the below steps:

Go to Admin>Manage>People from there you will see and "End Users" link. I have provided a screenshot below for reference:

I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Thanks for replying.  I don't see a screenshot, but Admin>Manage>People is how we currently do this, and that page is "going away."

My question is how to do this in the new interface.

The links in that message didn't help me find a page to administer end users/customers.


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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Jim Stratton,

Thank you for reaching out to us. The list of end users & organizations are now available as their own pages in Support Agent workspace. While team members, roles, groups & tags are available in Admin Center.

The "Settings > Manage > People" page is essentially being split, and to quote from this article - 

  • The end users are managed on the Customer page. (In Support)
  • The agents and admins are managed on the Team members page. (In Admin Center)
  • Roles for all types of users are managed on the Roles page. (In Admin Center)
  • Organizations are managed on the Organizations page. (In Support)
  • Groups are managed on the Groups page. (In Admin Center)
  • Tags for users and organizations are managed on the Tags page. (In Admin Center)

All the End users & Organizations are now available directly via the Support primary navigation bar. 

For most instances, that do not have access to the "Customer Lists & NPS survey add-on":

For instances with the "Customer Lists & NPS survey add-on", it appears as a new default list "All customers":

Hope this helps. 

Thank you!



That did help, thanks!


Can I restrict this by agent group? Or can I stop agents from seeing the button, I need to keep the customer's list as private as possible as we work on a multibrand set up for different clients and due to NDAs, we can't share the end-users info across teams.

Or can I restrict end-users visibility based on organizations?


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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Mary Morales,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

You restrict this page by agent's Role by following the steps below:

  1. Go to "Admin Centre > People > Roles" and click on the role you would like to restrict this page for.
  2. Scroll through "Permissions" until you find "People" permissions.
  3. Uncheck the following box and click "Save":

The list of end users should now be hidden for agents with this particular Role.

The other permission set that you might want to look at on the same page is under "People" and is called "end-user profiles access", for agents to access & edit end user profiles in their own organization, you might want to have the following button selected:

We are looking into making permissions easier to access & understand, in the meantime I hope this helps resolve your query.

Thank you!


It would be great if we could customize what ticket fields show up for an end user as well. For example, it end user Traci has ticket for Form A and Form B, I would like to add Forms as a field we can see in the list of tickets for Traci.


Pratishtha, I have the same requirement as Test Grodt.  I can not expose my entire customer list of people who have ever used support to every light Agent (this seems like a major security loophole for any Zendesk installation, tbh)

But I can not use the solution you suggested because I have a Growth license. Does Professional support Agent roles? 

How can Growth accounts keep Light Agent accounts from viewing their entire support customer list?



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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Christopher Alan - thank you for reaching out and for your feedback. With light agents, they've always had access to the list of all customers via 'Admin settings > People > end users'. We have changed the location of the page, but are not showing it to people who didn't already have access to it. 

At the moment, Professional does not support Agent role permission modification. For the higher tiered plans as well (such as Enterprise), the Admin role, Light Agent role and Contributor roles, permissions are not modifiable. I'll reach out to you via email to understand how you work with light agents in your instance in more detail & explore how we might address it.



I have the same requirements too but am on the support enterprise suite plan. I can't edit those settings for light agent users as mentioned above - they are greyed out and un-clickable. Any tips? 


>With light agents, they've always had access to the list of all customers via 'Admin settings > People > end users'.

Yikes, this is a really bad security model. So Zendesk subscribers everywhere can limit access to support tickets, but not to *any* customer contact info, even to the lowest level (or even external retailers/consultants) Light Agent User?

> For the higher tiered plans as well (such as Enterprise), the Admin role, Light Agent role and Contributor roles, permissions are not modifiable. 

This seems to contradict the Zendesk Admin documentation. 

Please do contact me asap, this is a show stopper for our deployment.





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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for the feedback ADMIN, light agent permissions are not editable at this point, the best way to customize permissions is to purchase a different plan & create custom agent roles. 

Hi Christopher Alan - I did reach out to you via email 3 days ago, but haven't heard from you. Let me know if you are unable to locate it & I can resend it. 



We have a Zendesk Instance with more or less 14500 customers but the number showed depends on which admin is looking at it.

For example if i go on the customer page i might see 14500 but my colleague will see 8500 customers.

We don't get why and it's been like for a week now. I though it was a short period issue but it's not changing.

We are 3 admins distant geographically (hundreds of km) and don't have the same amount. If we click on "search" without filling the search bar it's changing too.


Best regards,



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Zendesk Engineering

Due to this behavior, I will create a ticket for you. One of our Advocates will be in touch with you soon via email. 


Hi, I don't understand the point of the Customers page. When you have a large list of customers, it seems natural to be able to filter by a list or sort them in a certain way, without having to pay for an add-on. Otherwise it's a giant list without a purpose! Can Zendesk take a look at implementing this?


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Zendesk Engineering

As of the moment, the only purpose of the customer's list page is to search for end-user manually. Your idea is definitely a perfect fit for it. Would you mind posting your use case to our Feedback on Support topic? We have a template you can copy and use in your post. Thanks!


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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks Dane! Hi Aleena Khan - thanks for your feedback! I'm happy to say that sort & filter are on our roadmap, plus more features that make this page more useful. Let me know if you're open to chatting more about how might want to use these and I'll reach out to you.


@... Sure - happy to chat. Please feel free to reach out.


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