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Understanding and checking agent seat usage

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025





Thanks for this helpful article.

Is there any way to get the number of seats that the company has purchased using the API?

I have found an entry under the account changes(source_type:account, Description: Max agents changed from X to Y) in Audit log. Does the Max agents above represent the number of licenses purchased by the company?



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Ak,

Great question! Yes the max agents is the number of licenses you purchased on your plan.

Let us know if you have any other questions!



Thanks for the response for my previous query, Brett.

I had another question. Do all the custom agents count as a seat in Support? Or is there any way I can configure the custom agent role to not take up a seat.

Thanks in advance


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Ak,

Custom roles will take up an agent seat and there's no way to customize a role that wouldn't take up an agent seat. You may want to look into Light Agents to see if that's what you're looking for.

I'd be happy to connect you with your account manager so they can discuss this further with you.

Let me know!



Although this method can be used to view the total number of support seats available and taken in an account, the number of TALK seats cannot be found anywhere. This is misleading when one selects the "TALK Agents" since admin are not included.  There's not a native count of the talk agents for the software. This is something that needs to be implemented in the future, as larger companies have multiple agents and it's difficult to check one by one all the agent permissions and roles. 


Just a heads up for anyone else struggling to understand why these numbers don't match...

If you go to https://{yourdomain}, the total seats excludes light agents, even though it then includes them in the list underneath that total. I wasted hours trying to reconcile the number on this page with the API, because surely you wouldn't tell me how many agents were in use, above a list of agents, and then include agents on that list, that aren't part of that count, but uh, nope, that's in fact exactly how that works. 


Based on experience for example with Suite Professional we have been able give a Light agent Guide Agent role without license been used. Has this changed now?

EDIT: Looked at an article about light agents and it explains that light agents can edit articles in Guide where Agents can, so based on that my question is answered already. Guide Agent role is therefore logically available for a Light agent without a occupying actual paid agent seat. Hopefully I understood this correctly.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Arno, thank you for your question!

That is correct, Light Agents will have a specific "light agent" role in Guide, which will allow them to view and edit some articles that have been made available to Agents for editing, as described here: Understanding and setting light agent permissions.

I hope this was helpful!


How can I filter which users in 'Team Members' have a full license vs light. I see filters for light agent but I need the reverse. I have a much larger staff with Light agent. I am trying to track down the report or location list of which users have used a license seat.


Hi Andy, have you tried clicking the "View new Team members page" link at the top of the Admin Center > People page? The new Team members page has a lot more role-based filtering options.


In Zendesk Professional Suite Plan there is a total of 100 agents 100 light agents and then 100 contributors seats?


Hi Tendai, welcome to the community!
The Zendesk Suite Profession plan is priced based on the number of full admin/agent seats - if you pay for 100, you can have up to 100; if you pay for 10, you can have 10, etc.. The plan includes up to 100 Light Agent seats, but that's true no matter how many agent/admin seats you pay for.
The Contributor role isn't relevant to Suite plans, since Suite agents and admins have access to all the included products -- instead, it's used for customers who have our standalone Support and Chat plans, where agents/admins would be paid for separately for each product, allowing Chat agents some access to Support without having to pay for a Support agent seat for them. In any case, on Suite Professional you won't have to worry about this. 
Hope that helps!


I have a question: I have an issue that I have purchased 3 agent licenses but Zendesk is only saying that I have 1 seat for Support instead of 3. At this time I can only add additional Light Agents, which doesn't help the situation. Is this a technical issue or has the account been incorrectly configured? Only my sales agent can manage my seats... 


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Jessica,
It looks like you have a ticket open with our Customer Care team to get this addressed. 
I've bumped the priority of your ticket and followed up internally to see if we can get this fixed asap.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!


Is there a have a historical breakout of my seat/team member usage by month (e.g YTD)?


Is it possible to change from annual to monthly subscription period by also changing the billing period from annual to monthly in an Enterprise legacy instance or a Profesional instance?


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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Josu,

Yes, it is possible to change the subscription period from annual billing to monthly. For reference, please see this article: Can I change my account subscription to monthly or annual billing periods?

I hope this helps, thank you!


If we have 10 people, but only max 3 are on duty at the same time, do we need 10 seats or 3 seats? Can we reassign roles between accounts daily?


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sergey, 

It would depend on your use case, I suggest that you initiate a conversation with our Sales Team to further discuss and check how many seats are really necessary. 


Some questions; the article mentions it was briefly possible to overprovision your account, and my org is affected by this. What is the time frame when this was possible?

Also, it's good to see licenses remaining, but there is no info provided as to how may seats we are overprovisioned by. Is it possible to show how many seats are used, instead of or alongside how many are remaining? This would be much more helpful. I ask because I'm trying to free up unused seats so I can assign a seat to just one user, but I cannot figure out how far overprovisioned we are and Zendesk's licensing scheme is... er, not exactly straightforward.

Edit: I'd also accept the admin center showing a negative value for seats remaining.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Jonathan,

Over-provisioning can normally happen to Legacy accounts. Unlike the Suite plans we have now, legacy plans can be added individually
When it comes to the remaining seats, you can check it on Admin Center > People > Team > Team Members.



Is there a way to see seats remaining on a specific date?

A similar question has been asked before but I can't see that it was answered:


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Daniel,
There isn't a way to see the remaining seats as of a specific date. The Seats remaining view in the Admin Center will always show the up-to-date count.
I encourage you to create a new post in the General Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.


Is this information still up to date? It seems like a team member who is Guide Agent doesn't take up a seat. Why is this? It's the same for Explore Editor. A light agent who is an Explore Editor only takes up a light agent seat


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