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Creating custom ticket statuses

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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Hello, are more configuration options for the custom ticket statuses planned? As we are using multiple Brands, we would like to provide certain Ticket status, only to certain Brands.


I Agree with Sascha above - different brands, groups, products, workflows, etc. would benefit from specific statuses.  I would like to configure this as part of customizing agent workspaces.


We also could use more configuration depending of what type of tickets we have, for instance, different statuses between a problem ticket and an Incident.


We would also like to control what custom statuses are based on form.We have several forms because different tickets may have different life cycles.

If we can control what custom statuses are available per form this would allow us to use this feature.


I would also like custom statuses by brand. Is the maximum amount of custom statuses five?


Like others have mentioned above, we would like the ability to restrict custom statuses to certain groups/forms. In our instance, we serve a wide variety of use cases, and different groups have different statuses/workflows/ By enabling the ability to restrict statuses by group/form, it would help these teams with their unique workflows.


Putting in our request for an update for breakdown by brand or group. It would be beneficial to limit who could see what statuses. Its allow us to better track what dept we are waiting on quickly and we would use more if we could limit the amount showing to dig through. 


I agree with the people before.

As part of customized agent workspaces we should be able to set up individual Ticket Statuses that apply and are available for the agents / groups / brands


Agree with all above. This is a great feature but not possible to use if it's implemented on all groups / Agents in Zendesk.

We need to be able to set specific Custom statuses for specific groups.


Agree with previous user comments.   We need to apply the custom statuses at least to our different brands, but ideally to groups as well.


How do I delete a status that is no longer required?


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Dawn Griffin, custom statuses can't be deleted currently. You can deactivate statuses that are no longer required though. Please see Activating and deactivating a ticket status


Is there a way to reorder the Ticket Status within the Status Category? For example, we added a new Ticket Status under the Solved Status Category and it is now listed as the last option when Submit as. We would like the default Solved Ticket Status to show last. 


Adding my plus 1 for status by brand, form, and group. If I were to cater to the requests for all my teams, I would need a long list of statuses, but only a fraction would be applicable to each team.

Another useful, but not critical, feature would be to have the statuses nested, live we can for macros and drop-down fields. Open::something1, Open::something2, etc.


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Lisa Pacheco,

It's not possible to reorder the ticket statuses in a status category at this time. If you'd like, you can share your feedback in our Product Feedback discussion. Product managers regularly review suggestions submitted in this forum for consideration in our future updates!


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Carmelo Rigatuso,

Thank you for sharing your feedback! We're working on an enhancement for workflow based statuses that restrict these ticket statuses to specific forms/groups. Please see this comment from our product manager for more information.



despite what is says above I can't seem to change the end user description for the "Pending" status (I have custom statuses turned on). Have modified the description on the "Edit ticket status" screen to "Awaiting Memjet reply" however the original description is still displayed (Awaiting your reply) on the Ticket statuses screen and to the end user. See screenshots below. Am I doing something wrong?

thanks, Sandra




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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Sandra,
I've created a ticket on your behalf to discuss this further. We'll get in touch shortly. Thank you!
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

+1 to restrict statuses to forms/brands/groups

+1 to being able to reorder the statuses

+1 I don't see this listed but being able to set an abbreviation for the status on a view. If you have a 35 letter status, I do not want the entire 35 letters shown on the view (before custom statuses it was an N, O, P, H, S, C)

+1 I would also like to have a definite visual difference in Closed vrs Solved - right now they are both under the Solved Category which is shown in the views. The only difference is a little icon beside the SUBJECT line to determine it is closed.


Hi Paolo, Colleen Hall, Gaurav Parbat

Just wanted to know, if there is any update on the Different Brands having Different Ticket Statuses. I saw the comment back in March and was wondering, if Zendesk ever ended up improving this issue. Please let us know. Ty!!


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

We need an update on the above. Its been almost a year and this is still a limited feature in any enterprise org. 


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

what is the max number of custom statuses we can have?


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Bobby Koch , your account can include up to 100 custom ticket statuses. Please see Managing ticket statuses for more information.


Hello Colleen Hall Zendesk Devs 

Maybe you can give an Update to the Post from Sydney Neubauer ?


We also highly would like to get an Update on this. We also have Multiple Brands und wouldlike to manage the custom statues across Brands/Groups/Teams/Accounts.


I have created 2 new custom status under on hold, but need to remove the actual on hold. What is the best practice?



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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Becky Hill you can't do that unfortunately. I would change the name of the hold to whatever your first option is, but know that that will still be default for “hold” across all ticket forms, and you wont be able to remove it



How can we move/change these custom satuses (from On-hold Based), to Open Based?



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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi @... , it's not possible to move an existing ticket status to another status category. Please see Editing ticket statuses for more information.


Can we also use this as a grouping value in a Zendesk view? Where can I add this as product feedback?


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Mark Nino Valencia , you can currently use status category to group your views. If you'd like, you can add your feedback to our community forum.


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