Semantic search generates the most accurate search results possible based on the intent and context of user search queries. Unlike search methods that find literal matches to keywords, semantic search captures the meaning of search queries, helping end users and agents search for and locate content without prior knowledge of the exact keywords to use.
To understand how to tell if you have semantic search enabled and what the rollout plan looks like, see Understanding the semantic search rollout plan.
What is semantic search?
Semantic search uses artificial intelligence (AI) to process and understand the full meaning and intent of language used in search queries, similar to the way a human would. Specifically, machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies work together in semantic search to help the search engine understand the user’s intent when they submit a search query. Understanding what the user is actually looking for, regardless of the keywords they use, helps the search engine return and rank the most relevant results.
For example, with semantic search, end users and agents can ask natural language questions instead of worrying about which keywords to use in order to get the best results. New agents can ask “how do I start using reports?” instead of trying to think of the best keywords to use or the sequence of keywords to use in their query. With semantic search, they can enter their question in the way that makes sense to them, and still see the most relevant articles at the top of the results.
How semantic search works
Help center search has historically relied on keyword matches between queries and content (for example, articles, community posts, or external records). However, it didn’t capture the “meaning,” or semantics, of a query. Semantic search, on the other hand, deploys natural language processing to understand the content of the search query and content. This helps the search engine identify complex patterns that are otherwise missed. In many cases, semantic search is able to find relevant results even when there is not a strong word overlap between the query and indexed content.
Relying on language models, semantic search can translate queries and help center articles into vectors (a numerical representation), and measure the distance between them. Articles closer in the vector space are considered to be more similar by the language model. The language model is trained on many text examples, and through these examples has learned how to accurately interpret the meaning of text accurately.
When semantic search is used, the search engine boosts the relevance of semantically better matches. This pushes the most relevant content, based on intent and context of the search query, to the top of the search results. Each time a search is performed, the search results are ranked not only based on keyword matches but also boosted by semantic matches.

How semantic search improves the search experience
Semantic search offers a more intuitive search experience that lets help center visitors search using their choice of terms. Since the incorporation of semantic search, an increase in search quality metrics such as mean reciprocal rank (MRR) and click through rate (CTR) has been observed. Specifically, MRR improves 7% on average with this first iteration of semantic search for English Zendesk help centers. More searches with clicks have also been observed.
By improving the search relevance, and ranking the most relevant results on top, semantic search produces the following help center improvements:
- End users can find the information they are looking for more easily, increasing the deflection power of your help center.
- Agents can be more efficient as they can find answers more quickly.
The degree of impact for semantic search depends on the search behavior of the user. Semantic search has particularly positive benefits for longer search queries, but still improves relevance for all types of search.
Orsolya Forster
We're keen to learn more about your help center search experience. To share your feedback with us, use this Feedback form. Cheers!
Preston Coppage
How do we know if our Help Center has been updated with this new search experience?
Brett Bowser
Josef Prandstetter
Brett Bowser:
Orsolya Forster
Josef Prandstetter instant search is not yet supported, neither is federated search. As we're evaluating these expansions down the line, I'll be able to share a timeline, but not at this moment. Our next milestone is to expand the service to all English help centers with the Copenhagen theme, as Brett wrote above, by early Q3.
We are working on a quick solution so customers can check if the service has been enabled for them already or not yet. Cheers!
Thomas D'Hoe
Hi Orsolya Forster
Correct me if I'm wrong, but custom help centres will need to be updated manually?
Orsolya Forster
Thomas D'Hoe no, custom help centers don't require additional setup.
이지훈(maclaude) language extensions are on the roadmap but I can't yet share a release time. We're working on the expansion constantly and aim to get the service out to all Guide customers as soon as possible.
Becky Evans
Hi, this sounds like a great enhancement. Is there anything we can do to help train our own help center?
Hi Becky,
Thanks for your response.
This implementation is automatic and requires no additional work on your end. However, we are still expanding this feature and our dev team will definitely give us an update on this.
Becky Evans
Hi Darenne, Thanks, and sorry I wasn't clear. I understand that it is automatic and see that it has already been rolled out in our help center. My question is about when we see searches that don't return expected results. I see that Zendesk is requesting us to submit a feedback form each time, but that's not very practical. It would be nice if there were things our Agents could do on our end to help train the AI in real time. Cheers!
Leandro Albuquerque
Hi Zendesk team, is it already available for Community search as well?
Hi Becky Evans,
You mentioned that when there's a search that doesn't return the expected results, it asks you to submit a feedback form. Can you please clarify to us what you meant by the feedback form? In what instance are you seeing it too?
Becky Evans
Darenne No, I meant the feedback form linked by Orsolya Forster above and at the end of the other article
Hi Becky Evans
Thanks so much for patiently waiting on this matter! I just confirmed with our internal team that training AI is not yet on the roadmap. If you encounter any issues, we suggest that you file it as a request via the same link provided by Orsolya.
Hi Zendesk,
I have confirmed that our HC is not yet enabled for Semantic search by checking the <head> element. When can we expect this feature to be available for us?
-- UPDATE --
Actually I realized it was only enabled in LIVE theme but when previewing another theme in development, Semantic search is not enabled. It would be great to have the feature enabled consistently for testing during development.
Gwyn Mabo
We have checked our Help Centre and semantic search is not yet enabled. Will we receive an update to let us know when it is? Are there any time scales you can supply for when this will be enabled for all accounts?
Mike McGuffie
At present, content inside an accordion is invisible to the search engine. Will this change?
Orsolya Forster
Becky Evans no change in knowledge management is anticipated for semantic search, as the keyword search did not change, it got boosted with semantic matches.
John, thanks for the feedback!
Gwyn Mabo, we will try to share the next milestones as we see them more clearly.
Dora Abrahao
About the metrics CTR and MRR, how will they be available for us to analyze?
Is there a dash in which we can check users' most frequent searches (terms) and the metrics (CTR mainly)?
Mike DR
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Mike McGuffie Assuming that the text is written in the article editor and thus part of the article content it will keep being searchable.
Adam Goodell
Semantic search is not enabled for me yet either. Are time scales available when this will be enabled?
Orsolya Forster Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen Why Ukrainian language is not mentioned in the list even with "Not planned" clause? Guide supports this language so please add such information
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Viachaslau Thank you for pointing this out. By mistake, we had forgotten to add the Help center languages that are supported via crowdsourcing. We will add Ukranian together with the other missing languages to the list.
Subin Binu
I believe early Q3 is past us. Is there a clear timeline on when to expect this feature?
CORE Help Admin
We have been waiting all this year for our help center to get the semantics long will it take Zendesk to roll it out to all? Our existing search is not that great and we have been hoping this would help us, Can we get an update as to what's going on?
Shawna James
Web User 4104644a592d2860bc31fc87
Hi, is there any update on when this is planned for instant search? You mentioned Q3 being your next milestone.
I'm currently planning our help centre and am a bit cautious of relying too much on search, because instant search doesn't work very effectively (in my experience). This update would probably make a big difference.
CORE Help Admin
It seems we are waiting way too long for the Semantics search to be enabled on our help center. It is very frustrating because our current Zendesk search is so bad...our search analytics are not improving ad we were hoping this could help us. No one at Zendesk is giving a timeline for us...we have been their customers since 2017 now. This is causing us lots of search related issues and the default search itself should have been good. Our users now use Google search to get to our help center articles as that is much more accurate and better. It has been a year now since you rolled it out in the first place...what is taking you so long to roll it out to us???
I sincerely apologize for the frustration and inconvenience caused by the delay in enabling Semantics search on your help center. We understand the importance of an efficient search system and the impact it has on your user experience.
I want to assure you that our team is actively working to address this issue and expedite the process of rolling out Semantics search to your account. We value your continued trust as our customer since 2017, and we are committed to delivering an enhanced search experience that meets your expectations.
I appreciate your patience during this time, and we are dedicated to resolving this matter promptly. If you have any further concerns or specific feedback, please feel free to reach out directly, and we'll do our best to assist you.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to delivering an improved search functionality soon.