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Understanding how articles are evaluated for use in autoreplies

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Jeremy Korman

Zendesk Product Marketing

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Hi everyone,

I've just created an article. How long will it take the bot bot to detect the new article and it's content?


It should only take a couple of minutes for the article to be integrated into Answer Bot


Does Answer Bot impact the keyword search results with its machine learning, or is that still another algorithm when AB is enabled?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Lauren!
Thank you for messaging us. 
Keyword search results greatly impacts the Answerbot as it learns how people search. It mimics human behavior. You can lean more on this article: Understanding how Answerbot works. 


Hi Josh. The link you provided directs back to this page, which I've read, and unfortunately, there is no answer to my question here. 

Does the Answer Bot machine learning algorithm impact the results you see in non-answer bot locations, or are these locations still using the regular Zendesk search algorithm? Examples: the Instant Search results that show when you are typing in the search bar, and the search results in pages like this:



Hello Lauren, 
Answer Bot does not impact standard search methods, optimisations or results. It is a separate algorithm that is only used in Answer Bot enabled channels.


This article has a dead link -> Analyze your Answer Bot Activity  


"If I add labels to my articles, is that like adding a keyword to the article? Can this be done to boost how often an article is suggested?"

The answer here seems to indicate NO. That adding a label is not like adding a keyword and does not influence Answer Bot's results. However, other articles seem to contradict that, such as this one.

It says that

Labels have the following uses and impacts:

  • Influence article search relevance
  • Influence Answer Bot results
  • Create article lists


Don't these first two bullet points very much sound like creating a keyword that boosts how often an article is suggested?

What am I missing here?


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Gustavo Oliveira

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Nikki,
That is a very good question.
The article mentioned, says indeed that you can influence article search relevance and Answer Bot results, but that doesn't mean it is going to change how often the article/community post will be suggested.
The points mentioned says:
  • Influence article search relevance

Adding labels can make your articles more search friendly. They are not designed to be used for fine-grained control of ranking. For example, if I have two articles about making waffles, one with the word "temperature" in the body of the article, one with the label "temperature", the labeled article will be ranked higher if a user searches for the word "temperature".

  • Influence Answer Bot results

Answer Bot uses labels to influence the results it shows. It allows you to define a whitelist of articles that are allowed to be used when looking for relevant matching results. You are able to add up to ten labels that serve as an OR filter, allowing you to expand the whitelist to any articles containing any of the defined labels.

And it also says:
  • Use a limited number of labels, instead of overloading an article with labels

Use labels sparingly. Adding lots of labels might actually diminish any matches on labels. This is because it is assumed that matches with a fewer number of labels beats matches with more labels. And too many labels might outweigh the relevance of the title and body.

Please see also the article “Understanding the relevance score in search results” for a deeper explanation on the subject, as at the end of the day, the articles/posts suggestion are based on that score.
Best regards,


Gustavo Oliveira - thanks for the tip about the article “Understanding the relevance score in search results”  -- that was very informative!


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Gustavo Oliveira

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Nikki!

You're welcome. I am really glad to hear it was helpful :D 

Have a lovely day ahead.



Is there a way to tell Answer Bot to NOT suggest articles from some categories -we have internal only information in our Support Center which is marked for viewing by agents and admins only and we do not want those articles suggested to our end users.




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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Fiona, 
If the article is only available for agents and admins, those articles will not be suggested to your end-users. If you have an experience where an article was suggested to an end-user, I suggest that you check the permission of the article. Moreover, you can also create user segments to make sure that articles will be accessible by specific users. More information about user segments can be found here: Setting view permissions on articles with user segments


Hi @...

Thanks for your reply.

Answer bot was suggesting articles even though they were marked as agent/admin only. I actually found the answer elsewhere - I have added an article label to all the 'public' articles so that answer bot only looks in those, otherwise it suggests even articles that are only for admin/agent.




FYI, the link for Analyze your Answer Bot Activity is not working.

How can we view the tickets where answer bot failed to give suggestions and also where the customer rejected the suggested articles?



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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Riah, 

Thank you for flagging this article. Will send feedback to the proper team to have it fixed! 


Hi @...,

How can we view the tickets where answer bot failed to give suggestions and also where the customer rejected the suggested articles?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Riah!
Thank you for reaching out to us. For this, you can create a report for answerbot using Explore: Explore recipe: Analyzing Answer Bot activity 

Here's another for reviewing the last 100 tickets your answerbot encountered: Explore recipe: Analyzing the last 100 Answer Bot tickets 



I am having trouble with my AnswerBot generating articles after entering keywords in the search. After entering something as simple as a Password Reset, all it does is start the AnswerBot over, it doesn't generate a article about password resets. Any suggestions?


HI Crystal,
I see you posted this as a comment as well - I've asked our customer care team to have a look. Thanks for your patience!


Thank you


I created an answer bot and one of the conditions is if the end-user selects a specific ticket form. But in many of my tests, the email that's sent back to the end-user is missing the recommended article I want it to send. Is it because the request's subject or description doesn't match the article? How do I have it send a specific article and not require the ticket subject or description to have to match the article?


I understand answer bot searches all help center articles.  Does this include search articles that are set for agent & admin permissions and are otherwise unavailable to signed in end users?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Acacia,

End-users will not be served with articles restricted to the user segment Agents and Admins.


If the brand that a bot is associated with has additional brands specified as search sources in its help center, will the bot search all those sources when suggesting articles?  Or does it only suggest articles in that brand's help center?


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sophia,

Help Center is unique to the Brand it is associated with. This means that if the inquiry is being submitted as part of Brand A, Answer Bot will only look for articles within Help Center A.

Hope this helps. 


Right, but since search settings allow us to enable cross-brand searches, one would assume the bot would have access to all those sources.  We have found a workaround to this via API but it would be nice if there were an easier way. One solution would be to allow us to save articles to more than one brand.


I am facing this weird issue where the bot doesn't understand the question but if I ask again it suggests the correct articles.


Question for Jeremy Korman and others (although this discussion seems dead!) 

Does the Answer Bot just search articles, or can it also search the Gather discussion forum (community) too?

I know we can return forum posts in site search so I was wondering.

If not, can the API be utilised to add these in?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Matt,
Thanks for getting in touch. Currently, the bot isn't equipped to pull data from Gather forums or the Community sections. Our Product team is aware of this gap, and they're considering it for future updates, although we don't have a set timeline for when this feature might be implemented. For the best impact, I encourage you to post your detailed feedback and specific use case here: Include Community Discussion content in the bot, which can help our Product managers understand and possibly prioritize your needs.
In the meantime, you may find these articles useful for refining your bot's ability to conduct article searches:
Regarding the use of APIs, you can indeed utilize the Answer Bot Recommendations API.
I trust you'll find this information useful.


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