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Trigger resources

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Dec 19, 2024




Can you use the phone number the customer called to create a trigger that sets the subject?


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Russell Chee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Alan,
Thanks for reaching out on this community post, I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your question, that's a really good one. I've had a look into this and you may be able to achieve this workflow but it will take some customised setups on your Zendesk account. I did some digging into your question and found some useful articles to get you started on the right path to potentially set up a trigger that sets up the subject based on a phone call. Please see our article and community posts that serves as a starting point:
Can I route Talk tickets based on the received at number using triggers and automations?
Triggers Received At Phone Number
Support Tip: How to change the ticket Subject using a trigger


Hi Jennifer - the link to the following Trigger Recipes are broken:

  • Can I notify a group if a ticket has not been updated?
  • Can I be notified when a problem ticket has reached a certain number of incidents?
  • How can I automatically notify users that their text message was received?
  • How can I send emails to a customer only after they have created a certain number of tickets?



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for the heads up Graham!

I'll share this with our documentation team so we can get these links updated.


When trigger conditions are based on users or dropdown custom fields, and the corresponding values of the field/user is changed, the trigger shows to have stored the option id of the value. However, even with an unchanged tag in the dropdown field, a change of title seems to change the id (but nut fully sure).

The "broken" conditions are shown red when I open the trigger.

I have plenty of triggers.

How can I find ALL triggers with "broken" conditions, to fix/debug them.

Same applies to automations, macros and views.

Please advise!



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Zendesk Engineering

We understand how practical it is to have a feature that can extract the information of broken triggers. However, this feature is not yet available. Would you mind posting your use case to our Feedback on Support topic? We have a template you can copy and use in your post. Thanks!


We met one problem in triggers: some tickets from GP or email or MSDK or any other channels coming without any trigger launched.

What will be the possible reasons?



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Qin!
Most likely there is a condition not present on those tickets that would make the trigger fire. I would suggest following THIS to troubleshoot your triggers. 


I have multibrand account. brandA and brandB. BrandA was created before upgrading to professionnal with possibility having brand A and B.

If i'm new customer and send an email to support.BrandB@zendesk. Customer recieves an email to sign up as new customer with brandA message of welcoming. It is impossible to find where this brand A message is located in admin center. Could you help me?






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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Franck,
The expected behavior for welcome emails is it will use the default address for a brand that has been used by the end-user to register. More information can be found in Customizing Welcome email.

What I'm thinking is you are seeing the subject enclosed in the green box. This will be for the subject of the email and it's using the actual name of your account


Can Zen be configured to trigger after a certain number of tickets raised over a defined period? For instance we have a gateway that can occasionally timeout, when it does so we'd raise a ticket. One ticket now and again is fine but if we get five timeouts in a rolling two minute window then I would like to raise a "higher level" alert. Is this possible with Zen?


Hi Dave, 

I don't think you can user triggers or automations for that. Currently, there's no option to do that natively on the system.


Hi Olli,

I also found out that finding all the broken triggers is currently not a trivial task.
So I actually added a way to find them, get alerted that one is created, and find related objects to triggers (that removing them can cause problems) to Salto's free version.

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to do it.
Don't hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions.


Hello there,

We have created a custom lookup field in Ticket. That lookup field uses the Organization object/menu. We have also created a text field in Ticket. What do we want? When that lookup field is updated/filled, whatever trigger/workflow should update the custom text field with the organization name of the lookup field. Do you think that would work?



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Julio H

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Muhammet,

To update tickets fields via triggers with information from an existing ticket is not currently possible, as per this documentation:

Can I use a trigger and a webhook to update tickets? 

As a workaround, you can use Zendesk API ticket update to update the text field via API. For this, you might need to create a webhook to send the ticket information via JSON to your system, and then automatically via the ticket update end point, update the text field for each particular ticket.

You might need a developer to achieve this.



Hello, it looks like the link for the Support trigger recipe megathread! underneath the Community tips and recipes for triggers is broken, when I click it I get a page that says 


You're not authorized to access this page

Can this be updated? Thanks!


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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Thanks for letting us know, Emily!

Looks like the post has been archived. It was something new we were trying in community--a central place for all triggers questions--but it looks like it didn't really gain traction. Turns out, it wasn't much of a megathread. :)

I'll remove the link from this resources article! 


Thank you Jennifer Rowe, is there a good source as a recipe reference for triggers in the same way that explore has


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Emily,
We have a list here that may be worth looking at :)  Triggers recipes reference
Let me know if this isn't what you're looking for!


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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

What!? Our triggers recipe reference was missing on our triggers resources list!? Oops. 
Thanks for sharing that, Brett. I've added it to the list!



I have 135 triggers on Zendesk, Is there a way to extract these triggers from ZD, so I can have them on Excel or CSV



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Audrey Ann Cipriano

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Aldo Cruz there's currently no way to do this via the UI, but you can export them with the API.

This is the endpoint you can use to get them: /api/v2/triggers.json

Hope this helps!



Previously when creating/updating a trigger the default value was blank so I could quickly write something to do a quick search. Now the default value is “-” and when typing a letter, it will be next to the “-” so it's showing no value for the search, you need to delete the “-” then start typing which is a bit annoying. Can it switch back to a default blank?


I know triggers only work for Created tickets, and Updated tickets. 

Is there a way to:
IF ticket is OPEN 
Ticket>Comment Text; Contains at least one of following words; “words” 
Add Tag => tag-name
I've tried setting it to:
Ticket > Ticket Status; is; Open
Ticket>Comment Text; Contains at least one of following words; “words” 
Add Tag => tag-name

But it only scans the newly created tickets for the keywords, rather than the bucket of tickets that I have which is what I want it to do. 

After reading, I'm seeing that Trigger may not be the right tool for this, is there a tool that would enable this to happen? 


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