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Metrics and attributes for agent state and activity

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




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Casey Eisenberg

Zendesk Luminary

Hi Erin,

Thanks for this information, I have been seeing some issues with the data but I understand this is still in EAP. Is there an estimate for when this will be out of EAP and the dataset will be reliable?

Thank you.


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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Casey Eisenberg

Do you mind creating a ticket/sharing what issues you are seeing with the data? 

Thank you! 



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Casey Eisenberg

Zendesk Luminary

Hi Karen Hynes,

Yes I had created a ticket where the team told me since this was still in EAP that was to be expected. For daily totals in agent state I am seeing multiple instances of agents having greater than 24 hours of a certain state in a day.

Thank you,



Hi Karen Hynes,

How do you sign-up for this EAP?

Best regards,


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Robert, I believe this EAP has now ended and has been released to everyone. Check out the announcement here: Announcing agent state historical reporting
Let me know if you have any other questions!


Hi Brett Bowser,

If I not mistaken, I think the Agent Capacity is a new dataset. I don't see it available when I select Omnichannel:

I see a report mentioned here that suggests using this newer dataset:


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Robert,
The article is accessible to customers who successfully signed up for the EAP (Early Access Program). However, the EAP registration period has ended. The good news is that the feature will soon be released to all users. Please visit our announcement page for further updates and information.



I created a support ticket but was advised this was an EAP and was redirected here to get an answer to my queries. 

I understood from your documentation that "unified away" collects all times spent in away states across custom statuses. When enabling custom agent status I noticed the regular "Away" status still exists in the status selection for the agent. Does this mean that :

-when agent uses the regular (non-custom) "Away" status, that time is available in "Agent state" = "Away" 

-when using custom status "On Break" (if defined as away on all channels), that time will be in "Agent state" = "On Break" BUT will also be in "Agent state" = "Away" (so we shouldn't use both states in same report otherwise time will be doubled) ?

If I am away 1h on regular "Away", and away 1,5h on custom status "Lunch break", will my query with agent state = "Away" (NOT unified away) give me 2,5h or only 1h ? 
Is the time spent in a custom status also included in the time spent in the regular status it is built on ?

I'm asking because  I used the "Pause déjeuner" (lunch break) status at 12:02 in my account, but noticed the time spent in that custom status also popped up in  "away" as well as in "unified away" status details. 

Also, the prerequiqites of getting agent state EAP were to have agent workspace and omnichannel routing in place. Now I'm considering stepping back from omnichannel routing to the old talk way,  but would like to know if I do so if the agent state dashboards / metrics will still be in my account with accurate data ? 

Thank you, 



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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Cécile, 

Happy to help! Please refer to the following documentation for more information on unified agent status and creating custom unified agent statuses.

There are four default unified agent states: online, away, transfers only, and offline, as well as a custom states. Therefore, regardless of creating custom states, the four default unified states will always be available.I think the confusion here may be as a result of the custom states mapping to per channel states and the impact this has on reporting. We have an article to help with this available here.I will elaborate on this further below: 

Reports can be filtered by CHANNEL. When OCR is enabled, by default the pre-canned dashboard is filtered to display UNIFIED channel. UNIFIED channel reports on default unified and custom states. For custom states, as a result of their configuration by channel, there would also be per channel reporting available. This can be viewed by filtering for all channels (screenshot 1).

Pause déjeuner would be reported on under the UNIFIED channel for 1.5 hours. If this is mapped to AWAY for all channels, you would see this time reported as Away when you filter by Away for Support, Talk, Messaging channel (screenshot 2 - filter includes channel Away state and Custom state (eg: pause déjeuner)). 

If you were in UNIFIED Away state prior to Pause déjeuner, this would also be included in the per channel Away duration. Take the following example for the Messaging channel: 

  • Time spent in AWAY state Messaging= Time spent in UNIFIED AWAY + Time spent in Custom state which maps Messaging as Away (eg: petit déjeuner)


I hope this helps clarify your question. These datasets have also moved to GA, as per announcement here

This is also available for non OCR customers on Professional+ plans who have agent workspace enabled but please note, custom state data would not be available and therefore you would just see per channel mapping. 




It will be extremely useful to incorporate tickets updated, tickets assigned, ticket solved and other ticket metrics into this report. 

We focus heavily on productivity and currently I'm having to extract from the Updates History Dataset or Support Tickets Data Sets, then offline in an excel sheet incorporate the worked hours.

Please let me know if this is possible?


Can we customize the "time in state" and add "Start time" and "end time" so we can specifically report on these?


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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Benjamin David John Clough

This feedback is noted and we will be releasing another dataset shortly which contains further information regarding agent capacity. After this release, we hope to enhance this capacity dataset with further agent level productivity metrics in H2. 




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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Shai Eyal

If you are utilising the 'agent state' dataset, you can report on state start time, state end time and also duration in state. 




Hello, i am currently trying the new dataset : Omnichannel : Agent Productivity.

When im doing Agent Avg Used Capacity here, the calculation commented there is

SUM(omnichannel_agent_productivity_capacity_seconds) / SUM(omnichannel_agent_productivity_agent_online_seconds)


I can see my lower performing agent scores higher at this, which is weird.

However, i notice on the agent, she will only set online when the traffic is busy and sets away again once the queue is less.


I would assume based on the formula above, it calculates the capacity of the agent at the time, over the unified online time.

So as soon as she sets away, the counter of agent_online_seconds stops counting.


With this , it doesn't really give us a full picture of the agents are having. Could you advise where should i look on for this context? Thank you.


Is there any plan to incorporate ticket data here? We're using our own custom Tickets Solved Per Hour metric within the Update History dataset, but if we could combine ‘Tickets Solved’ with some of the agent productivity metrics that would be a gamechanger. 


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Karen Hynes Erin O'Callaghan - is there a chance we can incorporate ticket data here as what D.Fitz mentioned above?

We want to check the validity of the metrics this dataset is providing by adding drill in function to see the ticket ID whether it is really missed by an agent. So far, there's no other way to validate whether the data on this dataset is 100% accurate. 


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