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About omnichannel routing

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




I’d prefer then to be treated like a messaging tickets since that is how they come in now I believe. For us personally these are quite urgent and need a real-time treatment.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

OK, I need to confirm an ETA on that


My apologize Barry Neary.

I read Laurens comment and your response as Zendesk being able to notify agents via a DM to a Slack channel that a ticket was assigned to them. Slack is a heavily used tool at our company so we are always looking for more ways that Zendesk can integrate with Slack.


Any plans to add (live chat) to this feature?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Supervisor

If you have both Chat and Messaging traffic, there is a feature that is in EAP right now which allows chat traffic to flow through the omnichannel routing engine


Thank you Barry


We do not use messaging as heavy as some orgs. I was hoping to utilize this feature for Chats only. Thank you for the quick response.


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Zendesk LuminaryUser Group Leader

Barry Neary - How can we get more info on the Chat/Omnichannel Routing EAP? We know we would clearly benefit from using OCR, but we also use Chat, so its impeding our move.





Also interested in this EAP Barry Neary


Hi Barry Neary,

From my understanding, we cannot use chat and messaging together on Zendesk. If this is possible then we would be more than happy to be part of the EAP.




Is my assumption correct, if the ticket will be automatically assigned to an idle agent using the auto routing tag, only if the ticket is submitted with the status "open" only? (if you want to escalate your ticket to another group after you take it the ticket)


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Yes, the ticket need to be in Open or New status to be automatically assigned


In this document, under calls there is the line. 

After a call ends, the ticket generated by the call is removed from the omnichannel routing queue.

Are there any plans to change this? If my system is setup for my agents to focus on things assigned, but then they are not routed tickets that were previously a call.... we are missing responses on these tickets. They get very focused and continuously churn through tickets assigned to them and are not looking at other views. 

Because these are removed from omnichannel routing, this creates a second workflow that can be hard to remember or manage since its essentially as if the channel does not route at all. Which is very frustrating, I am having to go to a marketplace app to supplement what omnichannel is missing. In my case that is not only these call tickets that are no longer a call but also the text channel. 

For those wondering, I am using free version of Round Robin to supplement these missing channels. 


We have the same need as Robert Elliott - complex issues are not solved just because the call has ended, so we need them to be treated like email tickets in the routing.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Rober/Ola - this is one the roadmap for 2024 - no firm ETA et

cc: @... Rohan Gupta


Thank you for the update Barry, sooner rather then later would be great of course! In the interim is it at all possible to add some type of update to the ticket when it is removed from the omnichannel que? these call tickets look the same when they are still a call versus when the call ends so any automation or app I add to the system wont be able to differentiate whether there is still a call or not. 

has anyone come up with a solution for this issue?  


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

cc: @..., Rohan Gupta


Hey Barry Neary! Are there any updates on timing for

  • Slack DM being part of OCR
  • SMS being part of OCR
  • Focus mode for phones/ messaging for OCR



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Lauren Benkov

1) Slack DM is now routed as an 'email' ticket

2) Some difference of opinion on whether SMS should be treated as email ticket or messaging ticket - trying to get confirmation on which way to go 

3) Focus mode schedule for Q1 2024


Thank you for all these updates! I'm a little surprised about Slack being routed as email vs messaging but better than not being routed at all so I'll take it! 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Apologies, Lauren Benkov, wrong information there on Slack DM.

Its still in the backlog to be supported, not sure of an ETA on that, will revert



Ah ok, thank you!


Is it expected behaviour that tickets in a Pending status also get reassigned via Omnichannel?

This ticket is set to Pending, unassigned and then the omnichannel routing tries to assign it to an agent.


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Arianne Batiles

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Anton Verhelst,

The omnichannel routing reassignment is for tickets that were reopened. I would like to have a closer look at your example. Hence, I created a ticket on your behalf, and I’ll continue to assist you from there. Kindly check your email for updates. Thank you!



Is there a way to exclude messaging ticket that received an update via mail reply? I would like them to be answered by agents online on "email" but they get routed as messaging tickets currently.(with " Switch messaging conversations to email" option enabled)


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Bako,

Currently a messaging ticket remain a messaging ticket and is routed as one even if the agent has switched to using email to communicate with customer. We are actively looking at ways to address this



I'd agree on treating messaging tickets as emails once they've switched over. I'd also like the same for phone calls. Most of our incoming phone call tickets are not solved during the call, and so need to be assigned to an appropriately skilled engineer once the phone message has been taken.


Absolute agree!

Phone Call, Voicemail, Callback Request, should be handle like an E-Mail ticket and include in Omni Channel Routing, to proceed afterwards.


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Zendesk Luminary

We are actively looking at ways to address this

Very excited to hear this is being looked at. We were looking forward to this feature when switching to Messaging before realizing they were always handled as Messaging and couldn't be switched. We have made this work by creating a macro/trigger to create a new ticket to followup by email, but it's not ideal for API usage nor keeping a conversation together, but it works well enough while this is being developed.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager


Excited! I noticed a delay how long does it take for the report for the Dashboard to reflect the most accurate information?

Can we also get an option to save filters there we don't have to select the others each time the page is refreshed or the Dashboard is used? 


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