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Exporting ticket, user, or organization data from your account

Edited Mar 19, 2025




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Anne Ronalter

Zendesk Customer Care


it seems like the function is not yet enabled for your account.

To do so, I will go ahead to open a ticket on your behalf.


Hey Team, 

I have been working on the data export and getting to know it slowly. I must say JSON export is great to view the data. 

I have a question though, like JSON, where you can define a date range and data type, can we not do the same for XML / CSVs?

When using these options, the text files are way too big to be opened to view. What is the best way to pull/filter the data using a date range/data type for XML / CSVs? 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mukesh,
thank you very much for your comment. I'm glad to hear that you really like JSON export.
So, as it is now, the Full JSON export is the only one capable of defining a data range and data type, as you already know.
However, there is a small margin in which you can play with CSV exports. You can export a view to a CSV file, or you can use Python for it.
Or, you can use our REST APIs endpoints to get the information you need, then after you can use Python for compiling the JSON to CSV, so you have only the information you want.
I hope that helps!


Hi All, the problem with this JSON is that there is no comma "," between users, any help with this one?


Hi, i don't see Quick Look:  Admin Center > Account > Tools > Reports, although my account is Growth plan


The instructions updated on 11/03/2022, state to go to Account > Tools > Reports. 

There are no Tools or Reports sections. We are an enterprise customer. A lot of this is inaccurate. We're dead in the water trying to export our 4000 organizations to updates them, because you all only put a CSV upload, but no download....geeze!!


You might be able to force your way to the page via this url, you'll need to put in your own Zendesk domain:


Unfortunately, that is a dead link.


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Amy Dee

Zendesk Customer Care

To Aleksandar Salevski - the JSON export tool uses NDJSON, or "Newline Delimited JSON" format. This format returns a series of standalone JSON objects separated by line breaks. It's optimized for streaming extremely large sets of data into a database, where a single file would be too large to handle effectively. If you want to convert the entire export into a single standard JSON file, you'll need to add commas between the lines and a "users" wrapper around the list.

To Nghĩa Hồ and Jordan Moore - data exports are not enabled by default. They need to be turned on before you can use them. If you don't see account export tools in the Admin Center, it means one of two things: exports have not yet been enabled for your account, or exports are enabled but there is a domain restriction blocking your access.

If exports aren't enabled, the account owner can reach out to our support team to have the feature turned on. If exports are enabled, the account owner can modify or remove domain restrictions on the export page. (The account owner can reach the exports page even if their domain does not match.) 

I hope this helps!


Amy Dee 

 If that's the case, it would be great if the entire article were re-written to reflect that this is no longer available in JSON. This is a bit like changing the article language from French to Spanish and saying it's still available Spanish because they are both Romance languages. It's not JSON anymore, and that means that JSON parsing in code will not work. My scripts that know how to read JSON, but cannot read NDJSON, because it's not the same language. This is why people are telling you that your JSON exports are broken. 


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Amy Dee

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi CJ Johnson - Thanks for following up! There may be a misunderstanding here, so I want to clarify a couple points.

  • This isn't a recent change in behavior. This is how the account JSON exports have behaved for a long time. Our documentation has also included instructions for converting the files for some time, though it wasn't always clear why that was necessary.
  • We did rewrite the article to make this clearer. The changes were published over the summer. The article now includes a description of NDJSON, a link to more resources about it, and instructions for converting the export if you want to open it as one file.
The JSON export from Zendesk includes data in JSON format. However, these exports are far too large to open as single files. Most JSON parsing tools will fail with relatively small date ranges. That's why we chose to use NDJSON. That format optimizes the export for streaming and makes it easier to pull individual tickets, users, or organizations from the file.
If you prefer a single (massive) JSON file, you can easily automate the conversion. It just takes commas at the line breaks and a static wrapper at the start and end. Yes, it's an extra step, but it's a relatively simple one. 
We're always reevaluating our articles to make the content clearer and more accurate. Comments like yours help us find places that need updates. Thanks again!


CJ Johnson FINALLY, someone who knows what they are talking about...getting a sincable or timely solution from ZD is near impossible. They just need to allow for table access to our instances so we can just connect, pull, and be done. Instead, I've had to jerry-rig the same through AWS. It's a nightmare. Never seen a ticketing product where I cannot readily access my data for the purpose of maintaining data integrity, or making bulk changed.


Amy Dee the only problem is that Zendesk makes zero effort to tell us what is or is not turned on. I had no clue this option even existed. So I had to go out a buy a 3rd party app (again)...and spent considerable amounts of time trying to get data exports setup in AWS to automatically pull data. I literally pleaded in a meeting with ZD this week to tell me WHAT ELSE is not turned on. I'm an enterprise customer, turn on everything, or at the very least tell your customers what you have turned off. The only way I even know that the ADMIN > Tools > Reports option even exists, is because an end user made a post (not ZD). So I have to contact ZD to turn on the feature. And once it's finally turned on, its just a bulk dump, with date range. Absolutely no filter options. You all need to read these complaints. Some have been open for years with no resolution. I don't want JSON exports, I want access to tables and my customer fields. I go into reporting now and try to pull an Organization report, in your cube environment, but the datasets are only ZD, not our custom fields. 100% USELESS. 


Are archived tickets included in the export? If not, how can I export all tickets ever logged by a given client, including archived ones? I have a client that has over 1000+ tickets logged - these can be see on their organization profile. When I create a view to see all their tickets, it only has about 200. The other 800+ have been closed and since, auto-archived. We want a full picture of their historical tickets. Thanks. 


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Audrey Ann Cipriano

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Monica Barin welcome to our Community! :) 

Archived tickets are definitely included in the export but you won't be able to filter it for one client. However, once you receive the export file, you can then filter within the file (outside Zendesk) for the client's email to get the tickets you need. 

Another option is using Explore, you can create a custom query and filter for that requester's email so the query produces their tickets and you'll be able to export it as CSV as well. :) 


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Mark Leci

Zendesk Luminary

Is there any plan to add the option to export organization data as a csv? This seems like something so basic it should be possible via Explore, but it's not (you can only get organization data for organizations that are linked to tickets). I had to request a json export, then edit the json so that it was valid (!) and then load it into Excel to actually see this basic data. The whole process took a full day including the time I needed to research how to convert the non-standard json to something usable. Seems crazy for something you can do in ten seconds in Salesforce. 

As noted above, using a non-standard json variant particularly for the org export seems like a poor design choice. I would guess it's unlikely most companies have millions of organizations, and even if they do I think giving admins the choice to download in standard json makes sense. 

If anyone else is seeing this and wants to use the organization export data as valid json, what worked for me is the following:

1. Added '{"Organizations":[' at the top.

2. Separated each organization object with a ','

3. Added ']}' at the end 


When you activate the agent workspace, does the data structure change on report export?



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Gustavo Oliveira

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Pedro,

No. The structure of the Data export will be the same in Agent Workspace and Standard agent interface.

Moving to Agent Workspace will not affect your export structure.

Best regards,


Does the JSON file also include any files that are uploaded in ticket conversations too?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Virginia,
JSON exports of tickets contain links to the various attachments as:

In order to download the attachments associated with each link, you will need to perform a GET request to that endpoint. Then download the file linked at the aforementioned content_url attribute.

You can read more about the article How can I download all attachments in a ticket?
Hope this helps!


Just a heads up to anyone else interested in the JSON export: 

As stated in the article the JSON date ranges use a system date that typically equates to last update date.  We wanted to export some tickets, including tickets imported into Zendesk from other systems so I set the date range with last update date in mind...but, records were omitted.  Turns out that for imported tickets you need to know/use the import date (which won't match last update date) in order to include those tickets. 

Also, when the article says "accounts with more than one million tickets are downloaded in 31-day increments" it makes it sound like you can specify a single date range and the system will parse it out in the 31 day increments for you.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  If your date range spans several months you will have to manually pull each month separately.


I am the account owner for Zendesk, I should have rights to download the data as CSV

Following instructions

Admin center >> Account >> Tools
But there is no reporting option, searched for reporting also int he search bar

I need to download all the ticket data from 1st Jan 2023- 30 Sep 2023

please advise, thank you


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Omar,

Data exports are not enabled by default in Zendesk accounts. Normally, you must contact Zendesk Customer Support to enable data exports in the account but I created a ticket on your behalf so that we can move this request faster.

Please check your email and respond to my message. Thank you.


I downloaded the XML file. The "tickets" file is over 2.5G.
I assume Excel can't open the file because its weight is 2.5G.
What can I do to succeed in opening the file?
I aim to get all tickets and their comment - but only tickets contain the tag 'x'.


Why is it so hard to get our customer's email address? I don't know what to do with a json file, I just want the email addresses, is this at all possible?


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hey Andres

For the users that created a ticket, you can pull an export of tickets with the attribute of requester_email.

You can also use the API, but that's also going to return JSON.

That said, you can open the JSON file in any text editor, then select all and copy / paste into Excel.  That should help you visualize the data, and filter on any cells containing "email:"

Hope this helps!


Thank you Brandon Tidd - pasting it into excel is a good trick, but all the ticket info just goes into one row, which isn't all that useful, I'm sure there are formulas to look for commas and put into a new cell but it just seems like so much extra work for such basic functionality.

Anyway I managed to pull all my ticket info in an excel file, so that has email address so I'm good, I just don't understand how simple things like this are just ignored, looking at this thread people have been asking for this for years.

Anyway I appreciate your suggestion, thanks!


Hi Team,

If we Export the tickets data in JSON or CSV format, do we get comments and attachments of a particular ticket?

Thank you.


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Mike DR

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Uday!
You can view the comments in the JSON or CSV format but you can also use our Zendesk Comment APIs for specific tickets.


Is it possible to export organization data as a CSV? I don't see an option for this.


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