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About omnichannel routing

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Still don't see Omnichannel under objects and rules.  We have Agent Workspace enabled, and I don't think we have a chat subscription.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Michelle Nibbe

You have a chat subscription and dont have messaging enabled, which is why you dont see routing enabled on your instance



So we cannot use this if we don't have messaging enabled?  We don't use it.  We take tickets from clinics and have to stick to strict guidelines regarding PII and HIPAA.

There is not a spot to enable messaging anyways.  I've followed the directions and there is no box to enable.


Is chat used in Omnichannel?



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Michelle, no - chat is not compatible with the new routing engine.


hi barry
What is the assignment rule for those messaging tickets that were not attended during the 10 minutes, example:
-I have several tickets to expire the 10 minutes
-I have 3 agents connected, 2 who are actively answering messages and 1 is at the limit of its capacity. The reassignment would be made by the agent who has not attended a conversation the longest, but does this imply that all those cases that exceeded 10 minutes will be assigned to this agent?

Thank you


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Onei

Inactive messages currently work as follows:

  1. Inctive messages in the queue will only be assigned to agents with spare capacity
  2. When an inactive message is assigned to an agent from the queue, it wont take up capacity

In your example, if only one agent has spare capacity then that agent will be assigned the inactive messages. Those inactive messages will not take up that agents capacity



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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Are there any plans to remove the dependency of Messeging? Any plans to incorporate external phone systems, as Zendesk lacks any actual IVR power for a team larger than 10?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi, currently if you have a chat subscription you need to have messaging enabled.

We are looking at supporting mixed mode customers i.e. cusomers with both chat and messaging traffic.

We also do have support for 3rd party telelphony systems on the roadmap



Will these status be available to use in reports in explore? it would be nice to know, of the time an agent is active, how many tickets are assigned. etc. 


so from my understanding, once this is out of beta I can stop using a round robin add-on and use this feature to auto assign tickets to agents?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Pedro Cassian: Yes, with some caveats:
1) You need to be on agent workspace, and if you have chat subscription you need to have messaged enabled to use omnichannel routing
2) The initial version of omnichannel routing has many of the features of the round robin app but not all - the documentation here should help, but also you could setup the beta on your sandbox to have a look



Hi Barry Neary,

Nice to see the PO being so involved.

One of the limitation is 

  • Skills aren't considered by the omnichannel routing engine. Look for this functionality in upcoming releases.

Does this mean that routing based on language is a problem as well?

Messaging does support the routing on skill/language the way i have set it up in sandbox.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Tim

You can have language as a condition on a trigger and use it with routing; e.g. if lang = spainish and tag=billing then assign to 'spanish billing group', and then the routing engine will assign it to an agent in that group.
What we are working on now is the ability that if the ticket has a spanish skill on it, the routing engine will route it to the general billing group and it will look for an agent that is available (online and has spare capacity) but also has the right skills



Is there a timescale for skills routing yet? Honestly this feature looks amazing but our setup relies heavily on skills.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Ola Timpson, we are working on skills right now, so hopefully we will have something out before end of year



HI Barry,

any timeplan for API here? We control Talk Agent Status by Time Measurement App right now and to convert to new tool, we need it.




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Volkan Akdugan

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Tobias,

Agent Availability APIs are currently under development and are expected to be launched as an Early Access Program in Q4 (mainly to allow you to test the endpoints and provide feedback) and GA in Q1 2023. Let me know if you are interested in participating in EAP so I can let you know when it is available.



HI Volkan,

Yes, please add us here so that we can double-check migrating the current solution into a new one with our dev team. Thanks.


Extremely bummed that many of the features we desperately need are all being loaded into this omnichannel EAP, which requires messaging over Chat. Messaging has quite a few holes that need to be addressed before it meets the requirements we have for a viable chat tool. I've been asking for these features for years and had my requests closed out as planned, only for the plans to specifically exclude me from using it. 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi CJ, if its any consolation we are looking at ways of supporting chat within the omnichannel routing engine. No fixed dates yet, but will update this thread once we do



Sorry that I am late to the conversation.  We have messaging and agent workspace enabled but still no option to enable omnichannel routing.  Am I missing something?


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Karen Beltran

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jason Smith, seems you already have an existing ticket about the issue. We'll go ahead and proceed with the discussion there. 



“A message remains active for 10 minutes in the queue. If it still hasn't been assigned after 10 minutes, the inactive message will be assigned to the next online agent with spare capacity (known as round-robin). It won’t use up any of that capacity. This applies only to messages that have previously been offered to an agent. Inactive messages never offered to an agent (for example, because they come in when all agents were offline) remain in the queue and are not assigned.“

Are there plans to resolve the issues this causes? For example, the following behavior is caused by the above: when agents sign in to start their day, they are dumped dozens of overnight tickets. Is there a recommended way to reassign these tickets to another group to prevent this? (My email/async support team and my live chat/messaging support teams are separate.)

Note: I believe this is inaccurate - “This applies only to messages that have previously been offered to an agent.” I do not have messaging agents (the only channel we’re using Omni routing for) online overnight and yet all overnight tickets drop onto my morning agents anyway.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager


We are looking at various options to address this issue, including treating  inactive messages the same as active ones...i.e. they would take up capacity just like active ones do. Would that be your preference?

You are correct that the text you quote is inaccurate. We will have that changed



Hi Barry Neary

We have been asking for this problem to be solved for more tan a year (since messaging was launched). Why is a chat that has not been answered for 10 minutes considered inactive? Why can't we manage this on our end?

We usually reply to customers in less than 1 minute. But during situations, such as incidents or today's Russian attack on Ukrainian cities, we do not answer clients as quickly. And as a result, we can not route these chats in the standard way, they are available only through the tab "unassigned tickets".

This is extremely inconvenient for teams with 100+ agents. Please do something about it


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Вячеслав Скорбеж

Have you switched on omnichannel routing? It will automatically route messages that are active or inactive.

The inactive messages will be assigned to agents without them having to click Accept, they do not take up capacity of the agent...


Barry Neary We tested and found out that inactive chats do not count towards the agent's chat limit. That is, if an agent has a limit of 3 active chats, then all inactive chats will be assigned to him over the limit. Is this how it should work?


Barry Neary,

If inactive messaging conversations are different than both email and active messaging convos, I'd advocate for a third capacity limit with a checkbox to "combine active and inactive Message capacities" in the Capacity Rules. My use case would be to include inactive convos in capacity calculations for Messaging (hence the checkbox), but can understand if others do not have this workflow. Absent that, I would count them toward the email limit as they are more aligned with that channel's workflow than messaging's workflow.


Is Zendesk Talk Partner edition ( also supported in this omnichannel routing?



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