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Modifying closed tickets

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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Curious as to why ticket fields would be omitted here. Reporting on tags isn't a scalable solution, which is why ticket fields are the preferred solution. Doesn't make sense to me


I have now performed some initial testing and below are some feedback I have so far. I will continue the testing so more information to follow:


  1. Tags are very useful but it would be great if these tags are also reflected for the ticket fields. That way opening a ticket in the UI would also reflect the changes made on the closed ticket and the statistics in explore would be correct immediately. As several others has also commented on already.
  2. One feature that I would like to request is the ability to update the group and agent on a ticket. Each time a reorganization is done within our corporate group or we have an M&A we need to add specific rules both for triggers, automations, views in support and specific calculations, dashboards in explore. This makes the system very complex in the long run. With the ability to update the group and agent on closed tickets we could run an update on the tickets and would not require any changes at all to the logic in the system.
  3. One interesting function would also be to be able to update the requester on a closed ticket. This is especially useful if someone by mistake removes a user from the system to be able to readd the link to the user and thereby also the statistics would be correct.

With the last two options it would be enough to be able to change the id that was linked from the ticket to a new one.


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Pedro Rodrigues

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi Bobby Koch we're still in the early stages of this feature, the team does state they'll roll out enhancements, so I'm sure they'll contemplate more complex ticket modifications, including custom fields, like Mikael Mårtensson also suggests.

Looking forward to the next updates!


Can the customer's response to the c-sat survey reach the ticket even when it is closed?


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Chaitali Pathak

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Janderson Kalendae

For now, CSAT survey modification is not supported on a closed ticket. But, we are considering it as part of our roadmap as a nice to have functionality. 



Would love to see this feature get more attention, but I can appreciate how complex everything is - there are a lot things to consider when essentially rewriting the timeline. Currently being able to modify the tags isn't really useful for us, but once we have access to edit ticket fields and custom fields, we will immediately be bringing our decade of ticket history up to date with current fields and practices. 



This is a very nice update!


Could anyone please tell me on how i can delete a specific tag from all tickets, also closed ones via API?

I did not find the option and just use the normal ZD API via Postman.


Would also nice to have this function directly in ZD :) 


Hi Zendesk team - this function does not work if you are trying to modify a ticket that has incomplete required fields. For example a ticket was merged and closed automatically by Zendesk during the merge with some required fields still blank. When you try to update the tags after the ticket is closed, Zendesk throws an error that the required fields are missing, however you can't edit those fields, which makes this feature unusable on those tickets.


doesn't make sense 


Previously, if a field value for a custom ticket field is deleted from the dropdown options for that field, a closed ticket still maintains the old field value, which is useful for reporting purposes. Is there any plan to change this, given that the behaviour is different in non-closed tickets?


Similarly, in a closed ticket, if a tag is added or removed that has an associated field value, does the field value change as well to reflect it, or would that then be discrepant?


We have activated the closed beta setting on our subdomain. I was able to successfully add a new tag (without modifying anything else including removing any tags) to several tickets.  However, for several others in the same scenario this fails. I am simply opening a Closed ticket, adding a tag, and clicking resubmit, and I receive these (not helpful) errors without an explanation why it is failing in these cases but not for the others that previously worked.  Any insight would be helpful.



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Harper Dane

Zendesk Luminary

As another commenter mentioned, we desperately need to bring our old ticket data up to date with current forms and practices for clean data and reporting continuity. I've wasted dozens of hours writing custom Explore formulas to stitch together years of variations.


Very eagerly awaiting the ability to update Form and Custom Fields on Closed tickets. Once that's possible, I can update all our old tickets and delete hundreds of unused / deprecated fields from Admin.


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

+1 for the modification/recording csat surveys on a closed tickets.


We need to be able to store CSAT information in a closed ticket. For example in this flow: 

- Agent solves Messaging ticket. 
- Trigger closes ticket when set to solved. 
- Trigger asks for CSAT.
- Customer provides CSAT.

As it is currently, this CSAT information would be lost since the ticket is closed. It would be a huge improvement. 


Interested to know if changing the priority of a ticket affects the SLA stats


It'd be nice to not limit this to Admins only. I'd like to see it be an option within custom roles to give a handful of trusted people the ability without giving them full-on admin rights.


Can we make those changes using triggers?


+1 to everyone else regarding the need for editing ticket fields over ticket tags. That's the biggest gap for us when cleaning up our database so that reporting is correct and we don't have to select different values that no longer apply. 


Good that it is finally happening something here. For us the most valuable possibility would be to edit organization. We have tickets created before this function existed and now would like them to be assigned to the correct client organization. However one problem may be that we have, according to GDPR, deleted users that once submited tickets.

So the possibility to assign a ticket to an organization without the requirement to have a specific requester.


Will attachment redaction for closed tickets via API be available under this update? 


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Ben Wilcox

Zendesk Luminary

We need the ability as admins to edit more fields post close.  This week I had an agent reach out to me that he needed me to create another user record for a store he couldn't find in the system.  Today was the first chance I had to go look and when I did, I found we already had that user account created and he'd just missed it.  Unfortunately, because he didn't find the store account when he made the ticket, he used the wrong store account that was one number off.  I wanted to correct it today, but unfortunately found both that the ticket had already closed, and the REQUESTER is not a field we can edit on a closed ticket.   Can we be able to change a requester?  Sometimes agents get it wrong and we need to fix it as soon as we find out about out it so we have the correct interaction history for that user record.


I agree with a lot of folks who'd like to edit ticket fields and more. reporting on tags in Explore via custom metrics and attributes is viable, but a lot of time and upkeep (not to mention it's not easy to manage these in Explore w/o having a centralized list…)


one piece of feedback not yet mentioned that I'd certainly find helpful would be the ability to bulk edit closed tickets from the Search page. there will likely be certain tags or other search operators I'll be able to use to identify tickets I want to edit and it would be so much more convenient to do that here vs. creating an equivalent report in Explore, exporting the resulting ticket IDs, and updating them in bulk via the API.


Same feedback as above.. 

To leverage and scale up Explore as a proper Business Intelligence system, we need minimum functionality to transform and clean past data on Close ticket fields (not only tags since we use custom fields as pick list in Dashboards etc..)

We also need to modify data for governance reasons (remove PPI that may have inadvertently been entered in ticket comments or change the requester) - The only option we had was to delete a bulk of tickets which we would have rather kept for knowledge transfer

So although it is a good step forward, more is needed to provide ability to update close tickets


It would be useful if we could also edit the Brand on the ticket. We are a multi brand instance and we are currently trying to merge one brand into another. We would like the customer to have access to their old tickets in the new Help Center (if the brand is not changed, they will lose access to their old ticket requests (under My Requests) when we sunset the old Help Center


Hi Chaitali Pathak 
Can a trigger update the field of a closed ticket?
For example - I can create a trigger for when a certain tag is changed to X then update Field Y. 

Or in other words - when would it be possible to update custom fields for closed tickets?
As mentioned above, we need them for the accuracy of our reporting


Article is thorough but I wish I was able to SET organization on closed tickets as it's preventing the end user from reviewing their older tickets.


I have an issue that I haven't seen mentioned here yet. I have tickets that were closed via trigger, and thus some of the required fields on the form were never filled out.

I've updated the trigger to now add a tag to this category of tickets so that I can easily exclude them from Explore reporting. I'm now going back to add the tag to the prior tickets, but unable to edit because the required fields are empty. In this case being able to edit tags on closed tickets is useless to me without the ability to edit fields as well.


Had/have the same issue! 👆


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Chaitali Pathak

Zendesk Product Manager

Alek Reed - This error appears when you have any empty required field on a closed ticket. 

E.g. If the ticket holds any custom or standard field which is non-modifiable (not supported by modify closed ticket scope at the moment), then though you make changes to the ticket (say you update the subject, priority, tags .. any supported field) then also, we don't allow to resubmit that ticket. 

Only solution to this is - Those tickets will be modifiable over the period as we support different fields modification. 


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Chaitali Pathak

Zendesk Product Manager

Pedro Castro - Hi! At the moment only admins can modify the closed tickets using agent workspace or by using APIs. For now, we are not supporting the modification using triggers!


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