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Creating and inserting reusable information with content blocks

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 06, 2025




@Camila Ribeiro Leao Santos

Bom dia. Talvez seja porque você está usando o sandbox e não uma conta zendesk típica. Você já criou um tíquete com a equipe de suporte do Zendesk? Boa sorte.


Hello ZenDesk Team,

We would like to use images in the Content Blocks. Looks like it's not supported currently.

Any plans of adding this ability in Content Blocks?

Rather, can all the formatting options in Content Blocks be the same as the ones provided with the main Source Code Editor?

Thank you.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Sanket,

I double checked with our Product Managers and it looks like images are planned to be added to content blocks some time in spring :) Keep in mind timelines are subject to change but I can confirm it's on their roadmap.



Hey, I just wanted to set up some content blocks, but with the current implementation, it's completely useless for any Help-Center which is doing stuff beyond the WYSIWYG Editor 😞

It's a bit disappointing that this is not considered a use-case for an Enterprise feature.

1) custom HTML is ignored

2) Source code view is divided

#Sourcecode 1#
+Content Block A+
#Sourcecode 2#
+Content Block B+
#Sourcecode 3#
+Content Block C+
#Sourcecode 4#

This means you do not see the whole source code anymore, it's depending on your mouse cursor. For example, if you add 3 content blocks in an article, you have 4 different parts of the source code.

Hope this helps you to understand more complex Help-Center implementations in combination with Content Blocks.



Hi Brett Bowser,

Spring is here :)

Any news of adding image support to content blocks?





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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...

Unfortunately, the images will take us a bit longer than initially expected. That is because to implement them right we need to rethink the whole architecture of attachments which is a complex task. But we are working on it :) 



Hi Katarzyna Karpinska,

How is the progress going? Or do you have a targeted schedule for implementing this function? We are really looking forward to this function. Adding images in content block is crucial to our articles.

Best regards,



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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @..., Thanks for your interest! Unfortunately we've have more delays in this field :( but we are not giving up! We hope to have more positive info at the end of the year.


Hi @katarzyna

Are there plans to add content blocks to article templates?

We want to use blocks to manage code snippets and instruction sets, adding these to the templates would be a massive efficiency.


Are we going to get at least formatting in the content blocks soon? Graphics would be awesome, too. I'm living in horror of the time a screen shot we use across multiple articles needs to be found and updated. 


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @..., thank you for your feedback, we are not currently planning to add blocks to article templates but I'm curious how would you like to use them in templates. Could you let me know a little more?

@... we'll start working on improving the editor in content blocks later this quarter. Which of the formatting options are the most important for you? We are also planning to add image support in content blocks and we'll start development in that area at the end of the year.


We have steps that are very similar across articles for the first 3 to 5 steps and then the procedure varies. I would want ordered lists and unordered lists in that block. I would want to apply bold and perhaps code to the text in that block. I want to continue numbering steps from that block into the ordered list that follows it.

Graphics in a block would be huge. I'm dreading any serious updates to the UI in our products, as we must manually find all instanced and then update. That's going to be awful.


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

@..., Thanks so much for the details I've noted them down.

Both ordered and unordered lists should be already avilable in CBs, as well as bold and code block. I understand from your example that in for numbered lists you'd like to have the numbered order dynamically adjusting depending on the CB position in the article. This is a bit tricky to achieve at the moment but as I said we'll be upgrading our editing experience soon and we'll see if we could help with that. 



Are there any news on pictures in the content blocks?

Our users rarely login, so most guides would include a how to log in with images to assist them. Images in content blocks would really make that easier


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Louise Stolborg Vuorela

We hope to have the support for images next spring :) 



I just created a small article with a one-sentence content block, or so I hoped. When I highlight the text, I don't see the icon you referred to. Do I need to enable content blocks for both the source article (containing the content block) and the target article (where I wish to insert the content block)? Thanks.


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Stephen Kairys,

Thanks for a great question. Yes, content blocks have to be enabled on every article you want to use them in (both when it comes to creation and insert).


Thanks, Katarzyna.

Next question: Can I define a content block at one place in an article and use it in another place? I ask b/c I just discovered I have the same content in two different places and would rather not have to remember to update both instances when I need to make an edit. Thanks.


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

I'm not exactly sure how you define "place". But it is the core functionality of Content Blocks. To create them once and then insert them into multiple articles in different sections, categories and brands :) 


Looks like I suffer from the same issues than Andreas Schuster...

When I enter a content block in an article where the HTML has been changed outside Guide to create a Table of Contents (another missing feature of Zendesk Guide) the article is left "defective" - headings are altered and a full part of the article is removed...

Content blocks should be: 

  1. Transparent - there should be a markup in the HTML showing the content block
  2. Not altering any other part of the article

This should be similar to transclusion in mediawiki: Transclusion - MediaWiki



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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Kai Schmitte

I'm sorry that you are experiencing issues with content blocks. Am I understanding correctly that when you place a CB inside an article that was customized (to create a table of contents) the article text disappears? Are you using Guide UI or API?


Dear Katarzyna Karpinska

Thanks for the quick reply! 
What happens: 

  1. Some H1 headings are altered (did not review the HTML)
  2. The content block removes all content between the heading above the content block and the next picture - about 30 lines of text. 
    Below the picture the article is untouched. 

Unfortunately this is internal content, therefore I currently can't quickly add a screenshot.


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Kai Schmitte

I created a ticket for this issue so that we can discuss the problem more in depth.


Hey Katarzyna Karpinska

Is there a way to create content blocks of a single word?

Currently we have a lot of articles with different commands, which ideally could be updated every time a new product version goes out. For example:

C:\Program Files\<productVersion>\<productVersion>.exe --large
C:\Program Files\<productVersion>\<productVersion>.exe --small
/usr/local/<productVersion>/<productVersion> --large
/usr/local/<productVersion>/<productVersion> --small
/Applications/<productVersion>/<productVersion> --large
/Applications/<productVersion>/<productVersion> --small

Ideally we would just update the <productVersion> content block, and it would update all commands in all articles at the same time. It looks like content blocks replace the entire line, which would, in the above example, not save any time compared to manually updating.

Is there a way just to have single words/short phrases update across all articles, or could content blocks please be updated to allow single words/short phrases?


Any chance of making tables available in content blocks? We have a number of tables we'd like to reuse in multiple places, and it would be much easier to manage each in a single place.


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Peter Coleman,

Unfortunately, it's not possible to have a content block on an individual string level at the moment. We are aware of this need but at the moment we are focusing on building reusability for articles and for images, so it'll take some time before we'll be able to look into it. I'm definitely noting down your case for future reference. 


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Joel Sandi,

Yes! Definitely! We are soon launching an updated content block editor which will allow us to add more tools to create content in content blocks. Tables are very high on our list and we hope they'll land sometime later this year.

If you are interested in our roadmap you can always check this post.


any news on pictures in content blocks?


Are content blocks available for use in Macros as an alternative to Dynamic Content?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Aoife,
Content blocks can only be used for articles. 
Hope this helps!


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