This article describes the different conditions and actions you can use when creating ticket and messaging session triggers. For information on creating new ticket triggers, see Creating ticket triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications.
This article contains the following sections:
Building ticket trigger condition statements
Condition statements consist of condition categories, field operators, and values. The available values vary by the category selected. Condition statements are essentially ‘if’ statements that return all tickets or messaging sessions that meet the specified criteria.
For condition statements such as Ticket > Status, Ticket > Group, and Ticket > Assignee, the trigger fires whenever the condition is changed. Changed refers to any update made to the value, even if the value previously did not exist. For example the Ticket > Group trigger condition fires even if a ticket is created and a group is assigned to it for the first time.
Condition | Description |
Object | |
Ticket > Agent replies
(Not available on Team plans) |
The number of public agent replies to a comment from another customer or agent within Support tickets. |
Ticket > Assignee |
The assignee values are:
Additional value for views:
Ticket > Assignee stations
(Not available on Team plans) |
The number of different agents to which a ticket has been assigned. |
Ticket > Attachment | Checks whether or not the ticket update has any attachments. Both appended and inline attachments are included, with the exception of inline attachments that are added to the ticket using a macro. |
Ticket > Brand
(Not available on Team plans) |
Checks whether a ticket is associated with the specified brand. |
Ticket > CC | Checks whether or not the ticket has any CCs on it at the time the trigger runs. It does not check for followers or @mentions. |
Ticket > Channel | Where and how the ticket was created. The contents of this list will differ depending on the channels you have active, and any integrations you are using.
For more information about the ticket channels you can configure, see About Zendesk channels and Understanding ticket channels in Explore. |
Ticket > Channel name | The name of the messaging channel through which the ticket was created. All active social, web, and mobile messaging channels appear in the list. |
Ticket > Comment | Returns the type of comment contained in ticket updates.
Public is a comment that everyone can see. Private is a comment that only members of the support staff can see. Present (public or private) is used to indicate if the update contains a new comment. Present, and requester can see the comment is used to indicate that the update contains a comment and that it is visible to the requester. This includes private comments, if the requester has permission to view them. |
Ticket > Comment text |
Checks for the presence of single words and strings of words in the body of a new comment when a ticket is updated. For newly-created tickets, the first comment in the ticket is checked. A previous comment in a ticket is never used to evaluate this condition. The following content is also checked under certain circumstances:
This condition isn't case sensitive. You can use any of the following operators:
Note: In most languages, words are separated by spaces. When providing words or strings in Han, Katakana, Hiragana, Kanji, or Hangul characters, spaces aren't used as word boundaries except around any Arabic numerals that are included.
Ticket > Due date | Checks whether a due date is or isn't present for the ticket. |
Ticket > Custom fields | Custom fields support a subset of operators that vary by custom field type. For all custom field types, you can check to see whether a value is present or not. Additionally,
All ticket lookup relationship fields can be selected under Lookup relationships. All other types of custom fields on a ticket are available under Tickets. |
Ticket > Form
(Enterprise plans only) |
Your ticket forms are available as conditions. Select Ticket: Form, then select a specific form.
See Creating ticket forms to support multiple request types. |
Ticket > Group |
The group values are:
Additional value for views:
Ticket > Group stations
(Not available on Team plans) |
The number of different groups to which a ticket has been assigned. |
Ticket > Integration account | Checks the integration account that the ticket came from, such as a specific Facebook page, X (formerly Twitter) handle, or other channel integration account, like Google Play. Select one of your configured integration accounts from the drop-down menu.
Note: If there are multiple accounts defined for the same channel type (for example, WhatsApp), tickets can be routed only by channel type, not by a specific integration account.
Ticket > Intent
(Advanced AI add-on only) |
An AI prediction of what the ticket is about. To see the possible values, open the Taxonomy tab of the Intent settings page to see the AI Intents list under the Taxonomy values heading.
This condition category is available as part of intelligent triage. Does not work with the Ticket | Is | Created condition. See Why didn’t my intelligent triage trigger run during ticket creation? |
Ticket > Intent confidence
(Advanced AI add-on only) |
How likely it is that the intent prediction is correct. Values are High, Medium, and Low.
This condition category is available as part of intelligent triage. Does not work with the Ticket | Is | Created condition. See Why didn’t my intelligent triage trigger run during ticket creation? |
Ticket > Language
(Advanced AI add-on only) |
An AI prediction of what language the ticket is written in. To see the possible values, you can go to the Taxonomy tab of the Language settings page.
This condition category is available as part of intelligent triage. Does not work with the Ticket | Is | Created condition. See Why didn’t my intelligent triage trigger run during ticket creation? |
Ticket > Language confidence
(Advanced AI add-on only) |
How likely it is that the language prediction is correct. Values are High, Medium, and Low.
This condition category is available as part of intelligent triage. Does not work with the Ticket | Is | Created condition. See Why didn’t my intelligent triage trigger run during ticket creation? |
Ticket > Messaging session ended reason |
This condition is available when the end messaging sessions feature is turned on. Can be used with customizable CSAT to send a survey when an agent ends a messaging session. |
Ticket > Messaging session state |
Messaging session state values are:
Ticket > Number of incidents | Sets a threshold number of incidents on a problem ticket. |
Ticket > On a holiday?
(Not available on Team plans) |
This is set to yes during the full day of the holiday, not just during your normal business hours that day. If you have multiple schedules (Enterprise plans only), this condition category respects the list of holidays set in the schedule applied to the ticket. |
Ticket > Priority |
There are four values for priority: Low, Normal, High, and Urgent. As with status, you can use the field operators to select tickets that span different priority settings. For example, this statement returns all tickets that are not urgent: Priority is less than Urgent |
Ticket > Privacy | Tests whether a ticket has public comments or not. You can select either:
Ticket > Received at | Checks the email address from which the ticket was received and the email address from which the ticket was originally received. These values are often, but not always, the same. The ticket can be received from a Zendesk email domain such as, or from an external email domain such as The external email domain must be set up as described in Forwarding incoming email to Zendesk Support or the condition won't work.
This condition will work only if the support email address is a valid user address. This condition could be met by an email address in the CC field if it's associated with a user account. Email addresses that aren't associated with a user account (such as Google Groups, aliases, and distribution groups) can't satisfy this condition when in the CC field. Note that this condition doesn't check the channel from which the ticket originated and can be true for tickets that weren't received through email. For example, when using the Select an Address app you can specify a recipient email address and therefore meet this condition even though the ticket was created in the agent interface. If you're using this condition with your main Zendesk support address (the same as your subdomain), the trigger will still fire if an email is received at a different external support address you've configured. This is because all emails received are redirected to your default support address. |
Ticket > Reopens
(Not available on Team plans) |
The number of times a ticket's status changed from Solved to Open or Pending. |
Ticket > Satisfaction
(Not available on Team plans) |
Supports the following customer satisfaction rating values:
Ticket > Schedule
(Enterprise plans only) |
If you have set up multiple schedules, this is the schedule applied to the ticket. The available values are the names of your schedules. |
Ticket > Sentiment
(Advanced AI add-on only) |
An AI prediction of how the customer feels about their request. Values are Very Positive, Positive, Neutral, Negative, and Very Negative.
This condition category is available as part of intelligent triage. Does not work with the Ticket | Is | Created condition. See Why didn’t my intelligent triage trigger run during ticket creation? |
Ticket > Sentiment confidence
(Advanced AI add-on only) |
How likely it is that the sentiment prediction is correct. Values are High, Medium, and Low.
This condition category is available as part of intelligent triage. Does not work with the Ticket | Is | Created condition. See Why didn’t my intelligent triage trigger run during ticket creation? |
Ticket > Side conversation
(Not available on Team plans) |
You can create trigger conditions for side conversations so that assignees know when a side conversation is created, closed, replied to, and reopened. Without them, the agent assigned to the ticket (who, ideally, is also the creator of the side conversation) may have a hard time knowing what’s going on with a particular issue.
You can use these trigger condition statements with side conversations:
Ticket > Status category |
Note: If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, system ticket statues and any ticket statuses you create are grouped into status categories. Each status category has a default ticket status. See Managing ticket statuses.
The status category values are: New is the initial status category of a newly created ticket (not assigned to an agent). The Open status category is for grouping ticket statuses that indicate when tickets are ready to be worked on by your support team. The Pending status category is for grouping ticket statuses that are used to indicate that the support team is waiting for the requester to reply. The On-hold status category contains ticket statuses used to indicate that the support request is awaiting a resolution from a third party—someone who is not a member of your support staff and does not have an agent account in your Zendesk. This status category is optional and must be added to your Zendesk (see Adding on-hold ticket status to your Zendesk).The Solved status category contains ticket statuses that indicate that the customer’s issue has been resolved. The Closed status category contains the Closed system ticket status that indicates that the ticket has been locked and cannot be reopened or updated. When selecting a status category, you can use the field operators Less Than and Greater Than to specify a range of tickets based on their status category. New is the lowest value, with values increasing until you get to Closed status category. For example, a condition statement that returns tickets only in the New, Open, and Pending caetegories looks like this: Status category is less than Solved. |
Ticket > Status |
Note: If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, existing standard ticket statuses become status categories. If you have existing conditions that use Status, they’re updated to the corresponding Status category.
The standard ticket status values are: New is the initial status of a newly created ticket (not assigned to an agent). Open means that the ticket has been assigned to an agent. Pending is used to indicate that the requester has been asked for information and the ticket is therefore on hold until that information has been received. On-hold means that the support request is awaiting a resolution from a third party—someone who is not a member of your support staff and does not have an agent account in your Zendesk account. This status is optional and must be added (see Adding the On-hold ticket status). Solved indicates that the customer’s issue has been resolved. Tickets remain solved until they are closed. Closed means that the ticket has been locked and cannot be reopened or updated. When selecting a status, you can use the field operators Less Than and Greater Than to specify a range of tickets based on their status. New is the lowest value, with values increasing until you get to Closed status. For example, a condition statement that returns only New, Open, and Pending tickets looks like this: Status is less than Solved. |
Ticket > Subject text | Checks for the presence of single words and strings of words in the subject line of the ticket. This condition is not case sensitive. You can use any of the following operators:
This condition is not available if the Subject field has been deactivated. |
Ticket > Tags |
Determine whether tickets contain a specific tag or tags. You can include or exclude tags in the condition statement by using the operators Contains at least one of the following or Contains none of the following. More than one tag can be added. Press Enter between each tag you add. |
Ticket > Is | Created or Updated. Created will fire only when a new ticket is created . Updated will fire only when an existing ticket is modified and submitted. |
Ticket > Ticket status | If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, you can select system ticket statuses and new ticket statuses you created as conditions.
When selecting a ticket status, you can use the field operators Contains at least one of the following and Contains none of the following and specify multiple ticket statuses. For example, a condition statement that returns tickets with either a specific new or system ticket status may look like this: Ticket status Contains at least one of the following: Open, Dev assigned, Escalated. |
Ticket > Type |
The ticket type values are: Question Incident is used to indicate that there is more than one occurrence of the same problem. When this occurs, one ticket is set to Problem and the other tickets that are reporting the same problem are set to Incident and linked to the problem ticket. Problem is a support issue that needs to be resolved. Task is used by the support agents to track various tasks. |
Ticket > Update via | Checks where the ticket was updated from and can be any of the same sources as the ticket channel condition (above). Autoreply events can't be reliably identified by this condition. Agent replies submitted through the standard interface or Agent Workspace are recorded as updated via the Web channel. In the Agent Workspace, they will appear as updated via Email, but triggers still recognize them as updated via Web. Bulk updates to tickets from the Support interface are recorded as updated via a Web Services (API) channel. |
Ticket > Within business hours?
(Not available on Team plans) |
Yes or No. This condition is available if an administrator has set business hours.
If you are on an Enterprise plan and have multiple schedules, the "within business hours" conditions are based on the schedule that is applied to the ticket (see Applying your schedules to tickets). |
Ticket > Within (schedule)
(Enterprise plans only) |
If you have set up multiple schedules, this allows you to compare the ticket update time to any schedule, not just the schedule applied to the ticket. The available values are the names of your schedules. |
Lookup relationships | |
Custom object > Custom object (record) | For custom objects related to tickets, the custom object's records are available as conditions. |
Custom object > Custom field | For custom objects related to tickets, the custom object's fields are available as conditions.
Custom date field conditions always refer to calendar days; business hours and schedules aren't considered. |
Organization > Organization (record) |
The organization values are:
Organization > Custom fields | Custom organization fields are available as conditions. If the trigger includes this condition, but the ticket isn't associated with an organization, the trigger does not fire.
Custom date field conditions always refer to calendar days; business hours and schedules aren't considered. |
Requester > Requester (record) |
Checks the Requester field on the ticket. The requester values are:
Additional value for views:
Requester > Custom fields | Custom user fields are available as conditions.
Custom date field conditions always refer to calendar days; business hours and schedules aren't considered. |
Requester > Is verified by X Corp | Verifies that the requester is a verified X (formerly Twitter) account. |
Requester > Number of X Corp followers | The number of the requester’s X (formerly Twitter) followers. |
Requester > Number of tweets | The total number of the requester’s tweets. |
Requester > Language | The language preference of the person who submitted the request. |
Requester > Role | The role of the ticket requester. The role type can be agent, admin, or end-user. Additionally, if you're using light agents, the light agent role type is available. |
Requester > Time zone | The time zone of the ticket requester. |
Ticket > Lookup relationship fields | Ticket lookup relationship fields are available as conditions. |
Ticket details | |
Ticket details > Current user | You can select any of the following for the type of user that last updated the ticket:
If a ticket is created by an internal system event such as voicemail, the Current user condition is not applied. When a voicemail ticket is created, the first comment on the ticket is added by Support as a private comment and includes the voicemail recording, but Support doesn't interpret the comment as being from a user. The Current user condition is not supported when the ticket is from a messaging channel. |
Ticket sharing > Sent to | Checks whether a ticket was shared to another Zendesk via a specific ticket sharing agreement. |
Ticket sharing > Received from | Checks whether a ticket was shared from another Zendesk via a specific ticket sharing agreement. |
Building ticket trigger action statements
Action | Description |
Object | |
Ticket > Add CC | Add an agent or the current user to copy on the ticket update. This action is available when CCs are enabled on tickets. |
Ticket > Add follower | Add an agent or the current user as a follower on the ticket update. This action is available when followers are enabled on tickets. When followers are enabled, the Ticket: Add follower action replaces the Ticket: Add CC action. |
Ticket > Add skills | The skills you want to add to a ticket and whether they are required or can time out. Any existing skills on the ticket are unaffected. This action is available when omnichannel routing is enabled and you've created at least one skill. |
Ticket > Add tags | The tags you want to add to the existing list of tags (if any). Tags must be separated with spaces. |
Ticket > Assignee |
You can set the assignee to any of the following:
Additional value for triggers and macros:
Ticket > Autoreply | Add a public comment to the ticket to attempt to directly answer the customer’s request.
For more information about using this action, see Adding a public comment to a ticket using a trigger. |
Ticket > Brand
(Not available on Team plans) |
Add a brand to the ticket. |
Ticket > Form
(Enterprise plans only) |
Your ticket forms are available as actions. Select a specific form.
See Creating ticket forms to support multiple request types. |
Ticket > Custom fields | Checkbox, drop-down, text, number, and date custom fields are available as actions.
Custom date field actions always refer to calendar days; business hours and schedules aren't considered. |
Ticket > Group |
You can set groups to any of the following:
Additional value for macros:
Ticket > Internal note | Add an internal note to the ticket.
For more information about using this action, see Adding an internal note to a ticket using a trigger. |
Ticket > Priority | The priority can be set to Low, Normal, High or Urgent |
Ticket > Remove tags | The tags that you want removed from the existing list of tags contained in the ticket (if any). Tags must be separated with spaces. |
Ticket > Satisfaction | You can set this action to: offered to requester. This indicates that the survey request has been sent to the ticket requester. |
Ticket > Remove skills | The skills you want to remove from the ticket. This action is available when omnichannel routing is enabled and you've created at least one skill. |
Ticket > Set schedule
(Enterprise plans only) |
Your schedules are available as actions. Select Ticket: Set schedule, then select a specific schedule. When you set up multiple schedules, you must create triggers to apply your schedules to tickets. |
Ticket > Set skills | The skills you want to insert into the ticket and whether they are required or can time out. The set skills action deletes all skills currently applied to the ticket and replaces them. This action is available when omnichannel routing is enabled and you've created at least one skill. |
Ticket > Set tags | The tags you want to insert into the ticket. The set tag action deletes all tags currently applied to the ticket, or associated with any ticket fields, and replaces them. Tags must be separated with spaces. |
Ticket > Share ticket with
(Enterprise plans only) |
Share the ticket with the specified account. Requires that a ticket sharing agreement be in place.
See Sharing tickets with other Support accounts and Using business rules to share tickets. |
Ticket > Side conversation via email
(Not available on Team plans) |
Create an email side conversation. Available only when email side conversations are enabled.
When using this action, you must include content in the email message for the side conversation to be created. We suggest also adding a Ticket: Add tags action that adds a tag, such as "triggered_sc" that can be used in a Tags | Contains none of the following | triggered_sc condition to prevent triggers from creating unnecessary side conversations.
Note: When using this action, the Side conversation | is | Created condition is suppressed.
Ticket > Side conversation via child ticket
(Not available on Team plans) |
Create a child ticket side conversation. Available only when child ticket side conversations are enabled.
It's best to use a ticket that is already assigned to an agent as the parent ticket. If a child ticket is created for a parent ticket that hasn't been assigned to an agent or group, the child ticket's requester is set to the Zendesk System User. It's also best practice to include an action that assigns an agent or group for the child ticket created by this action. When using this action, we suggest also adding a Ticket: Add tags action that adds a tag, such as "triggered_sc" that can be used in a Tags | Contains none of the following | triggered_sc condition to prevent triggers from creating unnecessary side conversations. If you've configured your child ticket settings to include certain fields by default, the fields aren't included when a child ticket is created via this trigger action. When a child ticket is being created by this action, actions creating new child tickets are supressed.
Note: When using this action, the Side conversation | is | Created condition is suppressed.
Ticket > Status category |
Note: If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, system ticket statues and any ticket statuses you create are grouped into status categories. Each status category has a default ticket status. See Managing ticket statuses.
When you use a status category as an action, the ticket status is set to the category's default ticket status. The status category values are: New is the initial status category of a newly created ticket (not assigned to an agent). The Open status category is for grouping ticket statuses that indicate when tickets are ready to be worked on by your support team. The Pending status category is for grouping ticket statuses that are used to indicate that the support team is waiting for the requester to reply. The On-hold status category contains ticket statuses used to indicate that the support request is awaiting a resolution from a third party—someone who is not a member of your support staff and does not have an agent account in your Zendesk. This status category is optional and must be added to your Zendesk (see Adding on-hold ticket status to your Zendesk).The Solved status category contains ticket statuses that indicate that the customer’s issue has been resolved. The Closed status category contains the Closed system ticket status that indicates that the ticket has been locked and cannot be reopened or updated. |
Ticket > Status |
Note: If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, existing system ticket statuses become status categories. If you have existing actions that use Status, they’re updated to the default status of the corresponding Status category.
The system ticket status values can be set to the following: New is the initial status of a newly created ticket (not assigned to an agent). Open means that the ticket has been assigned to an agent. Pending is used to indicate that the requester has been asked for information and the ticket is therefore on hold until that information has been received. On-hold means that the support request is awaiting a resolution from a third party—someone who is not a member of your support staff and does not have an agent account in your Zendesk. Solved indicates that the customer’s issue has been resolved. The ticket is solved even if required ticket fields are still blank. Tickets remain solved until they are closed. When tickets are closed is based on business rules you define for this step in the workflow, using automations. Closed means that the ticket has been locked and cannot be reopened or updated. |
Ticket > Ticket status | If you’ve activated custom ticket statuses, you can specify actions that set the ticket status to a new or system status. |
Ticket > Type |
The type can be set to the following: Question Incident indicates that there is more than one occurrence of the same problem. When this occurs, one ticket is set to Problem and the other tickets that are reporting the same problem are set to Incident and linked to the problem ticket. Problem is a support issue that needs to be resolved. Task is used by the support agents to track various tasks. |
Lookup relationship | |
Custom object > Custom object (record) | Select a custom object record to relate to the ticket. |
Organization > Custom fields | Custom organization fields are available as actions. If the trigger includes this action, but the ticket isn't associated with an organization, the trigger does not fire.
Custom date field actions always refer to calendar days; business hours and schedules aren't considered. |
Requester > Language | Set the requester's language to one of your supported languages. |
Requester > Custom fields | Custom user fields are available as actions.
Custom date field actions always refer to calendar days; business hours and schedules aren't considered. |
Ticket > Lookup relationship fields | Ticket lookup relationship fields are available as actions. |
Other | |
Notify by > Active webhook | Set the active webhook to notify. For more information about using webhooks, see Creating a webhook.
If you select a different notification destination when editing a trigger, the body text will reset. |
Notify by > Autoreply with articles | Sends an automated email response to the customer's request. The email contains help center article suggestions to help the customer resolve their issue.
For more information about email autoreplies, see Using autoreplies to recommend articles in email notifications. |
Notify by > External target | Set the external email target to notify. For more information about using email targets, see Notifying external email targets.
If you select a different notification destination when editing a trigger, the body text will reset. |
Notify by > Group email |
You can set email group to any of the following:
If you select a different notification destination when editing a trigger, the body text will reset. |
Notify by > Group text | If you are using Zendesk Text, you can configure a text to be sent to a group of users when the trigger conditions are met (see Using Text notifications with triggers: Recipes and tips). |
Notify by > Request messaging satisfaction survey | Sends an automated satisfaction survey at the end of the conversation. See About the CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) user experience for email and messaging. |
Notify by > Tweet | Respond to the X (formerly Twitter) requester with a Tweet. An @mention, and shortened ticket URL are added to the message so make sure to stay within the maximum Tweet length. |
Notify by > User email | You can set the email user to any of the following:
Additional values for triggers and automations:
The email notification is sent only if the update includes a public comment. If the update has a private comment or no comment, the trigger or automation can still fire other actions, but it won't send the notification. When using this action while CCs and followers are turned on for the account, there are two known limitations:
Adding the email user action allows you to enter the email subject and body text. Body text can be formatted using HTML or placeholders. See Using placeholders for more information on formatting with placeholders. If you select a different notification destination when editing a trigger or automation, the body text will reset. |
Notify by > User text | If you are using Zendesk Text, you can configure a text to be sent to the user when the trigger conditions are met (see Using Text notifications with triggers: Recipes and tips). |
Notify by > Zendesk integration | When using the Slack for Zendesk Support integration, you can notify Slack users about Zendesk ticket events. Select Notify Zendesk integration and Slack integration from the drop-down lists. |
Thank you, Heather.
That makes sense. I take it there's no way to update it in conversation thread.. however it isn't the end of the world.
Joshua Bentley
Dylan - unfortunately that's correct. Neither Triggers nor Automations can add a comment to a ticket.
Heather Rommel
Hi Dylan, Hi Joshua Bentley actually, that's sort of true -but you CAN add a comment to a ticket using a Trigger or Automation if you set up a Target. More on that here (note, you'll have to solve for webhook in the future) (Also note, I've not tested this on Side Conversation tickets and not sure it works on those.
Dave Dyson
I would have expected that you would be able to save a trigger that has a condition "Organization | Is | -", like shown below:
If you have a specific example in your account of where you tried adding this condition to a trigger an it wouldn't let you save, I'd be happy to take a closer look! If you do provide an example, I would also ask that you enable account assumption so I can hop into your account and take a look directly. The steps to enable account assumption can be found here: Granting Zendesk temporary access to your account 😊
Iddo Lev
Did anything change in the targets for actions lately?
We had an action that updated a custom text field, which stopped working on Dec 27th 2021.
Can it be something intentional or is it an anecdotal malfunction?
Hey Iddo Lev! Since triggers are only able to perform actions to update checkbox, drop-down, and date custom fields, I'm assuming you are using a target that notifies an external source, which after some time, updates the ticket's fields, as updating a ticket directly via a target is not supported: Can I use a trigger and a target to update tickets? That being said, there have not been changes to using Notification: Notify targets actions recently.
However, in February 2022, all active HTTP targets will be converted to webhooks. HTTP targets will subsequently be deprecated, as mentioned in Announcing the deprecation of HTTP targets and conversion to webhooks.
If you'd like us to take a look at a specific trigger/target in your system, feel free to open a ticket with us so we can take closer look! Contacting Zendesk Customer Support
Chris Exley
I need to trigger on a custom date field. I need the condition to be
<DATE FIELD> => Today
The only values available by default deal with specific dates; if I use "After or on" the trigger editor pops up a calendar from which to select a specific date. I need the trigger to be relative to the day on which the ticket is created.
Is there a way to do this?
Hey Chris Exley! Due to the limitations of custom date field evaluation in triggers, only the condition operators "Is within the next" and "Is within the previous" can be used with relative days. To get as close to your desired behavior as possible, I would recommend the following:
Aleena Khan
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to modify the Take It trigger to not automatically assigned merged tickets to the person who merged the ticket? I was thinking the only path would be by using tags, but was unsure.
Auto-assigning merged tickets (to the agent who merged it) isn't caused by any Trigger. This is a system initiated ticket event that only applies when both of the merging tickets does not have any assignee.
At the moment there is no alternative way to avoid this outcome.
Allen Lai | Head of CX at
Is there a way to group conditions? For example, what I like about Salesforce is that you can create your conditions, which are numbered. Then, you can specify a logic such as:
(1 AND 2) AND (3 OR 4)
Without this, you have to create multiple triggers, unless there's a workaround I'm not aware of.
We don't have a way to group conditions. I definitely get your point on the practicality if we have this feature. I'd recommend creating a Community post separately for that with your use case to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature.
Brettany Rhodes
We have a trigger set up to send a notification to Slack if a ticket is received with "red flag" keywords indicating a high emergency issue is taking place. The notification is working fine, but the agents are requesting the Slack notification contain the red flag word. Is there a way to include a word or phrase when listed as an "ANY" condition for the comment/subject text? Attached are samples of the trigger created and the Slack notification received. Any help would be appreciated.
CJ Johnson
Is there documentation that covers what the limitations are for triggers? It's very difficult to build things when you cannot tell that some field types cannot be used in triggers. For example, numeric field types are completely unusable for triggers. Is there any kind of list of these types things?
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi CJ Johnson!
At the moment, we don't have any documentation for what we can't use for triggers. I encourage you to create a new post in the General Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the forums help influence future Zendesk functionality.
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Brettany Rhodes

Try changing *new ticket& to "red flag-new ticket" instead
Luke Tyhurst
Zendesk, can you please advise why the 'Add CC' action is no longer available?
The 'Add CC' action was replaced by 'Add Follower' for accounts that has migrated to the new CC experience or accounts that were created after May 2019.
Hope this helps.
Luke Tyhurst
Dane I'm honestly a little confused by that choice. Add CC and Add Follower have fundamentally different functions, so they should not replace each other. Add CC is very much still needed for a lot of Zendesk users. Is there any way to add the Add CC functionality to our Zendesk instance? If we can't get this functionality added, it will very much affect our experience with Zendesk long-term and may force us to consider alternatives. This is a basic feature included in other support systems.
Dave Dyson
Vamshi R
I am trying to create an automation, but i'm struck at once place. Below is my scenario.
Luke Tyhurst
@... I work at a company that has many distributed teams that do not use the same systems. Our IT team, for example, uses Connectwise and their own built-in support system. The tech team as a whole, though, still wants to have a unified email so users don't have to email different contacts. I have set up triggers in Zendesk that filter out emails based on their subject/comment text and assign them to different Zendesk teams (so I don't have to look through IT team tickets in my own queue). We would like to take this a step further and (1) add our IT team as a CC on the email and (2) reply to the email defining that handoff to the customer. Yes, Add Follower is great if your team is all on Zendesk, but I would bet that 90% of Zendesk users have the same situation where some of the teams at their companies do not use Zendesk.
My question is why exactly did 'Add CC' get removed? Was it causing issues? If it wasn't causing issues, I really don't understand why Zendesk decided to remove necessary functionality that they already developed. We can talk about the differences between Add CC and Add Follower all day, but the main point here is that it would not hurt to have both functions. This genuinely is a huge feature loss that was one of the big reasons I wanted to transition over to Zendesk from other systems we were using. It's a pretty common feature in other systems.
Luke Tyhurst
@... To define it further, here are the main differences between those features:
- A reply from a CC added to a ticket threads to the original email and allows the CC to talk with the requester/customer.
- A reply from a follower gets added as a private note, meaning that they cannot communicate with the requester/customer directly.
- Future Zendesk agent replies to the ticket include CCs in the thread.
- Future Zendesk agent replies to the ticket do not include followers; followers get a separate email notification.
I definitely understand your point. However, I cannot provide you the specific reason why the feature has been changed.
What I can do for you is offer a workaround that can help out for your use case.
You can use this endpoint as a URL target to be used as an action on your trigger to add a CC.
Hope this helps!
Luke Tyhurst
Dane I appreciate that response! With that said, can you please get a direct reason why the Add CC feature was removed? If there is no reason, we would like for it to be added back since it was already built out and removed for seemingly no reason. That is a huge loss of a feature, so this is a high priority issue for us. Yes, we can do the workaround, but that is not a long-term solution for a feature Zendesk already built out for users.
The addition of text and number custom fields to the Actions is really great.
But it would be even better if we could use placeholders to populate such fields. It would improve a lot of different work scenarios.
Dave Dyson
Antoine Bousquet
We have a trigger that, when the ticket is created or updated, send the data to another application (productboard).
Is it possible to have triggers that checked what thoses changes are? When a ticket is inactive for 8+ hours, we add a tag to it. However that mean the trigger will be activated. Anyway we can specify that we want it to trigger IF the change is not adding that tag?
Dave Dyson
There's not a built-in way to see if a tag has just been added -- you can only see if a tag is present or not present. I'd suggest having this trigger add its own tag to record that the information has been sent to ProductBoard, and then adding a check to make sure that tag isn't already present in the Conditions section.