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Ticket trigger conditions and actions reference

Edited Feb 27, 2025




I have a trigger that has a condition for "Tags: Contains none of the following" and I have several tags in this field to stop the trigger from running if they are on the ticket in Support.  However the trigger ran on a ticket that had one of these tags and I can't find out what I've done wrong.


Details of this article above state to add multiple tags "Press Enter between each tag you add.".  However this doesn't work, and pressing enter just saves the trigger.  I have put the tags in with a ; and space between each tag e.g. tag_1; tag_2.


Please can someone help me with what the correct method is of adding multiple tags to a trigger condition and why the trigger isn't working.


Tags should look like this:

Maybe try some other browser, because I don't have any problems with Enter whatsoever 


Thanks Tommy.

I've just realised I'm mixed up.  I'm meaning automations.  My bad.  The below is what I'm getting.



Yeah, for some reason, Zendesk did not update Automations UI and it is really dated and hard to use.

You just have to remove ";" so tags look like that

No need to press Enter here



I'm not seeing a "-" for Organization. Can I just leave it blank?

I'm trying to update a ticket field when an org doesn't exist in our system yet and I haven't been able to get anything to work exactly right yet.


Hi team, we have a lot of internal staff emailing our support desk - and a few different inboxes with different email addresses (e.g. planning@... support@... sales@....) 

Is there a way to restrict a trigger to tickets being received in Support at a particular address (Ticket: Received at doesn't seem to be the right call?) e.g. support@...

Similarly can we prevent a trigger firing if tickets are received from address on a specific domain so our internal teams don't receive them?


Is there any way to reorder the _actions_ within a Trigger?
E.g. I have a trigger with several Actions, some of which communicates with external systems, and I want to ensure that Action X happens before Action Y, but when the action was created, Action Y was added before Action X.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Ola, 

It can only be done manually on each triggers by removing each actions and adding it in the correct order you prefer.


Anton de Young
We recently were told by Zendesk Support that we can't use the following in tandem:

  • Condition: Ticket:Group = "Group Name"
  • Condition: Current User = End User

The reasoning that was given is that since the End User doesn't have a Group, this logic will fail. However, reading the documentation suggests that the Ticket:Group would be the Group of the Assignee -- not of the Current User (End User in this case).

Please confirm which is correct, and if what we were told is accurate then update this documentation. This seems to work inconsistently for us, which doesn't make sense (we have another trigger that uses similar logic as what's at the top of this comment, and it's still working fine while another broke down completely).

Additionally can you clarify whether text messages are considered either A) an internal system event, or B) a messaging channel? Neither is made clear in all Zendesk documentation, but either seems to be a critical condition for Current User based on this documentation.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Mark,

You are correct, Ticket Group pertains to the Group the ticket is currently assigned. It will not work if you will use Current User = End User and the ticket is not yet assigned to any group.

Let's say you have the following conditions:

Ticket is Updated
Current User is End-User
Ticket Group is Test Group
The trigger will fire if an end-user have updated the ticket that is currently assigned to Test Group. The update of the end-user normally happens when a message from the end-user was received. I have tested it directly and it worked without any issues.

In addition, text messages is an internal system event. The actual SMS notification event does not appear in Agent Workspace. This is already being worked on.


How can i create a trigger where the condition is something like `Brand is xyz` via an API?

i have tried using something like 

"conditions": {
            "all": [{
                "field": "Brand",
                "value": "is",
                "operator": "abc"

but i get an error 

    "error": "RecordInvalid",
    "description": "Record validation errors",
    "details": {
        "base": [{
            "description": "Invalid rule target: Brand"





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Zendesk Engineering

HI Swapnil,

You need to use the brand ID for the value. The example below is for one of my brand. I was able to extract this information by using GET api/v2/triggers

"conditions": {
"all": [
"field": "brand_id",
"operator": "is",
"value": "4415354692879"


Are we able to create a trigger to alert our internal team when a new article is posted? Thanks.


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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Adam,
Currently, your internal team needs to follow a section or articles in the knowledge base and topics and posts in the community to receive notifications for them. 

For more information, please see helpful articles below:
I hope this helps. Thank you!



Is there a way to set ticket sharing with trigger actions?


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Zsa Trias

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Adam,

Yes, you can use the action statement Share ticket with to automatically share tickets via triggers. Reference: Using business rules to share tickets



you don't miss the Trigger Conditions "Ticket: Description" ?





I am trying to find a way to trigger an email when the count of customer (End user) comments in a ticket is greater than 2.

How should I go about it?




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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Karan,
As of the moment, Trigger only offers the condition Ticket: Agent replies to count the number of public agent replies in a ticket. There is no current native way to target conditions based on the number of comments made or done by an end-user under Triggers.
I would recommend you to leave Feedback in our Community. Our Teams are frequently looking through the posts in order to get ideas on future additions to the Software. The more a votes a post gets, the higher the chance that the feature will be added in the future.

I hope that answers your question, Thank you!


What's the use of Greater than status? Like, what does it represent and how it's used? 


Is there any way/workaround to exclude specific words from requesters first E-Mail? Our AI does not recognise some intents correctly and I would like to adjust it throught excluding specific word. Thank you! 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Elina,
There isn't a built-in feature within Zendesk Support that allows you to exclude specific words from the requester's first email to adjust AI recognition. However, you may consider implementing a workaround by creating triggers or automations that route tickets based on specific criteria, including excluding certain words or phrases.
For example, you could create a trigger that looks for specific words in the subject line or body of the requester's email and then performs an action such as assigning the ticket to a specific group or adding a tag. This way, you can route tickets containing certain words differently to better manage them within your workflow.
Additionally, you may want to explore third-party integrations or custom development solutions that offer more advanced text analysis and routing capabilities to help improve AI recognition and ticket handling.
If you need further assistance or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Zendesk Support team. We're here to help!


Hey Elaine, thank you very much for your answer! Oh how wonderful, could you explain, how it is possible to create a trigger that scans for specific words in the body of the requester`s email? I`ve tried and looked everything/where. I know how to do so for the subject line and also for the agents comment, but not the body of the requesters e-mail. Thank you so much in advance!


Hi, Elina! We're using something like what you're talking about. If you want to ensure that the keywords are based on a user's comments vs. an internal comment, you can include Ticket > Comment Is Public in your "Meet ALL" section.

Hopefully this helps! 


Hi There! 

I have an issue with triggers that I could use some insight on. 

Currently we have a form that our users can fill out for support in our ZD support page. Once that is filled out a trigger is initiated for an auto reply that suggests articles from our guide and lets them know we are reviewing their ticket. We love this and do not want to change that. 

We have a need to send an outbound communication to end users who are being flagged for risk by our trust and safety team, but I am unable to send a new ticket to the end user without the trigger initiating the reply from our general support response. It seems I would need to make a separate form with a new trigger but I do not want the end users to be able to see or access that form on our support page. 

Thanks for any advice! Apologies if this is unclear, I am new to ZenDesk! :) 


Hello CJ

Welcome to zendesk.

I am guessing that your trust and safety team review the end user when they need to send a new communication to them.  Could the team add a tag, for example, "flagged_for_risk" to the ticket or communication?  This could potentially be performed by a macro.

You could then update the auto reply trigger for suggesting articles to only run if the ticket doesn't include the "flagged_for_risk" tag.

Something like the below.


Hope this helps and reply if you need more help.


Hi Rolf! Thank you so much for your help. 

I am the only agent currently and T&S can only notify me of the list of emails outside of Zendesk.  With your suggestion I realized I can update the auto-reply trigger to exclude the new flagged_for_risk tag I will make.

I was not aware of that ticket tag condition since inheriting admin, and it should solve for the auto response that goes out when creators write in! Seems so simple now, haha. 

Thanks again. 







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Mike DR

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Cassie!
I agree with Rolf's solution. Using tags can help point your triggers to which tickets it would only run on.


Thanks Mike! It worked like a charm. I have actually set up auto replies for the emails to go out with the tag, since they are standard each time. This thread was really helpful. 


Thanks Cassie

As admin I find tags are your friend and best way to get triggers and automations to run when required.  Also good for work around on some features in zendesk that haven't been developed yet.  Was working on a project within zendesk recently which sent reminder text messages a day before our site operative visit.  However to prevent the text being sent at shortly after midnight I have 3 automations that run one after the other at a given number of hours after each other.  Tags is how I get them to run only on the right tickets and in the right order.

Have fun in your new admin role.


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