- Suite Growth and Professional includes up to five brands.
- Suite Enterprise and Enterprise Plus includes up to 300 brands.
- Support Enterprise includes up to five brands.
Brand is also a ticket value added to all your tickets. Agents can manually change the brand associated with a ticket, and they search for tickets by brand. Agents can view, search, and access tickets within their brands only, defined by their brand membership. Admins have access to all tickets for all brands.
You can also use brands in business rules, including macros, views, triggers, and automations, as well as in Explore and Insights reporting.
All Zendesk Suite and Support plans have one brand by default, which is created when you set up your Zendesk account. This is also true for Employee Service Suite Team plans. However, Employee Service Suite Growth plans and above have three brands by default: one that represents the company as a whole (Support), one for HR, and one for IT. Depending on your plan type, you might be able to create additional brands.
You must be an administrator to add and manage brands.
This article contains the following sections:
For a list of resources, see Multibrand resources.
Understanding how Multibrand works in your account
When your account is created, one brand is created for you by default. So, before you add any brands, you have a single account subdomain and one brand subdomain that match. When you add brands, you still have a single account subdomain, but you have multiple brand subdomains, including your original brand that matches your account subdomain.
When you have multiple brands, one is always assigned as the default brand. This is the brand associated with your default help center, and is applied in any situation where another specific brand is not indicated. The default brand cannot be deleted or deactivated until another brand is made the default. The default brand is identified as (Default) on your brands list.
You can also define an agent brand, or agent route, which is essentially the default brand for agents. Meaning, the agent brand is the brand that agents are routed to when they sign in to Zendesk. The agent brand cannot be deleted or deactivated until another brand is made the agent route. It is identified as (Agent) on your brands list. The agent brand is also the brand retained if you downgrade to a single-brand plan. For more information, see Changing your agent brand.
Brand is a ticket value. Every ticket has a brand. Agents can view, search, and access tickets within their brands only, defined by their brand membership. Admins have access to all tickets for all brands. End users and organizations do not have a brand value. They belong to the account, not a brand. You cannot segment end users or orgs by brand.
Most channels have a brand value, so that you can configure specific channels for specific brands. This includes help center, messaging Web Widget, Web Widget (Classic), Talk, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook.
Creating multiple brands
You have one brand for your account by default, but you can set up a number of brands, depending on your plan type:
- Suite Growth and Professional includes up to five brands.
- Suite Enterprise and Enterprise Plus includes up to 300 brands.
- Support Enterprise includes up to five brands.
Brands are created and managed on the Brands page in Admin Center.
- In Admin Center, click
Account in the sidebar, then select Brand management > Brands.
- Click Create brand.
If this is the first time you are adding a brand, click Get started instead.
- Enter a brand Name.
Brand name is required and must be a unique name, not used by any of your other brands. This name will be customer-facing.
- Enter a Subdomain for this brand's help center.
This subdomain will be the address (URL) for this brand's help center: yoursubdomain.zendesk.com/hc. It will also be the default support address for this brand: support@yoursubdomain.zendesk.com.
Subdomain is required; each brand has its own subdomain. It can include only letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, and dashes (-). When you enter a subdomain you'll see notification that the subdomain is either available or already taken.
- (Optional) Add a Logo by dragging your file to or
clicking within the designated logo area.
Your logo should be 2 MB or less and must be a PNG, JPG, JPEG, or GIF file. For best results, your logo should be square. Otherwise, your logo will be stretched or compressed to fit.
- (Optional) Enter a brand signature to append your
agent's personal email signature when they are
representing that brand. For information on agent
signatures, see Adding an agent signature to
ticket email notifications.
- (Optional) Enter an alternative support site URL in
Host mapping to map one of your own domain
names to the help center for this brand. For
example, you might use
support.yoursubdomain.com/hc instead of
When you enter your host mapped URL it is automatically tested, and you'll see notification that your host mapping is either working or not working.
Note: There are multiple steps required to set up host mapping for a brand, including generating an updated SSL certificate every time you add one or more brands. For more information, see Generating an SSL certificate for host-mapped brands.After you add multiple brands, host mapping is managed in Manage > Brands instead of Settings > Account.
- Click Save.
Your new brand is created.
- Under Who has access, click Manage brand
membership to add team members to
the brand.
All admins are added to the brand, can access all tickets within the brand, and cannot be removed from the brand. Team members cannot view, search, or access tickets with the new brand until you add them to the brand.
Your new brand will not be available to end users until you add a help center or associate it with another channel (see Configuring your channels to support multiple brands).
To manage your brands, see Managing multiple brands. To start using and supporting your new brand, see the next section Next steps after you add a new brand.
Generating an SSL certificate for host-mapped brands
When you add a host mapped brand, you need to regenerate your SSL certificate. If you do not regenerate your certificate, host mapping will work, but the brand will not be protected.
You need to regenerate your SSL certificate every time you add one or more host mapped brands, but you do not need to regenerate your certificate for every host mapped brand. For example, if you add three new brands, you need to regenerate your certificate only once. If you later add two more brands, you need to regenerate your certificate again.
Your certificate request should be formatted as a SAN (SubjectAltName) cert. This type of certificate is used to manage multiple SSL-protected host mapped domains. Each brand subdomain is listed in the certificate as a SAN.
Alternatively, You can use a wildcard certificate if your brands are in the same domain. For example brand1.company.com, brand2.company.com, and brand3.company.com are all in the same domain.
To regenerate your SSL certificate when you add one or more host mapped brands, see Using hosted SSL.
Excluding your branded help centers from system generated account emails
By default, when you have multiple brands with active help centers, a list of all your active branded help centers are included in account emails. Account emails are system-generated emails that notify agents and end users about their profile, including welcome emails, account verification emails, and password reset emails.
If you do not want to include a list of your active branded help centers in account emails, you can exclude it.
To exclude the list of active branded help centers from account emails to agents and end users
- In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Configuration > End users.
- Beside Account emails, deselect Include a list
of active help centers in account
- Click Save tab.
Next step after you add a brand: Configure your channels to support multiple brands
When you add multiple brands, you must add a help center or associate another channel with each brand before your customers can open requests with a specific brand.
Resources to help you configure your channels to support multiple brands
You can support your brands in any of these Zendesk channels: email, help center, messaging Web Widget, Web Widget (Classic), and Talk. See the following resources:
Zendesk's social and third-party messaging channels (such as Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and Slack) also support multiple brands. See our Third-party and social messaging channels page for helpful resources.
Other possible next steps after you add a brand and configure your channels
For a list of resources, see Multibrand resources.
Fernando Mendes
I hope you can help me here please!
I have Brand A, B and C.
1. If I create a new ticket (on +Add new ticket) and even using a macro that sets the correct brand, for instance, A (this is also happening without selecting any macro).
2. The customer receives the e-mail with the help@brandB.com and if the customer replies, this reply is received again on brand A
3. Any reply with brand A is going with the correct format and help e-mail address.
4. Also I notice that when I create new tickets (on +Add new ticket) in the ticket field it shows "from Zendesk Support" where any other email shows as "Via help@brandA.com" for example.
I tried to be as clear as possible and I do hope someone could help me here.
Ekaterina Sumolaynina
Hi Fernando,
I created separate ticket for our Support team to investigate your particular issue, please check your email.
Marisa Potgieter
Hi there, is it possible to have multiple brands (support centers) all pointing to one one help center (guide) section? Thus if a user submits a ticket, it would be routed to the relevant help center, but they will all access and view the same articles from one central guide?
Hi Marisa,
Great question — right now there is not a way to have one Guide section referenced by two different brands natively, unfortunately. We recommend creating the section in each Help Center and copying your content over to make sure it can be everywhere it needs to be.
Let us know if any other questions come up!
Krista Zaloudek
There is a note containing an article with a broken link. I'd love to read the article to learn more as we have a multibrand instance and hope to have separate chat agents for each.
Note: Currently, live chat does not support multiple brands (see Multibranding Zendesk Chat for a possible option).
Aimee Spanier
Hi, Krista. The Multibranding Zendesk Chat article is currently unavailable because it is outdated and in need of an overhaul. It's on the docs radar, but we haven't had the bandwidth yet to make the necessary updates. I'll see if I can bump it up the priority list, though. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Perla Rimmerman
Hi, I'm trying to understand how this feature should work. Let's say we have 3 brands:
If I create a new outbound ticket, and select Brand B or Brand C, I expect the email to be sent from billing@brandB.com or legal@brandC.com. However, the email is sent from help@brandA.com.
I submitted a ticket to ZD support and they tell me this is a feature and not a bug. They also redirected me to an app where I can select the "from" email. However, I can't find any documentation that explains this failure anywhere in the docs relating to multibranding.
As it is, brands appear to be merely decorative for the intended purpose since the email recipient is being contacted by someone they're not expecting. I would personally think it's a scam if someone other than billing@brandB.com emailed me wanting to discuss a payment issue I had on a purchase to brandB.com
Can you please clarify if this bug is the intended behavior?
Ravindra Singh
Suppose our company has domain company.com, and our production instance is company.zendesk.com, then can we add a brand for HR department as well, but the catch here is even they have same subdomain, so if we add brand then subdomain has to be unique, kindly let me know what to do?
Hey Ravindra Singh! If you create a new brand, it must have its own unique subdomain. If you do not want to have a separate subdomain, then perhaps looking at separating tickets based on groups would work better for your workflow. You can check out the article, About organizations and groups, for more info about groups.
Evan Lewis
My company is subscribed to Suite Professional. I have been able to successfully add a second brand in Account > Brand management.
However, in Appearance > Branding, under Zendesk Support multibrand, it says, "Upgrading to the Support Enterprise plan enables you to manage five brands by linking your separately branded accounts to a central Zendesk account."
My understanding is that multibrand support should be available with my Suite Professional subscription.
The message you are seeing is specifically for standalone Support plan. If you are using a Zendesk Suite: Plan, you can disregard it. Rest assured, you have access to five brands. I'll also mark this as a feedback for the UI improvement.
Evan Lewis
Thank you for the prompt reply. I understand the messaging you posted above. The problem is that the logic in the Admin Center UI is wrong. I am locked out of a feature that the plan I am paying for supports.
This is what I see in Admin Center (Account > Appearance > Branding):
I am unable to manage multiple brands, even though I have ZSuite Professional.
You need to go to the Brand Management section to manage the brands. If you'll disregard the option "Zendesk Support multibrand" every other feature in your plan for multibrand is the same with an Enterprise Plan (aside from the number of brands of course).
Please be reminded that for your agent's view, only one subdomain is available when they login. It can be setup in Account > Appearance > Branding > Subdomain.
To manage your brand's Help Center, you can go to Guide and select the brand on the top left.
If these options are not available on your end, feel free to contact us through Messaging and we'll help you out.
Oleksandr Grygorenko
I have a few questions about end-users management in a multy-brand environment. We have 3 brands and 3 help centers.
1. Is it possible to customize the "Welcome message" for different brands? And not to have all emails on behalf of main brand.
2. Is it possible to dedicate users to a specific brand?
We need to have different names of the help centers in the message based on the brand. And there shouldn't be any other information just brand-specific links and names. Also link to create a password is for the main brand, but should be different for each brand, as I understand
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Oleksandr Grygorenko
Happy to help with you questions about the multi-brand environment!
1. Is it possible to customize the "Welcome message" for different brands? And not to have all emails on behalf of main brand.
The welcome actually depends on how the end-user signed up. If they signed up for Brand A, then it would be Brand A sending the welcome email. If they signed up for Brand B, then Brand B would be sending the welcome email. More information can be found here.
2. Is it possible to dedicate users to a specific brand?
Requests submitted to one brand's help center are only visible from that help center, so if a user only has access to one brand, they can only see the requests submitted by their organization to that brand only. For the other user who needs to see Brands A and B, they'll need to log in through those help centers. Same behavior: Logging into Brand B's help center will only show Brand B tickets, and likewise for Brand C's help center with Brand C tickets
Hope this helps out!
Yardi Bunda
Hi all,
We have 2 brands and plan to add at least 1 more very soon.
However every time we send an email the name of "From" is populated with the information from "Appearance->Branding" section where there's a field for "Your Zendesk account name."
Since Zendesk says this is "multibrand", surely there's a way to define the "from" name according to the brand. For example, the emails from "help@brand1.com" could say "Brand 1 Customer Support" and emails from "help@brand2.com" might say "Customer Care for Brand 2" or whatever else we wish it to say.
You can change the name in the outgoing email notifications by setting a preferred name in the Name (optional) field for your support address. First, identify the email associated with your brand in Admin Center > Channels > Email, edit the email to set the name as shown in the image below:
You can also visit this article for more information about changing the name in the outgoing email notifications.
If you are creating a proactive ticket, you can use the Select an Address app which allows admins and agents to change the default support address associated with a ticket.
As mentioned in our article, Customizing your templates for email notifications, you can customize the HTML template to match your branding. While we don't currently have native functionality to control the customization by brand, you can use liquid markup as a workaround. Below is an example of code you could use in your HTML template to change which image is displayed depending on the brand name that is present in the footer.
Disclaimer: This is provided for instructional purposes only. Zendesk does not support or guarantee the code. Post any issues you have as comments or try searching for a solution online.
Melissa McCullough
When it says Brands doesn't support chat, does that mean:
Your second brand can't have chat at all OR that it has to use the same chat as the main account?
Gab Guinto
It's the latter – all chat requests are managed in one Chat account/dashboard. As chats come in, they aren't tagged with a brand, as well as the ticket created in Support from chat conversations. You'll need to configure your business rules and other settings to make use of multibranding in Chat. You can check out this guide for more information: Multibranding Zendesk Chat.
Melissa McCullough
Can you keep a brand from having access to chat and submitting a request? Make it so they can only access the knowledge base (articles)?
Melissa McCullough
Where does the uploaded logo show up?
You can disable the Submit a request by following the steps in How can I remove the "Submit a request" link from my Help Center?
In addition, you can also disable your Chat widget so that only your Help Center will be your end-user's resource. You can still enable the widget but disable the Chat and Ticket functionality.
Melissa McCullough
Dane--thanks for the response. And this is per BRAND, right? We want to keep the chat & submit a request for some, but not all brands.
Dave Potts
Does setting up multiple Brands allow you to change Zendesk app settings for that Brand?
We want to connect multiple M2 installations to Zendesk, but the M2 connector app in Zendesk only allows one set of API keys.
Being able to change the settings in the app on a 'per brand' basis would facilitate this.
Also, can you have different Zendesk apps installed per Brand?
Mario Zaizar
Following on Sabra's post.
You can only use the contains keyword to match the brand name. This would simplify your case code, still matching the template but ignoring the extra "This email is a service from brand name" HTML from the footer placeholder.
So, instead of:
Use this:
Scott Holm
Looking for some advice here on the multi-brand setup, but having a separate corporate umbrella brand that is internal facing only. Is this something other people do?
It’s a little inconvenient, but we are a company (Agility Recovery) that has three software brands (BOLDPlanning, Preparis, Recovery Planner). Those are all customer facing. Think of it kind of like Microsoft, you know their name but you would reach out directly to the support teams for Windows, Office, or Azure if you're using those specific products, the Microsoft brand doesn't really matter in that case.
However, I’m not sure it makes sense for us to use one of those three customer-facing brands as the default/umbrella or if it makes more sense to use our company name (Agility) as the main domain then have the three software brand names be customer facing.
What do companies typically do in this situation, or if it’s unique, what do you recommend?
If needed, I can use one of the brands (Preparis) as the default as that is our largest customer base, but in reality, it’s just one of three that sit under the corporate umbrella.
Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome. Thank you!
Max McCal
Hi, Scott Holm
Overall the default brand doesn't have that much impact on how you ultimately run your support instance, so it shouldn't matter too much. There are two main consequences:
Does that help you to determine? In the end it won't make a big difference, and your end users will see almost no impact from the decision.
B S Balaji
Under the Account menu Unable to find the Brand Management Menu.
How to get the Brand management menu under Accounts option?