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Devan La Spisa




Zendesk Community Manager












的最新活动 Devan La Spisa

Devan La Spisa 创建了一篇文章,


在我们最近的网络研讨会“运用 Zendesk 知识库解锁人工智能成功之路”中,我们探讨了运用人工智能提升客户体验的创新策略。本次会议汇集了我们专家小组的宝贵见解,其中包括来自 Zendesk CX、产品和社区团队的专家成员。在本文中,您可以找到我们的活动录像、问答概要、来自我们的活动资源,以及完整的活动演示文稿。




通过 Enterprise 服务模式,您可以使用多种人工智能工具来增强知识库:

  • 意向面板:识别常见客户问题以填充您的知识库。
  • 生成式人工智能工具:使用“展开”和“语气切换”等功能简化文章创建。
  • 生成式搜索:在帮助中心为专员和客户改进信息检索。
  • 人工智能专员:利用人工智能专员协助处理客户问询。

资源:构建人工智能型帮助中心内容的 5 个策略


目前,Zendesk 的生成式人工智能回复仅使用基于文本的内容。这包括来自文章、社区帖子和使用我们的联合搜索的联合来源的信息。


我们很高兴与大家分享,对嵌入式图形、图像和文本文件(包括 PDF)的支持已列入我们的路线图,将于今年晚些时候推出!









  • 识别常见问题:审阅常用工单以查找重复出现的问题。如果客户经常问同一个问题,请考虑创建一篇实用文章来解决这个问题。
  • 分析已分类工单:查看已分类工单以了解客户所面临的主要主题或问题。这有助于确保知识库涵盖必要的信息。
  • 使用常用的宏:如果您的团队经常使用相同的回复,可以将其转为文章或进行优化以供人工智能使用。
  • 转化专员回复:获取专员的有效回复,将其复制到文章中,然后使用生成式人工智能展开功能创建一篇精美、全面的文章。

资源:构建人工智能型帮助中心内容的 5 个策略




资源:宣布移除 Guide 内容提示







  • 标题和首句:标题和前 75 个字至关重要。使用符合用户搜索方式的清晰标题和语言。如果文章很长,请在顶部添加概要。
  • 标签:标签有助于组织内容,并指导人工智能在搜索结果中包含或排除内容。



是的,人工智能专员在决定是否从中提取信息时会同时考虑支持文章的标题和前 75 个字。




要增强知识库中的人工智能回复,您可以利用三个主要来源:文章、帖子,以及通过联合搜索 API 或抓取程序访问的外部内容。




  • 单个主题或常见问题解答:如果您要回答一个经常出现的特定问题,创建一篇单独的文章会很有帮助。这样更便于用户找到所需的信息,并可改进 SEO。
  • 复杂流程:对于涉及多个步骤或更复杂的主题,最好将所有相关信息集中在一篇文章中。这有助于避免混淆,因为人工智能专员仅依靠文章中提供的背景信息。
  • 针对清晰的常见问题应使用单独的文章,针对更复杂的主题应结合使用多种信息,以提高人工智能回复的效率,并改善用户体验。



  • 生成式人工智能工具:利用生成式人工智能工具来扩展和增强文章内容。在 Zendesk,专员可以从工单回复中复制答案,再将其粘贴到文章编辑器中,然后使用人工智能工具来优化和安排内容结构,以便更好地呈现,来参与内容创建。
  • 知识背景信息面板和模板:充分利用知识背景信息面板,尤其是模板功能。这有助于精简您的已发布内容,并确保文章之间的一致性。


资源:构建人工智能型帮助中心内容的 5 个策略



  • 清晰的标题和副标题:标题和副标题要准确。例如,如果您的文章关于常见问题,请指定该常见问题关于什么内容。这种透明度有助于人工智能更好地理解内容,并提供更准确的答案。
  • 使用列表:有效地整合项目符号和编号列表。对客户需要遵循的顺序(例如流程中的步骤)使用编号列表,对非顺序信息使用项目符号。这种组织方式有助于用户和人工智能轻松浏览内容。


要衡量并改进知识库,请关注以下关键绩效指标 (KPI):

  • 自助服务比率:跟踪用户在您的知识库中查找答案的频率(与提交支持工单相比)。比率越高,利用率越好。
  • 内容审核:定期审阅高工单主题相关内容,以识别差距并优化可查找性。这有助于改善用户体验并减少工单量。
  • 流量和互动:监测更新内容的流量和互动度随时间的变化情况,以评估改进的效果。
  • 客户反馈:通过调查或访谈收集见解,以确定需要改进的地方并衡量用户情绪。




在 Zendesk,我们将知识库视为提升所有客户体验、支持人工智能搜索、人工智能专员和 Copilot 功能的基础。以下是我们路线图关注的一些关键领域:

  • 改进可搜索性:我们致力于为人工智能专员和用户提高知识检索的可搜索性和准确性,确保他们轻松访问相关信息。
  • 整合其他来源:我们的目标是将来自其他平台(例如 Slack 和 Confluence)的知识与您的知识库中的文章一起整合。
  • 增强 Copilot 支持:我们正在开发知识库中的功能,以更好地指导 Copilet 处理工单,使其更加强大和有效。
  • 可扩展的管理功能:我们将推出文章多位置展示等功能,以简化大量内容的管理。一个新的文章编辑器也将很快推出,允许使用拖放制表和折叠等高级组件。
  • 自助服务面板:我们将推出呼声较高的跟踪匿名用户活动的面板。
  • 附件改进:我们不断提升为文章添加附件的体验,并正在开发媒体库中的搜索功能等功能。






已于 2025年2月17日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa







Devan La Spisa 创建了一篇文章,


您是否迫切希望通过最新的人工智能创新来提升客户服务?敬请参加我们 10 月 24 日上午 11 点(中部时间)的独家 75 分钟网络研讨会,深入了解 Zendesk 人工智能峰会发布的各项强大功能!

此次会议内容非常丰富,您将了解如何利用专员 Copilot、人工智能专员和人工智能驱动的语音等强大工具来革新客户支持业务。我们的专家小组将展示这些创新工具如何为您的专员提供实时见解,实现日常查询自动化,促进自然而然的互动,所有这些努力都旨在帮助您提高客户满意度和运营效率。


社区活动一般营销模板 (1).png



  • 实时演示:体验我们的产品实际应用,亲眼见证其如何彻底革新您的客户服务。

  • 互动问答:有疑问吗?您可以提前提交问题或在线提问,我们的专家将在会议期间为您解答。

  • 独家见解:了解 Zendesk 人工智能的最新改进,以及如何使用它们提升客户服务策略。

请勿错过这个机会,获取宝贵见解和实用技巧,了解 Zendesk 人工智能如何帮助您在客户支持计划中取得成功。





已于 2024年11月14日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa







Devan La Spisa 创建了一篇文章,


我们于 8 月 29 日举办了活动,该活动旨在通过劳动力管理 (WFM) 和质量保证 (QA) 相结合实现卓越客户服务。专家小组向与会者分享了改进支持运营的实用技巧和最新创新。该活动面向新手和资深专业人士,提供了诸多关于优化劳动力管理和改进工作流程的真知灼见。本文提供了该活动的录像、问答要点以及演示文稿,对希望改进客户服务策略的用户非常有帮助。



Zendesk 质量保证:简言之,Zendesk 劳动力管理和质量保证能够很好地适应不同企业规模和客户服务需求。值得一提的是,使用质量保证组件后,入门培训流程将显著加快,如果您的企业面临季节性人员涌入,这将非常有益。此外,它还可确保随着团队成长无缝衔接专员入门,从而扩大业务规模。总之,Zendesk 的劳动力管理和质量保证组件可适应您的业务需求并随之发展。

Zendesk 劳动力管理:Zendesk 劳动力管理是一款通过提供可靠数据来协助规划、预测和计划任务的工具。其中一个关键功能是自动跟踪工作时间,确保不错过任何工作时间。此工具提供了团队管理所必需的准确数据,适用于各种规模团队。Zendesk 劳动力管理还利用人工智能预测未来需求,忽略过去不相关的事件,从而提高人员配备和日程计划管理效率。简言之,Zendesk 劳动力管理有助于简化团队管理和规划。


我们非常重视客户满意度 (CSAT) 和自己的业绩指标 (KPI)。CSAT 有助于衡量客户满意度,但并不总能反映专员的业绩。

因此,我们需要确保 CSAT 与质量评分保持一致,以便用户区分负面反馈是由专员表现造成的,还是由产品或流程问题等其他原因造成的。

我们通过两种方法衡量专员质量评分:第一种是“内部质量评分 (IQS)”,即为每张已审阅工单提供百分比评分,并为每个专员、团队或整个部门提供聚合评分。

第二种是“自动质量保证评分 (AQS)”,即完全由人工智能评估,提供所有工单的快速概览。这有助于识别何时需要人工审阅。

总之,我们主要关注 IQS、AQS 和 CSAT,以确保我们的服务质量和满意度。


如果您尚未联系您的帐户经理,建议您联系我们。我们提供 30 天试用期,您可以对该功能进行测试,了解其为您的组织带来的价值。您的帐户经理将乐于为您提供全程协助。该功能操作简便,只需联系我们并试用一下即可。

资源:Zendesk 劳动力管理入门


我们使用两种方法帮助您实现质量保证 (QA) 流程完全自动化。






2.下面介绍如何使用 Zendesk 劳动力管理进行“资源规划”。在这里,团队成员将可以查看其日程计划、请求休假,甚至直接在 Zendesk Support 中调换轮班。他们还将收到关于日程计划更改的通知。在此阶段,经理可创建数据驱动的轮班布局,并推出每周或每月日程计划。








对于质量保证和劳动力管理,您的所有信息都会直接从 Zendesk 提取到各个平台中。然后,您可以根据各个平台中的质量保证和劳动力管理详情进行报告。目前,此信息在 Zendesk Explore 中暂不可见,但我们希望将来能进行更紧密的整合。


除清楚了解 AHT 和已完成工作外,Zendesk 劳动力管理还可以让您更好地了解专员何时积极处理工单,何时处于空闲状态。此外,借助我们以分数为基础的指标,您可以衡量的不仅仅是“最终解决了多少工单”,从而获得更深入的工作效率报告。您可以深入了解专员在整个工单生命周期中的工作效率,这可通过已处理、已升级、已参与或退回分数的属性来反映。

资源:跟踪专员在 Zendesk 以外所花费的时间 (EAP)、 关于劳动力管理面板


Tembici:“专员效率提高 75%,平均解决时间缩短 80%,每年运营成本降低 30%。

资源:Sendle 通过全方位渠道客户体验和劳动力管理工具提高了工作效率,Tembici 通过 Zendesk 劳动力管理将成本节省了 30%


Zendesk 劳动力管理用途广泛,不仅限于面向客户的工作流程。它同样适用于使用 Zendesk 创建工单的内部团队。使用 Zendesk 劳动力管理,您可以跟踪内部任务各方面用时,并实时或根据历史记录了解工作效率。实际上,无论是面向客户的工单还是内部工单,Zendesk 劳动力管理都一视同仁,可帮助您有效管理工作流程。


Zendesk 劳动力管理可查看关于专员工作的实时更新,系统每 20-30 秒更新一次专员正在处理的工单。您可以根据用时对工单进行排序,这有助于监测工作分布情况。此外,只需从报告中单击工单即可直接访问工单。总之,Zendesk 劳动力管理能够以实用而直接的方式让您掌握团队的工作量。




资源:关于劳动力管理一般任务在 Zendesk 劳动力管理中设置位置和轮班在 Zendesk 劳动力管理中设置团队创建和编辑劳动力管理面板在劳动力管理帐户中管理用户访问权限管理劳动力管理用户角色和权限


如需设置方面的帮助,我们为您准备了多种资源。我们的 Zendesk 质量保证 YouTube 频道提供大量教程和专家访谈,可助您一臂之力。注册后即可查看我们的 Zendesk 质量保证帮助中心,其中包含许多有用的信息。我们还提供网络研讨会和实时设置会话,以协助您进行入门培训。此外,我们还有专业客户支持团队,可确保您从一开始就设置正确。无论您是刚开始探索还是已准备好深入了解,我们都有许多资源可帮助您充分利用这些工具。

资源:Zendesk 质量保证 Youtube使用 Zendesk 质量保证联系 Zendesk 客户支持Zendesk 劳动力管理 (WFM) 资源Zendesk 劳动力管理(Tymeshift)


屏幕截图 2024-08-30 时间 1.08.24 PM.png



我们的面板中有一个名为“接受率”的功能。它会突出显示人工智能评分与人工评分一致的情况(通常为 95-96%)。就像人类一样,人工智能也会犯错,但请记住,人工智能所犯错误可能与人类所犯错误不同。






时区可以针对 Zendesk 劳动力管理中内置的每个位置/站点进行自定义。这对于在全球运作的团队非常有用,因为它可以让特定站点/位置的专员查看其时区的数据,而劳动力管理管理员仍可以其默认时区查看其日程计划。我们还提供时区切换器。

资源:使用劳动力管理时区切换器在 Zendesk 劳动力管理中设置位置和轮班


否。我们确实看到有团队通过结合使用两者获得了巨大价值,但其实使用劳动力管理时,无需先使用质量保证,反之亦然,即只需使用 Zendesk 即可使用任一或两种功能。


当然!Zendesk 质量保证 Youtube 频道上就有相关课程和演示视频。

资源:Zendesk 质量保证 YouTube


Klaus - 符合 SOC-2 Type 2 规定;我们正致力于将 HIPAA 纳入与 Zendesk 整合。

劳动力管理 - 符合 SOC2 Type 2 规定,尚不符合 HIPAA 规定。


请联系您的帐户团队,申请 30 天免费试用!



根据劳动力管理目标和客户当前的 Zendesk 环境,实施范围可能会有所扩大。根据我们的数据和以往经验,大多数客户都可以在 4-6 周内启动并运行。


专员活动 + 报告

专员活动 - 没有工作效率分数显示在下面的工作效率栏上时,可以在这里识别短暂的交替时间表。

报告 - 使用我们面向分数的指标 + 工单退回分数 + AHT(专员处理时间)



建议您在设置 Klaus 以查找并审阅重要工单时,使用我们强大的人工智能筛选。找到工单后,您可以设置重复分配,即随机发送符合标准的工单给质量保证专员审阅。

资源:使用自动质量保证在 Zendesk 质量保证中设置自动评分使用突出显示筛选对话

要有效使用 Zendesk 劳动力管理提高专员工作效率,首先要了解您的数据,即了解专员将时间花在哪里以及如何使用时间。查看这些数据可令人大开眼界,为进一步改进奠定基础。

拥有 Zendesk 劳动力管理这样的工具可帮助经理实时发现遇到困难的专员,并提供即时支持,从而逐步提高业绩。

对于管理员和经理,提高工作效率要从定期跟踪关键指标入手。借助 Zendesk 劳动力管理提供的详细且可自定义的报告,您可以明确了解工作效率趋势,并进行必要更改。

此外,此类工具可简化预测和计划任务,从而为辅导者和导师腾出更多时间,最终提高团队的工作效率。从不同的角度来看确实有助于实现 Zendesk WFM 优势最大化。


还没有 - 此功能目前正在开发中,很快就会推出。


此功能目前处于 EAP 阶段,很快就会面向所有客户推出。





Zendesk 人工智能用户组


已于 2024年9月17日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa







Devan La Spisa 创建了一篇文章,


8 月 1 日,我们举办了一场主题为“如何让团队为人工智能驱动的客户体验做好准备”的互动活动。与会者不仅了解了如何让团队参与人工智能采用的最佳实践,还听取 Benevity 客户支持副总裁 Heather Eeles 分享了实现人工智能工具方面的宝贵见解和经验。会议强调了团队成员参与的重要性,以确保整合顺利进行,并充分发挥人工智能优势。您可在下方找到资源、活动录像,以及问答环节中的常见问题解答。不要错过这些有价值的内容,它们可帮助您的团队为人工智能驱动的未来做好准备。



问题 1.有没有办法训练人工智能使用我们公司的语言说话?我们对客户使用独特的术语,并希望在回复客户时不使用某些词语。


问题 2.在使用人工智能方面,应让专员做好哪些准备?

要为使用 Zendesk 人工智能做好准备,请务必通过培训和测试环境让专员了解其功能。


问题 3.我们的团队会在评论中添加表格,例如带有产品和成本的 4x7 表格。这些语气更改功能是否会改变我们的表格数据?



问题 4.我们的团队会在评论中添加表格,例如带有产品和成本的 4x7 表格。这些语气更改功能是否会改变我们的表格数据?



问题 5.是否可以像 ChatGPT 一样使用仅对专员可见的智能机器人向人工智能询问回答?

如果您有内部帮助中心或仅供专员使用的帮助中心,那就当然可以!人工智能专员生成式回复目前仅从帮助中心提取内容,不会像 ChatGPT 那样索引相同范围的信息。还有一个 EAP 可供专员在专员工作区中为此类信息建立索引。 
资源:专员工作区的生成式搜索 (EAP)


问题 6.如何利用情绪更改工单转接?



问题 7.我们一直在犹豫是否要实现智能机器人的生成式回复,因为无法在沙盒环境中对其进行测试。我想知道会发生什么。如果智能机器人为客户生成了回复,这些回复是否仍会被加入工作流程,或者这会是什么样子?



问题 8.对于生成式回复,其效果似乎取决于帮助中心,因此使帮助中心保持最新至关重要。是否存在标准或故障保护机制可供智能机器人识别可能遗漏的不良信息?例如,文章中的信息在一段时间内未更新。

是的,帮助中心内容的质量决定了回复的质量。虽然智能机器人没有任何固有的故障保护组件,但 Guide 中的其他工具(例如文章验证和内容提示)可帮助内容管理员使文章信息保持最新并对终端用户有效。



Zendesk 人工智能用户组 

已于 2024年8月22日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa







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Join us on August 1st for an exciting event, "How to Prepare Your Team for AI-Driven CX." Discover best practices to get your agents ready for AI and excited about its accompanying benefits. Involving your teams in the process is critical for internal adoption, and we're here to guide you!

We are thrilled to feature Heather Eeles, VP of Client Support at Benevity. Heather has successfully rolled out time-saving AI tools to her teams and will share invaluable insights along with tips and tricks from her experience.

This event is a must-attend! Register today!

已于 2024年7月18日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa







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敬请参加 8 月 1 日精彩活动:“如何让团队为人工智能驱动的客户体验做好准备”。发现最佳实践,帮助专员为人工智能做好准备,畅享附带福利。让团队参与流程对于内部采用至关重要,我们将随时为您提供指导!

我们很高兴邀请到 Benevity 客户支持副总裁 Heather Eeles 作为本次会议的主讲嘉宾。Heather 已成功向其团队推出可节省时间的人工智能工具。会上,她将基于自身体验分享相关宝贵见解和实用技巧。



社区活动一般营销模板 (5).png

已于 2024年8月21日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa







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Join us on June 27 at 11:00 AM CST for the highly anticipated second event in our Post-Relate Community series, where we’ll delve into the world of AI agents: the most autonomous bots in CX

Our expert panel will provide a deep dive into the core functionalities of AI agents, followed by an engaging, interactive demo. You’ll also gain valuable insights into best practices, use cases, and resources you can leverage to start transforming your service experiences with AI agents today.

If your goals include driving higher automated resolution rates, elevating every customer interaction, and enhancing your operational efficiencies, don't miss this opportunity to learn how you can harness the full power of Zendesk AI agents. Register today to secure your spot and get your questions answered in our live Q&A session.



已于 2024年6月07日 发布 · Devan La Spisa







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Post-Relate Community Series: Zendesk Custom Objects Event Recap

On May 30th, we hosted the inaugural event in our Post-Relate Community series, focusing on Zendesk Custom Objects. This exciting kickoff featured a panel of Zendesk product experts and developers who showcased the latest features and updates from Relate. Attendees had the unique opportunity to participate in a live Q&A session, ensuring their questions were addressed directly by the experts.

The event provided an in-depth exploration of various topics, including object triggers, integrating custom objects into help centers, and enhanced reporting capabilities for custom objects. Additionally, participants were treated to an exclusive live preview of the highly anticipated multi-select fields, designed to significantly enhance the agent experience. This event marked a significant step in our ongoing commitment to keeping the Zendesk community informed and engaged with our latest innovations.

For those who couldn't attend, we have made the event recording available, along with a compilation of the top questions from our Q&A session. You'll also find valuable resources, including the presentation deck and other materials from the event, to help you further explore and implement these new features in your Zendesk environment.


Top Questions from Our Q&A

1. How do I implement Custom Objects from a beginner perspective?

Answer: We recommend starting with Understanding Custom Objects and Planning your Custom Object Workflow. After you have a plan and place you can turn on the feature and start creating your custom objects.

2. What are the best practice to access custom objects via api for use in other AWS services?

Answer: We've got a full suite of API's available for custom objects! There's lots of best practices - but most of them can be found in our documentation at developer.zendesk.com.

3. Are Custom Objects available for all license types?

Answer: Custom Objects are available for all Zendesk Suite Plans but only Enterprise Zendesk Support plans.

4. Are custom objects able to link similar assets together? For example will there be prompts of other tickets logged with the same type of asset?

Answer: There are many ways to view the relationship between custom objects and other records within Zendesk. Using the Custom object records page in Support is a good way to view all tickets associated with a specific custom object's record. 

5. What does the deletion flow look like for custom objects? 

Answer: Deleting a record, such as a user, that is related to a custom object's record doesn't affect the custom object or it's record. 


6. With the security add on and data retention. How does Custom objects get impacted if the ticket gets deleted due to the schedule?

Answer: A ticket being deleted won't affect any related custom object records. They will continue to exist unchanged.


7. What is Zendesk's stance on using webhooks?

Answer: We understand how valuable webhooks can be for unlocking more advanced functionality for custom objects. As with any external services, we can't make guarantees about how they'll work. So, if you do use webhooks with custom objects, just be aware of the potential for race conditions or other complexities that could occur.


8. Will we be able to surface custom objects related to a user's organization in the help center?  

Answer: We'll have the concept of filtering by organization in Help Center; however, filters aren't the same as restrictions, so end users would still potentially have access to all of an object's records via the API. For that reason, even with filtering in place, we recommend avoiding giving end users access to custom objects that contain any sensitive data.

9. Will custom objects in guide be capable of being filtered by the user's org, similar to how it can be done on the agent's form now?

Answer: Yes, that's the plan for the user-interface experience. However, filters aren't the same as restrictions, so end users would still potentially have access to all of an object's records via the API. For that reason, even with filtering in place, we recommend avoiding giving end users access to custom objects that contain any sensitive data.

10. Is there any way to create a report on custom object records themselves in Explore? 

Answer: We consider integrating with Explore to be a huge value add - and it seems like the community agrees with us! We're working on it, but we want to make sure that what we deliver is a top notch experience.

Event Resources

Event Recording

Presentation Deck

Event Demo 

Additional Materials

Understanding custom objects
Managing custom object records

已于 2024年6月04日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa







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Dear Zendesk Customers,

Amisha Sharma here, Product Manager for Reading & Writing Experience.

The Agent Workspace PM roundtable session this week was a resounding success—thanks to all who attended! We shared our direction for the year on what's coming, and on what we’re working on but will take us a little longer to deliver. 

Your feedback and the questions you all raised are precious to us. Thank you so much for engaging with us in the chat and for coming off mute to ask us questions in person—we loved it!

We learned a lot from you all about the ways you want us to keep enhancing the reading experience in ticket UI to quickly gather the ticket context and help agents read faster and inturn be more productive when resolving tickets. Here are a few of our top takeaways from the session:

On our new UI approaches:

  • Colors to distinguish between agent and end user messages seem like the right direction.
  • Keyboard controls to skip through messages is helpful to navigate.
  • Channel icons help gather the channel information quickly.

You want more ways to customize the look and feel of conversation log, like:

  • Ability to decide how messages should be aligned, agent on the right, end user on the left or all on the left.
  • Ability to change the font size and message background colors.

Feedback on the proposed "Pinned Note" feature:

  • You loved the idea of pinning an important note.
  • Majority of you expected to be able to pin an existing internal note instead of creating a new one.
  • You expect the note to live in the conversation history in the event it is unpinned. Auditing is a major requirement for this feature. Every comment needs to be captured and scanned.
  • You also expect triggers to work well with pinned notes.

Feedback on the proposed "Collapsed Messages" feature:

  • It will be a big help for the lengthy or detailed messages.
  • You would like Ctrl + F to work for the collapsed details as well.

Thank you for providing all the valuable insights as we work towards making the current reading experience more efficient. We will continue to provide updates as we work towards releasing some of these features. Please continue to provide your valuable feedback here.

See you all in the community.

Amisha Sharma, Lucy Liao, Rachna Keswani, Lisa Kelly

Resources from our event

Video Recording
Presentation Deck

已于 2024年5月10日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa







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Zendesk Community Post Relate Recap

This year’s Relate was a powerhouse of innovation and connection, featuring a full house of Zendesk community leaders. We’re thrilled to share the highlights and insights from our gathering in Las Vegas for those who joined us and anyone who missed out. Here’s everything you need to know about the announcements and amazing engagements at Relate 2024!


Key Announcements from Relate 2024

Exciting Updates on Our Customer Experience Tools: Next-Gen AI and Agent Copilot

At Relate, we've rolled out new updates to our customer service technology, including next-gen AI agents and the Agent Copilot. These tools are made to help teams simplify and personalize how they interact with customers.

  • Autonomous Interactions: AI agents can independently handle inquiries, providing tailored solutions by tapping into comprehensive knowledge bases. This autonomy has greatly improved efficiency.
  • Agent Copilot Support: Enhancements in support for our agents included utilizing historical data to optimize workflows and anticipate customer needs better. This approach has allowed us to be more proactive in our customer service.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Faster responses and more precise solutions have been key results from these AI-driven tools, leading to improved customer satisfaction scores.

Improvements in Workforce Management (WFM) and Quality Assurance (QA)

In response to the evolving challenges in managing customer service operations, we have deployed AI-powered tools. These are designed to streamline processes and help ensure high quality in every interaction.

  • Predictive Workforce Tools: Advanced forecasting algorithms that help teams dynamically adjust staffing levels, ensuring that we always have the right resources when needed.
  • Comprehensive QA Features: Better evaluations of AI-agent interactions, helping teams maintain high service standards and identify opportunities for agent development.
  • Operational Efficiency and Satisfaction: These tools will lead to quicker issue resolutions and sustained high customer satisfaction, boosting overall service efficiency.

Building Trust in AI: Ensuring Security and Compliance in Technology Deployments

The integration of AI into our customer service platforms has been crucial. We have developed effective security measures and strict controls over AI applications to adhere to today's high standards of data protection and compliance.

  • Robust Security and Compliance: Comprehensive security features and compliance support, helping teams to navigate regulatory challenges while safeguarding customer data.
  • Proactive Data Management: AI tools made to proactively manage data, identifying and redacting sensitive information to enhance privacy.
  • Enhancing Customer Trust: Prioritizing security and transparency in our AI implementations to better strengthen customer trust and commit to enhancing relationships through technology.

Upcoming Community Deep Dives

The Zendesk Community at Relate

Luminaries Lounge 

This year, the Zendesk Community had its very own lounge where attendees could take a breather, recharge their batteries (mentally and electronically), and connect with others. It was fantastic to meet so many new and long-term community members, many of whom signed up for our Luminaries program at Relate. For those who joined, a big welcome, and we can’t wait to connect with you digitally and in person next year!

Community Question Wall

It wouldn’t have truly been a community experience at Relate without a place to ask questions. Luckily we had everyone covered with our Community Question Wall! It was amazing seeing everyone posting their questions, providing  responses and sharing their knowledge.  We’ll be publishing those questions and answers in the community over the next couple of days, be sure to follow the “Announcements” topic to get notifications when those are live. 


Build a Lego mini-me 

Creativity and expression was a “block”buster hit with so many people building little self portraits at our Lego space. Attendees created mini fantastical versions of themselves with a menagerie of Lego parts, displayed them for all to see, and made profile cards showcasing their 'CX Superpowers' to share with others. It was amazing to see so many people meeting each other and witness the amazing creativity of those in attendance and we can’t wait to have more way for you to unleash your creativity at next year’s Relate! 

Rockstar Community Members

Community Leaders on Stage

The Zendesk User Groups were live and in-person for the first time ever this year in Las Vegas. The Enterprise, Admin, AI, and SMB User Groups hosted meetups, giving group members a chance to meet, talk, and learn from one another.  Thank you to Brandon Tidd, Michael Locurcio, Eric Nelson, Tiffany Bellah, Anthony Stenhouse, and Nicholas Erickson for doing such an amazing job Leading these meetups and sharing your insightful knowledge with everyone else at Relate. We look forward to more opportunities to bring our User Groups together in person in the future!

Relate Connections: Happy Hour & Dinner

It was great to see so many community members at our Relate happy hour and appreciation dinner. Gathering poolside provided a fantastic opportunity for everyone to connect, network and have a little fun in the sun. During our Luminaries appreciation dinner, we were thrilled to express our gratitude to those who have made significant contributions to all our user-led programs. These gatherings offered more than just excellent networking opportunities; they also allowed time to relax, members to meet face-to-face, and create memorable experiences before everyone returned home.

A Message from Drew Frey - Sr. Manager, User Group & Luminaries Programs

Thank you all for attending this year's Relate conference! We appreciate the effort and expense it takes to travel, often from great distances, and your presence means a lot to us. We hope the conference was as enriching for you as it was for us.

Face-to-face meetings are invaluable for building connections, and thanks to our wonderful Luminaries and User Group Leaders, this year was especially memorable. Our special community activations, including the Luminaries Lounge, dedicated networking sessions hosted by our User Group Leaders, happy hours, dinners and more, were key to the lively and successful atmosphere.

Thank you again for your enthusiasm and participation throughout the week. As we reflect on this year, we’re excited to make Relate 2025 even more memorable and impactful. We can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish together next year!

Drew Frey - Zendesk Sr. Manager, User Programs


A Message from Brandon Tidd - Zendesk Architect of our 729 Solutions.

In just three days, I was able to make over 50 meaningful connections with other Zendesk enthusiasts, employees and engaged customers (and walk over 25 miles).  But now, the real work begins. With every Relate comes a plethora of new features to unpack and understand, as well as new workflows to architects that weren’t possible before. The AI product offerings will continue to evolve over the next year, and the other recently acquired brands will become more integrated into the product. 

Where there are new elements to connect and explore, 729 Solutions is committed to being on the front lines, with and for our clients, to assist in maximizing your ROI and efficiency with the tools that are available to you. I’ve never been more excited to be a part of Zendesk’s journey, and I’m already looking forward to seeing everyone (and you?) at next year’s event. There’s a 50% chance my body will have fully recovered by then. 

Brandon Tidd - Zendesk Architect at 729 Solutions


What’s Next in the Community?

User Groups

Zendesk User Groups are based on location, role, or subject area, and you can join more than one group. These are run by community volunteers who regularly plan events and meetups for their chapter. Events may be in-person, virtual, or hybrid, depending on the preferences and needs of the individual group.


Upcoming User Groups



Luminaries is a gathering of Zendesk enthusiasts who share stories and experiences and is for current Zendesk customers. Being part of the Luminaries program gives you access to opportunities to shine. For those who would like to join you can request access today and a member of the Luminaries team will reach out promptly. 

Special thanks to our Luminaries who presented at Relate ‘24!


Brandon Tidd
Michael Locurcio
Eric Nelson
Tiffany Bellah
Anthony Stenhouse
Nicholas Erickson



The Zendesk Community is your place to connect with your peers to learn, share, and collaborate. Have a question, looking for tips for others, have some feedback you’d like to share? Well the Zendesk Community is here to help and the place for all those things along with learning from other Zendesk users. Sign up and make your first post today to get your Zendesk Community journey started.

Zendesk Community Sign Up


Links & Resources From Relate

On Demand Recording

Zendesk Luminaries Sign-Up

Zendesk User Groups

Zendesk Relate ‘24 Press Release

已于 2024年5月08日 编辑 · Devan La Spisa





