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Ben Van Iten

Joined Apr 14, 2021


Last activity Mar 26, 2025

Zendesk Digital Resources Team





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Latest activity by Ben Van Iten

Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with user management

Issue symptoms

I get an error when I try to import users or organizations into my Zendesk account.

Resolution steps

The majority of errors related to user or organization import are a result of formatting issues in the CSV file.

If you have a specific error message you are looking for, check the table below for potential solutions.

Error message


Your CSV file request frequency limit has been exceeded. Try again later CSV (comma separated values) exports are limited to 100,000 results per hour and per user.
UTF-8 Errors This error is created when the uploaded file isn't in a UTF-8 format. See this article for more detail: How can I fix the UTF-8 error when bulk uploading users?
Upload failed. File type is not supported. The file must be a CSV file. If you use a CSV but still get this error, consider passing the file through Google Sheets as described in the tip at the bottom of this article to fix any potential encoding issues.
Failed to process row. Import aborted. These errors occur because of an issue with the formatting of the CSV file. To ensure that you format the file correctly, review the guidelines in this document: Bulk importing users.
Column 'user_id' cannot be null These errors occur because of an issue with the formatting of the CSV file. To ensure that you are formatting the file correctly, review the guidelines in this document: Bulk importing users.
User_id is invalid Include the user_id field in the header of one of the columns of your CSV file. 
Missing mandatory field in header: name The name field is required when you bulk import new users via a CSV file. See the article: Bulk importing users.
 403 error This usually occurs when the import feature isn't enabled for your account.

If you still experience an error when importing, try these common troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the first row of your file to make sure you have all the required headers for importing.
  2. Check your CSV file for any formatting issues or unsupported characters.
  3. Copy and paste your data into a new CSV file to avoid formatting issues. 
Tip: If you have trouble with an unknown error, upload your CSV file to Google Sheets, and re-download the file in a CSV format. This process ensures the sheet is encoded correctly and can solve a number of import errors.

These general resources should also help you get your users and organizations imported smoothly:

Edited Sep 06, 2024 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with live chat

Issue symptoms

When I attempt to comment on a ticket I receive this error: View only. You need to have Chat enabled to reply to this conversation. 


Resolution steps

This error occurs when the user attempting to comment on the ticket doesn't have a Chat license. If you're an admin, you can fix this issue yourself. If you are not an admin, contact your team so that you can be given the correct access.

For steps on how to grant product access to an agent, see this article: How do I grant an agent access to a product? [Video]

For more information, see these articles:

Edited Mar 28, 2023 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with live chat


We only have one license for Zendesk Chat and are trying to transfer this to another member of the team. How do I do this? Why is there not an option to transfer the Chat seat?


In this scenario, the Zendesk Customer Support team often has to facilitate the creation of a temporary agent seat to make this transfer work properly. Contact Zendesk Customer Support for further assistance.

Edited Aug 02, 2024 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with messaging

Issue symptoms

When I try to view a ticket, I receive the error: Conversation in progress. An agent is talking to this customer.

Conversation in progress

Resolution steps

This error means that you aren't authorized to view the ticket due to your permissions. You will need to be granted access to Chat. If you are an admin, you can enable this access yourself. If you aren't an admin, contact your team for further assistance.

For steps on how to grant product access to an agent, see this article: How do I grant an agent access to a product? [Video]

For more information, see these articles:

Edited Nov 29, 2022 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with support and ticketing


I previously had access to export data in my Zendesk account. Why is that option missing?


The ability to export data to a JSON, CSV, or XML file is limited to administrators on the account and agents with a custom role that includes report editing permissions. If this function is still vital for your role, contact an admin on your account. The admin can either export the data on your behalf, or upgrade your permissions.

For more information, see these articles:

Edited Jan 22, 2024 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with live chat


My team has never utilized Chat with Zendesk, but I notice that it is now on my account. Why do I suddenly have access to Chat?



When your account is upgraded to a Suite account, you will have access to the multiple features that you did not purchase individually. Zendesk Chat is one of these features.

You can verify your plan type by viewing your subscription page at Admin Center > Account > Billing > Subscription. If you're an administrator, you can choose your subdomain below to view this page.

For more information, see these articles:

Edited Nov 16, 2022 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with messaging

Issue symptoms

Our customers sent messages through Instagram Direct, but no tickets are being created in Zendesk.

Resolution steps

This can occur when an Instagram update causes a desync between your Zendesk account and Instagram Direct.

  1. Remove Instagram Direct from your account. Go to Admin Center > Messaging and social > Messaging.
  2. On the channel you want to remove, select the options menu () and click Delete.
  3. Select Delete channel in the window popup.
  4. Unlink your Zendesk integration from the users on Instagram.
  5. Re-add the Instagram channel back to your Zendesk account.

The tickets that were not created previously should populate in your account.

For more information, see this article: There is no option to add Instagram to my account.

Edited Aug 08, 2023 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with messaging

Issue symptoms

When I try to add a second Instagram account, I do not see that account show up in the drop down menu.


  • The Instagram account you are trying to add is connected to your Facebook Business Manager account.
  • You are an admin on the Instagram account.

Resolution steps

  1. Start by uninstalling the first Instagram account you have integrated with your Zendesk account.
  2. Remove any Facebook pages from Zendesk that are connected to your Instagram accounts.
  3. From inside of your Facebook account, remove Zendesk as one of the business integrations associated with your account. For more information, see this external article: How do I edit the privacy and settings for my business integrations or remove them from Facebook?
  4. From inside of your Zendesk account, add the Facebook page again.
  5. Then re-add all of the Instagram accounts. The accounts that you were not able to see before should now be visible.
Note: You can connect multiple Instagram accounts to one Facebook Business page, but each Instagram page needs to be connected to its own Facebook page as a 1:1 ratio.

For more information, see these articles:

Edited Jul 25, 2023 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with messaging

Issue symptoms

When I try to add my Facebook account to Zendesk, Facebook Messenger isn't listed as a channel I can add. There is no option to add Facebook. How can I connect Zendesk to Facebook Messenger?

I can't see Facebook is social messaging

Resolution steps

How you connect your Facebook channel to Zendesk differs according to your plan and whether or not the Zendesk Agent Workspace is enabled on your account.

From a Zendesk Suite plan

  1. Ensure that the Zendesk Agent Workspace is enabled.
  2. Connect your Facebook page.
  3. In the page settings, enable Include private messages and Update page settings

Include private messages Facebook

From a non-Zendesk Suite plan

  1. If you have a Support plan, enable the social messaging add-on by purchasing itSocial Messaging add-on in Product subscription.png
    If you don't have the add-on, when you try to connect to Facebook Messenger, this error will appear: You need Social Messaging to set up Facebook Messenger. An account owner can purchase it for your subscription.
  2. Once you purchased the add-on, install Facebook in your account

From all plans, confirm your account is connected

Once you completed the steps for your plan, create a view and test your integration:

  1. Create a view
  2. Add the below conditions under Tickets must meet all of these conditions to appear in the view:
    • Status category | Less than | Solved
    • Channel | Is | Facebook Messenger
      View conditions to show solved tickets.png
  3. Click Save
  4. Send a test private message to your Facebook page
    private message test on facebook
  5. Go to Support and find the ticket in the new view you created to confirm that the integration is successful

Edited Jan 17, 2025 · Ben Van Iten







Ben Van Iten created an article,

ArticleHelp with messaging


I want to integrate Facebook Messenger with my account. Do I need to add social messaging to my account first?


If you're on a Suite plan, you're able to integrate social messaging channels into your account without any additional upgrades. However, if you're using Zendesk Support on a non-suite plan you will need to purchase the social messaging add-on first.

Administrators can verify their plan by navigating to Admin Center > Billing > Subscription. Suite plans will be noted here.

Zendesk Suite Plan

Non-suite accounts will list products individually on the subscription page.

Non suite plan

Click on the button below to navigate directly to the subscription settings in your account.

For more information, see these articles:

Edited May 30, 2024 · Ben Van Iten





