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Elizabeth Williams

Joined Oct 21, 2021


Last activity Mar 21, 2025

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Elizabeth Williams commented,


New EAP for Guide

AI translations for articles

AI translations for articles lets you generate translations for articles directly within the article editor, making it easier to provide support in multiple languages.

Learn more about the AI translations for articles EAP

View comment · Posted Feb 25, 2025 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams created an article,

ArticleUsing Guide
Suite Any plan
Support with Guide, any plan
Important: The GA rollout of generative search begins April 1st, 2025 and will be on by default in Guide settings. Generative search won't be visible to end users until the feature is generally available on May 5th. Beginning April 1st, if you want to opt out of this feature, you can deactivate generative search results by turning off the Quick Answers search setting in every help center in which you want to remove the feature.

Generative search provides AI-generated answers to users' search queries in your help center based on your content. When generative search is activated, users can view generated answers without clicking through search results or scanning related articles. However, users can still easily click into the articles for more information, because the generated answer is derived from the primary search results.

Generative search is available with all Zendesk Suite and Guide plans. All Zendesk Suite and Guide plans include up to 100,000 eligible searches that produce generative search results. This includes search queries of two words or more for supported languages that display generated answers on the search results page. If you exceed 100,000 searches, you can buy the Generative Search Extender add-on to perform additional searches. To do so, contact Zendesk Sales.

Note: Generative search is available by default in standard themes and themes that were customized after March 25, 2025. If your help center was created before March 25, 2025 and uses a customized theme, you must update your custom theme to add generative search. Generative search is available for all templating API versions. See Help center templating cookbook.
This article includes the following sections: Related articles:

About generative search for help center

Generative search works by evaluating the question that a user enters in the help center search. The top matching articles and posts are evaluated by generative AI, which then generates an answer. On Enterprise plans with federated search configured, the generative AI also evaluates external content and can be included in the answer. The generated answer is posted by default at the top of the search results.

Generative search is activated by default in your help center. To deactivate this feature, see Viewing and managing your search settings.

The quality of a generated answer depends on the following:
  • Quality of your knowledge base: Because generative answers are based on your help center and your external content, the quality of the answer depends on the quality of your knowledge base.
  • Search input: Depending on the format and structure of the search query, you may not see a generated answer for every search. For the best results, avoid one- or two-word search queries, and instead, structure your search query as a phrase, sentence, or question. Additionally, if there are no articles, posts, or external content that match the search, an answer can't be generated.

Updating your help center theme

To use generative search, your theme must include the {{generative_answers}} helper. Newer accounts already include this helper, but accounts with themes that were customized prior to March 25, 2025 must add it.

To update your custom theme

  1. In Guide, click the Customize design icon () in the sidebar.

    The Themes page opens.

  2. Click Customize on the theme you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit code.

  4. Under Templates, click search_results.hbs.
  5. Add the {{generative_answers}} helper code to the theme's search_results.hbs template where you want the generative answers to appear.

  6. Click Save.
  7. After activating, if you find that the Quick answer box UI doesn't match the fonts and colors of your custom theme, this could be due to one of the following:
    • You have the required settings in the theme settings interface. However, the settings values are not set to match your theme, because your theme's look and feel is hardcoded in your CSS file. To update the color and font settings, see Branding your help center.
    • You do not have some or all of the settings in the theme settings interface. If this is the case, you'll need to add the settings and set their values to match the rest of your theme. To do this, you can update your manifest.json file with the following identifiers from Github, replacing the value of each identifier with the font or color code that matches your theme:
      • Color settings identifiers:
        • text_color
        • link_color
        • hover_link_color
        • visited_link_color
      • Fonts settings identifiers
        • heading_font
        • text_font

Edited Mar 26, 2025 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams created an article,

ArticleUsing Guide

Service catalog and Approvals early access programs (EAPs) require theme updates in order for end users to view and use the EAP features. Depending on whether you're using a standard or custom theme, you can either update your theme to the new Copenhagen (Beta) version, or download the features from Github and add them to your custom theme.

Before updating your live theme, make and retain a copy of the theme in case you need to revert your changes.
Important: Service catalog requires templating API v4. If you're using v3 or lower, upgrade to v4 before updating your custom theme.

Adding and updating the Copenhagen (Beta) theme

If you're using the Copenhagen theme as a standard theme (or if you want to get up and running quickly), you can add the Copenhagen (Beta) theme to your help center, then update it with your current Copenhagen theme settings (such as colors or logo).

To add and update the Copenhagen (Beta) theme

  1. In Knowledge admin, click Customize design () in the sidebar.

    The Themes page opens.

  2. Click the Add themes drop-down list, then select Add Copenhagen theme (Beta).

    The new theme appears in your Theme library.

  3. If you're using the standard Copenhagen theme and want to import customized settings (such as colors or logos) to the Copenhagen (Beta) theme, then click the options menu icon () on the Copenhagen (Beta) theme, and select Apply settings.

  4. Select the theme from which you want to import your customized settings, then click Apply. You can only select from standard Copenhagen themes.

    All settings from the selected theme will be copied to the Copenhagen (Beta) theme.

  5. When you are ready to make the Copenhagen (Beta) theme live, click the options menu icon () on the Copenhagen (Beta) theme, then select Set as live theme.
  6. Confirm that you want to make this theme live for your help center.

    The theme moves to the top of the page and is applied to your live help center.

Adding EAP features to a custom theme

If you're using a custom theme, you can download and add the following features to your theme:
To add EAP features to a custom theme
  1. Check the templating API version for your custom theme. If you are not using templating API v4, follow the instructions to upgrade before you continue.
  2. Download your live help center theme and unzip the theme folder.
  3. If you are using the:
  4. Click the Download raw file icon on each template and asset file to download.

  5. Add the template files (.hbs) to the templates folder in your unzipped live theme.
  6. Copy all assets to the assets folder in your unzipped live theme.
  7. Add the code snippet here to the document_head.hbs template, then delete any existing script starting with <script type="importmap">.
  8. If necessary, you can customize the page templates.
  9. Zip the theme and upload it to your help center.
  10. When you're ready, change the live theme of your help center to the theme you just downloaded.

Edited Mar 25, 2025 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams commented,



Service catalog

The service catalog is a ticket channel built for employee service that lets employees easily find and request employee services and assets from internal departments via the help center.

Learn more about the Service catalog EAP

View comment · Posted Jan 29, 2025 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams created an article,

ArticleUsing Guide
Attention: The features described in this article are currently available in an early access program (EAP). You can sign up for the EAP here. You must have the Copilot add-on and be registered in the new article editor EAP to use AI translations for articles.

AI translations for articles is an AI-powered feature that lets you quickly create article translations from within the article editor. If your help center is configured to support multiple languages, you can use the AI translation tool to quickly and easily populate an article with translated content. AI translations for articles supports all languages currently supported by Guide.

For example, you can create an article using American English as the default language, then use the translation panel to add a French translation. Instead of manually adding content that you translated into French, you can use the AI translation tool to have generative AI do the translating for you. When the translation is complete, the translated content automatically appears in the translated article editor, where you can verify it before publishing.

Note: The AI translations for articles EAP does not support content blocks.


AI translations for articles is part of the Advanced AI enhance writing feature and is turned on by default when you have the Copilot add-on. To learn how to turn this feature on and off, see Turning on the enhance writing generative AI feature.

Translating article content

AI translations for articles uses generative AI to provide article translations. You can use the AI translation tool within the article editor to translate default language content into any language supported by your help center.

To translate article content
  1. In your help center or Knowledge admin, create a new article or edit an existing article.
  2. In the article editor, click the Translation panel icon () on the collapsible panel.

  3. Click the Add language icon (+) to add a new language.
  4. Select a language for the translation you want to add from the list, then click Add.

    This list displays all languages that you've enabled across all brands in your account. If you do not see a list of languages, then you first need to enable languages for your help center (see Configuring your help center to support multiple languages).

  5. Click the Translate button on the article title bar.

    The system uses AI to generate a translated version of the original text.

  6. Review the translated content, then click Add translation to add the translated content to the article and return to the article editor.
  7. (Optional) Click the Preview button in the article editor to preview the translation in Preview mode.
  8. Click Save.
  9. When you're ready to publish your article, click the drop-down arrow on the Save button, then select Publish.

Retranslating an AI-generated translation

You can use the AI translation tool within the article editor to retranslate content that's already been translated.

To retranslate article content
  1. In your help center, navigate to the article you want to retranslate, then click Edit article in the top menu bar.
  2. Click the Translation panel icon () on the collapsible panel.

  3. In the Translations panel, select the language that you want to retranslate.
  4. Click the Enhance writing icon () in the article editor toolbar, then select Translate.

    The system uses AI to generate a translated version of the original text.

  5. Review the translated content, then click Replace translation to replace the article translation and return to the article editor.
  6. Review the translated content in the article editor or click the Preview button to preview the translation in Preview mode.
  7. Click Save.
  8. When you're ready to publish your article, click the drop-down arrow on the Save button, then select Publish.

Edited Mar 25, 2025 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams commented,


Zendesk is removing Guide Content Cues on May 1, 2025. For more information, see Announcing the removal of Guide Content Cues.

View comment · Posted Jan 14, 2025 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams created an article,

ArticleUsing Guide
Attention: The features described in this article are currently available in an early access program (EAP). You can sign up for the EAP here.

The service catalog contains the service items that employees can request as part of the employee service experience. Service catalog items are pages in the service catalog, where Guide admins can create and publish both digital and physical services that employees can request from their help center.

When an employee requests a service from the service catalog, a ticket is created and linked to the service catalog item. Agents can use the Zendesk Agent Workspace to address the request and solve the ticket.

View full size

The service catalog EAP marks the beginning of the development of a robust service catalog experience.

About the EAP Availability

The service catalog EAP is available for users on Zendesk Suite Growth, Professional and Enterprise plans. However, when the service catalog moves out of EAP and is released, it will be available only for Employee Service (ES) Suite plans. This means that while you can try out this feature on your Zendesk Suite instance, it will not be available on Zendesk Suite long term.

For more details about the release plan, and for a list of EAP participant requirements, see Announcing the service catalog EAP.

Turning on the service catalog

By default, the service catalog is not activated in your account. You can turn on the service catalog to activate the feature and gain access to the admin interface, where you can create and manage services.

To turn on the service catalog

  1. In Knowledge admin, click Settings () in the sidebar.
  2. If you have multiple help centers, click the brand selector, then select the help center where you want to turn on the service catalog.

  3. Under Service catalog, select Turn on service catalog.

  4. Click Update.

    The service catalog icon appears in the sidebar (). You can click this icon to create and manage services. See Creating services and View and edit services below.

Updating your theme

In order for employee end users to view and use the service catalog in your help center, you must first make sure that your theme supports the service catalog. Depending on the type of theme you are using, you can either use the beta version of the standard Copenhagen theme to support the service catalog, or you can add service catalog functionality to a custom theme.

See Updating your theme with EAP features for detailed instructions and resources on how to update your theme for the service catalog EAP.

Creating services

When you create and publish a service, it's added to the service catalog items list and is available for employees to request from their service catalog.

When you create service catalog items, accompanying ticket forms with the prefix "Service request" are created automatically. A ticket field called "Service" is also automatically created on your instance when you start using the service catalog. Do not edit or delete these ticket forms or ticket fields via the Admin center or API as it may break the service catalog experience.

You must be a Guide admin to create services.

To create a service catalog item
  1. In Knowledge admin, click Service catalog () in the sidebar.
  2. Click Create service.
  3. Add the Title and description for the service.

    The title and description are used to identify the service to end users on the related catalog page. When users select the service, the full description appears on the service catalog page for that service.

  4. Click Add field to begin adding ticket fields to the service.

    Ticket fields allow users to provide more details about their specific request. For example, if you are adding an Apple MacBook Pro to your service catalog, you might want to add fields for storage size, shipping address, or other details.

  5. From the Available fields list in the sidebar, click the Add (+) icon on the fields you want to add to your service.

    If the field that you are looking for isn't in the Available fields list, you can create a new field in Admin Center. In order for fields to appear in the service catalog, field permissions must be set to Customers can edit.

  6. When you are finished working on your service, do one of the following:
    • To save the service as a draft or work in progress to publish later, click Save draft.
    • When you're ready to publish the service, click the drop-down arrow on the Save draft button, then select Publish.

      The service now appears in the service catalog. See the following section on View and edit services to learn how to work with published services.

View and edit services

After you've created services for your service catalog, you can make changes to those services as needed. You can edit services to update the title, description, and fields associated with the service.

You must be a Guide admin to view and edit services.

To view and edit services
  1. In Knowledge admin, click Service catalog () in the sidebar..

    A list appears, displaying all services in your service catalog.

  2. To view details about the service, click the service title to open the service page. At the top of the page, you can click the information () icon to view when the service was published and by whom.

  3. Edit the available fields:
    • Title and description: Click in the fields and begin typing to edit the content.
    • Fields: You can click the:
      • Edit () icon to open the Field details page in Admin Center, where you can edit the field values and options.
      • Remove () icon to remove the field from the service. The field will reappear in the Available fields list in the sidebar.
  4. When you are finished making changes, click Publish to update the service in the catalog with your changes.
    Note: You can also unpublish the service by clicking the drop-down arrow on the Publish button, then selecting Unpublish. Unpublished services are removed from the service catalog, but remain in your services list for future use.

Delete or unpublish services

If you no longer want to display a service in your employee-facing service catalog, you can:
  • Unpublish the service to remove it from the service catalog but keep for future use.
  • Delete the service to remove it from the services list. Deleted services cannot be restored.

You must be a Guide admin to unpublish and delete services.

To delete or unpublish services

  1. In Knowledge admin, click Service catalog () in the sidebar..

  2. Click the More actions () icon next to the service you want to unpublish or delete, then select:
    • Unpublish to remove the service from the service catalog. The service status reverts to Draft.
    • Delete to permanently delete the service from your account. Review the warning, then click Delete service.

Requesting services (Employees)

Employees can submit service requests using the service catalog in your help center. When employees submit their request, a ticket is opened and agents assigned to the ticket can work to resolve it.

To request a service
  1. Click Services in the upper right of any help center page to open the service catalog.

  2. Select a service to open the request page.

  3. Enter details about your service request in the available fields, then click Submit request.

    A ticket is created and opened for the employee to review.

  4. If the item has fields to specify additional options (for example, RAM for a laptop) select the option that you want.
  5. Click Submit request.

    A ticket is created and placed in the unassigned queue for an agent to address.

Edited Mar 25, 2025 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams created an article,

ArticleUsing Guide
Suite Any plan
Support with Guide, any plan

When creating and editing articles, you can preview how your article will look, even before you save your changes. Article previews open in a new browser tab and can be refreshed each time you add or edit content in the article editor.

Because article preview allows you to see how your article will appear in the help center both before and after you save an article, it's an effective tool for making sure content appears correctly before saving. You can discard unwanted changes before you save the article, preventing necessary rework.

Previewing unpublished articles

When you create a new article, you can preview how the article will appear in your help center, both before and after saving.

To preview unpublished articles
  1. Create a new article.
  2. Click the Preview button.

    The article opens in a new tab in Preview mode.

  3. To make and preview additional edits, leave the Preview tab open and do the following:
    1. Return to the article editor and add or update content.
    2. Click the Preview tab to return to the Preview tab you already have open.
    3. Refresh the browser page to display the new edits or additions.

    When you're ready, you can save and publish the article. See Creating and editing articles in the knowledge base.

Previewing edits to published articles

When editing a published article, you can preview either the edits you are making on the published version of the article.

To preview edits to published articles

  1. Add or edit content in an article.
  2. Click the arrow next to the Preview button to select one of the following options:
    • Published article - Last published version of the article. This opens the version that is live in your help center.
    • Preview - Current saved or unsaved version of the published article that you are editing. This version opens in a new tab in Preview mode and displays the changes you have made to the article.

  3. To make and preview additional edits, leave the Preview tab open and do the following:
    • Return to the article editor and add or update content.
    • Click the Preview tab to return to the Preview mode.
    • Refresh the browser page to display the new edits or additions.

    When you're ready, you can save and publish the article. See Creating and editing articles in the knowledge base.

Edited Mar 25, 2025 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams created an article,

ArticleWhat's new in Zendesk


Click Follow in the What's New section to be notified each month when the What's New is published.

Check out what's new in the last month:

Also don't miss:


  • Agent copilot is the new name for a set of existing, upgraded, and new AI features that are designed to make agents as efficient as possible. These features surface helpful insights and proactively suggest next steps, increasing agent efficiency as well as customer satisfaction. See About agent copilot.

  • Suggested macros are now supported in subsequent ticket comments, rather than only the first ticket comment. Agents can now see suggested macros across the whole ticket lifecycle, promoting more aligned responses and a lower ticket handle time. See Applying suggested macros to tickets.

  • Form ticket statuses let admins define which ticket statuses should appear in certain ticket forms. Associating ticket statuses to forms allows you to only show ticket statuses that are relevant to the ticket an agent is working on. See About form ticket statuses.
  • Explore has a new intelligent triage dashboard. See Analyzing your intelligent triage activity.
  • You can now use CC'd and Followers as conditions for your Views. Using these conditions in Views checks whether or not specific users have been CC'd or are following a ticket. See Creating views to build customized lists of tickets.

Objects and rules

Admin Center

  • Admin Home has been improved to provide additional information about your account. The home page in Admin Center has been personalized to provide account information, feature usage details, and better visibility into Zendesk product updates. See Using Zendesk Admin Center.

  • Admin Center includes a new Discover page with suggested product and feature upgrades. If your account is eligible, you'll see upgrade suggestions on this page. You can try out an upgrade free of charge for 30 days. See Trying out a product or feature upgrade. 

  • A product category filter is available for the More products list on the Subscription page in Admin Center. If the list of available products is too long to view easily, use this filter to narrow down your choices. See Buying more products


  • Deleting end users in bulk has moved to the Customers page in Support. Feedback is now shown on the page when the bulk deletion completes. If an error occurs, such as when an end user has unclosed tickets, detailed feedback displays so that you can quickly resolve the issue. See Deleting end users.

  • You can now bulk import users with the data importer, in addition to organizations and custom object records. The data importer provides a more consistent bulk import experience and provides an import history report. See Bulk importing users.

Messaging and AI agents

  • Agents can suspend users from the messaging ticket interface. When an agent suspends a user on a messaging ticket, the customer can no longer participate in that messaging conversation or start a new conversation. See Suspending messaging users.

  • End users can conduct multiple, separate messaging conversations simultaneously. Admins can turn on multi-conversations for their account through the Admin Center and select the channels through which users can start new conversations.

    Agents will continue to see all incoming conversations linked to a user's profile, just as they do today, making it easy to view and address multiple conversations from an end user. See Understanding multi-conversations.


  • The default automation that delivers a CSAT survey has been enhanced. The request link has been moved from the CSAT section to the automation body, making it easier to remove if necessary. In addition, the {{satisfaction.survey_section}} placeholder now expands into a CSAT question with a rating scale. See Understanding the email channel CSAT end-user experience.

    You can also now use the public API to view a CSAT survey response for a ticket. See Survey response submitted event and Survey Responses.
  • Agents can now use the Guide media library to share their media files with other agents in their account. When an agent shares a media file that they’ve uploaded, it’s tagged as "Shared" and becomes accessible to all other agents who have access to the media library. The media file can then be used in articles created by the agents. Shared media files can only be unshared or deleted by the content writer who originally shared them. See Working with images in the media library.

Zendesk QA

  • The Assignments dashboard has new features. The new Assignments dashboard offers detailed insights into assignment completions, providing statistics on specific assignments, reviewers, and reviewees. Track team-level goals and the number of tickets replaced or removed from workflows. See Accessing and viewing the Assignments dashboard in Zendesk QA.

Zendesk WFM

  • The logic for the 'Any' and 'All' conditions in Zendesk WFM workstreams has been refined to enhance the overall user experience. This improves clarity and ensures more predictable results when setting up your workstreams. See Creating workstreams.


  • You can relay authenticated email using the new Authenticated SMTP Connector. The connector lets you connect a non-Zendesk email server to your Zendesk Support instance. It's ideal for organizations that prefer to use their own email servers or can't use third-party email servers due to internal corporate policies, data regulations, or encryption needs. See About the Authenticated SMTP Connector.
  • Zendesk has started rolling out two-step verification to enhance account security. If team members sign in using Zendesk authentication (email and password) from a new device, they are prompted for a 6-digit code they must retrieve from their primary email address before they can sign in. See About two-step verification.


Edited Oct 31, 2024 · Elizabeth Williams







Elizabeth Williams commented,


Article multiplacement EAP

With article multiplacement, you can create one article and place it in up to ten different sections across all brands in your help center. When you update the content of the article, the content of related placements are also updated and published. This powerful feature makes it possible to create content once and share it between multiple sections and brands.


Sign up for the article multiplacement EAP here.

View comment · Edited Sep 26, 2024 · Elizabeth Williams





