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Explore recipes reference

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

We've added four new Explore recipes that help you take advantage of the new Calls dataset for Zendesk Sell: 


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team


Hi! We mainly rely on tags for our queries, and I wanted to ask whether there's a way to report about the number of tickets containing a certain tag vs. the total number of tickets for that day or month. Thanks! 


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Ilaria, you should be able to do this by following these steps:

  1. Create a standard calculated attribute with a formula similar to this example (replace "blue" with whatever tag you want to report on):
    IF (CONTAINS([Ticket tags],"blue")) THEN "Blue"
    ELSE "Other tags" ENDIF 
  2. Add your standard calculated attribute in the Rows panel, and add D_COUNT(Tickets) in the Metrics panel.
  3. Add a result path calculation with a % of total pattern and an On rows path.
  4. Add a filter of Ticket created - Date in the Filters panel, and set it to whatever day or month you want to report on.

Optionally, you can also follow these instructions to add a separate column to show the absolute value of tickets in addition to the percentage of the total.


Erin O'Callaghan thank you for this. However, with this, I can see the percentage of tickets tagged "Blue" vs. "Other tags". Is there instead a way to see the tickets tagged "Blue" vs. the number of tickets created? Basically I want to be able to see, for instance, that "On May 16th we received 100 tickets and of these, 80 were tagged blue".  Thanks!


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Ilaria Yep, there is! In that case, you can skip the result path calculation and just add a total on rows instead. In the example report below, you can see that there were 4 tickets tagged with "Blue" out of 24 tickets created total.


Hey team. G-day! A customer would like to have the percentage % of tickets with SLA breached from each assignee (their analysts) on the team to measure individual performance and quality in the operation. Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance!


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Alex Zheng

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Yasmin,
I would start with something like using the % Breached tickets metric and the assignee name attribute in the SLA dataset and you can build on from there.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

We've added a new Explore recipe that helps you keep tabs on the number of tickets your organization has in each status:


Looking at these formulas for ZD Guide I'm wondering - is there a way to report on article views by organization/user email? Looking through the available data points in the stock Explore Knowledge queries, it doesn't appear so.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Elliot, 
AFAIK this isn't possible with Explore at this time. That being said, you may be able to accomplish this using Google Analytics to track this information. I'd recommend starting with this article for more information: Google Analytics and your help center - Part 1: Asking the right questions
I hope this helps!


I would like to know how many tickets were created on weekdays (M-F) and weekends (S-S) but I would like the data split between the day shift and the evening shift. I have created a report that shows weekday and weekend tickets for 2021 and 2022 but how do I overlay the daily shifts. When I apply the group for shifts I get an error. How do i further break down the weekend and weekdays by shifts?


Hi Liz, I think this recipe might be of help – you'd want to create separate standard calculated metrics for each of your shifts: Explore recipe: Filtering reports by business hours


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

We've added a new recipe for Sell that helps you analyze deal progression through the sales pipeline:


Hi team ,

I am looking to create a report for tickets sent from L1 group to L2 group .

So i want to create a table which has the total number of tickets assigned to each agent and out of that how many were transferred to L2 team for  further investigation.

we have  a few unique identifiers like when a L1 agent sends tickets  to L2 , a tag gets added  to the ticket and there is a check box which is checked and also there a drop down filed in which the agent will update his name so that we know that the ticket was sent to L2  by him.

I have tried to  create a report with the tickets assigned per agent.But i am unable to add the column where the  count of  transferred tickets will be displayed .

Could anyone please help me , as i have tried a lot of things and still i am unable to figure out a way for creating the above report which is one of our KPI's we need to track.


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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi GS Admin


I recommend trying out this Explore recipe (Explore recipe: Tracking ticket assigns across groups ) which would show the number of times tickets were assigned from one group to another. Since this is just a recipe, you can customize it as you see fit. You can use this as a guide to creating your ideal report. Hope this helps!


Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

thanks for your response.

I have created created a calculated metric for ticket assigned from one group to another , but i am not sure how i can get the details on how to break down this count to get how many tickets were sent by a particular agent.

If i give assignee name in rows i get the current assignee , but i need count of how many tickets were send from one  group to other group by each support agent.

What we are trying to find out is out of the total tickets assigned to L1 agents monthly how many of these tickets are being sent to L2 for further investigation.

I have report for tickets assigned to agent and another report for tickets sent to L2 we have 2 different reports as we are using different attributes . i want to see if there is  a way where i could display both the values in same report and then calculate the percentage.



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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi GS Admin


You'd need to use the dataset "Updates History" instead of the "Support: Ticket" dataset since you are tracking the updates on the tickets. The "Support: Ticket" dataset won't be able to show you the updates, only the current status of the ticket. More information about datasets here

Once you use the dataset "Updates History", you can then add the attribute "Updater Name" under "Rows" so it would break down the updates from L1/L2. I would also recommend checking out the article metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support. 


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

We've added a new recipe for Support that shows you how to create alternate SLA metrics that use duration instead of status to determine when SLAs are achieved or breached:



I'm trying to figure out how to make reports (such as % satisfaction, good and bad satisfaction per agent) based on the last 100 rated tickets. I just cannot figure it out. I've tried making top/bottom attributes, metrics based on those attributes, all kinds of stuff. I'd think it would be a stock thing to filter based on the last x amount of ticket IDs but I guess not. Please advise before my head explodes.


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Johny,

You can try a workaround involving a custom metric to convert the Ticket ID to a numeric value. Example: 

You can then add this metric to your table and use it to filter your results. 

This Top/bottom filter should give you the top 100 values from the custom metric which should correspond to the 100 most recent tickets submitted to your Zendesk. Since the custom metric is only for sorting/filtering your results, you can hide the metric column from the table. Note that this will only work if your table is sliced by Ticket ID. 
Hope this helps. Thanks Johny!


Hi Gab,

That's an intriguing idea but I've tried it now and the SQL query is being strangled because it's over 50 000 rows.


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Johny,

I see. Yes, adding calculated metrics will add more rows to the underlying calculation. This may be more ideal when working with a relatively smaller set of data. If you plan on exploring more into this workaround, then you may have to filter down your report further or slice the data into separate tables/reports. 


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

We've added a new recipe for Guide that lets you report on the number of article views for help center categories (using a calculated attribute):


Thanks for you work!


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

We've added a new Explore recipe that shows you how to report on messaging tickets by channel:


Hi all,

This sounds pretty basic, but I cannot find a way:

I'd like to have days on the x axis, and sum of tickets by status on y axis. Filtered by dates and ticket organization. Something like on the attached image. Asking for Zendesk Support.

Is this possible?





Benjamin Železnik yeah that's possible.

Use the Support: Backlog history [default] dataset to create your report.

Metrics: SUM(Tickets)
Columns: Backlog recorded - Date
Rows: Status

It should default to a line chart but, if not, click Visualization Type in the sidebar on the right and change it to Line.

If you need to rotate the dates in the X axis, like in your screenshot, select Chart configuration in the sidebar on the right > X axis > Change Label rotation to 45.

To put the status legend at the bottom of the screen, like your screenshot, go to Chart configurationLegend > Change Legend position to Bottom.


Hi Paul K,

Thanks for your swift answer, it was of great help. What I missed most was the "Rows: Status" part.

However, I cannot find the way to filter by ticket organization. Maybe you have another hint for me?


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