To help you get the most from Explore, we've compiled a selection of recipes that help you set up reports and dashboards for many common business scenarios. Feel free to modify these to suit your own business needs. If you'd like to see the most popular recipes, visit our trending recipes article.
Tip: To get notified when we release new recipes, click the Follow button at the top of this article. When we release a new recipe, we'll post a note in the comments section below, and you'll get an email.
The recipes are sorted into the following categories:
Zendesk Support
Getting started
Time tracking and efficiency
Time and date calculations
Customer satisfaction
Users, groups, and organizations
Apps and integrations
Zendesk Chat
Zendesk Messaging
Zendesk Guide
Zendesk Talk
Advanced AI
Custom metrics and attributes
Explore Enterprise
From the community
The recipes in this section have been created by you, our incredible Zendesk community. We love to see what you're doing with Explore and we'll feature the best recipes, tricks, and tips here. Post your best ideas in our community.